Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 16: Surrender

There was a sudden flash of cold in the eyes of the maid holding my leg, and I realized that it was too late. I hurriedly tried to kick her out, but unsuccessfully failed, and the other maids were not posing. The maid holding my leg hung on my lap was not letting go. Although she looks slender and slender, she is a ceramic man and cannot be measured by the weight of human beings. As big as she is at least 200 kilos. My one horizontal kick failed to throw her out, but the other side pounced on her, both legs were trapped, and the action became extremely difficult.

In a hurry, I lifted my hands up for a while, with a purine sound, the blades of both hands popped out. His arms suddenly pressed down, and his fists smashed down to the maid heads on both sides at the same time. The tip of the blade claws first hit them, but I suddenly felt a huge impact from my hands. At the same time, with a harsh scream, the blade claws slid along the heads of the two maids. On both sides, only two Mars were rubbed on top of their heads.

It is said that there is no diamond, no porcelain, no consideration of the meaning of the idiom itself, only from a literal understanding, the hardness of porcelain can only be cut open, it can be said that the actual hardness and glass have a fight, the only disadvantage may Just fragile. However, fragility is caused by the inflexibility. These dolls are made by magic and do not even have problems dancing, but how tough they are. Since toughness does not break, porcelain without this disadvantage is almost on par with diamonds.

The two-handed weapons were all invalid, and the two maids raised their heads and smiled at me evilly, then they each took out a dagger and stabbed at me at the same time. I rely on, but I ca n’t fight, do you want me to be a eunuch? Such an attack would have to be avoided.

A whirlwind flashed around me, instantly changing myself to Silver Moon. "The field of the sun."

The extremely high temperature instantly made the entire cave look like a crater, and the surrounding rocks were melting at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, but my real goal was nothing. The two maids' daggers were hit, but they missed my point. Because Yinyue was shorter than Ziri, the two maids had wrong goals after changing numbers. All plugged into my lower abdomen. Dangerously did not turn me into eunuch.

The maids around rushed up quickly, planning to siege me. The sun field is fatal to most enemies, but there is no way for these maids, no-ceramics are high temperature resistant materials. The temperature in my solar field is really high, but it does not really reach the temperature of the sun. Of course, ceramics will also be evaporated into solar terms on the sun, but in my field, it will not be gasified.

Seeing the ceramic maids rushing up again, I had to take another approach.

"Summoned by the sun." The fiery red flames around me suddenly turned golden yellow, and then, like a volcanic eruption, my hair all began to fly upwards. The tip of the stick of the sun in his hand changed a little. The head of the staff became a pointed cone, and the staff of the sun became the spear of the sun. At the first maid I rushed, I pierced my spear. Relying on her own body, she actually did not shy away from colliding with the tip of my spear.

This time she made a mistake. Almost immediately before the tip of the gun touched her, her chest suddenly began to melt, and the tip of the gun penetrated without resistance as if pierced into the liquid, and then countless golden arcs shone, and the maid brought a hard time. Faithful expressions melted into a pool of red-brown mud, and the surface was still emitting smoke.

I pulled my gun without hesitation. The inverted gun stabbed at the maid holding my leg. She looked up at me in surprise, the tip of the gun just inserted into her mouth, and went straight for two feet before stopping, and then she melted into the same material beach as before.

After solving two maids in a row, I gained some freedom and turned back a little to avoid other maids. But it seemed that it would not be used. My magic pets thought that I would be able to get it by myself, so I didn't come out to help them, but now I found that of course I rushed up immediately, and those maids who tried to approach were blocked.

The situation suddenly became strange. My magic pet and the bell knights played against the ceramic waitresses. But for a long time the two sides fought alone. The waitresses' attack power is too weak, unless they are attacked, they are basically not. It was almost harmless to my magic pet. But at the same time, my magic pets hit Mars and splashed on these ceramic maids, but there was no harm. Neither side breaks the defense, this kind of battle must hit one side and run out of stamina. The other party's use of a critical attack is likely to end. Everyone is a high-level existence, and it is unlikely that the basic damage alone will kill the opponent. Under this attack frequency, the automatic blood return speed is faster than the damage, and it is impossible to kill people.

The only thing that really hurts me here is Lingling and myself. Lingling's holy sword cut ceramics is a bit laborious, but anyway, one sword and one big ditch, three or five swords can cut off one arm. I threw off the last maid and turned around and called Yeyue. Yeyue looked back at me, but only saw a ball flying past. She took a look at her and immediately laughed. After using Sun Summon, this area only includes the scope of the spearhead, but the center makes this spearhead indestructible. So I threw the extra eternity to Yeyue. After all, we have three pieces of equipment with practical value. The actual combat effectiveness of the ceramic maids is actually not high. These stone maids created by the ghost king are basically the same. The defense is not high, but it is because people with this defensive characteristic can not start. In the face of these puppets, we are like a lion facing a turtle. Everyone knows that a lion is definitely better than a turtle, but there is no way to get a turtle. The most annoying among these puppets are these ceramic maids. The hardness of ceramics is second only to diamond people in all of these puppet materials, but they have many nasty properties that diamond people don't have.

Ceramics are resistant to high temperatures, ceramics are not afraid of acid corrosion, and ceramics have high hardness. Plus the puppet's own characteristics: not afraid of spiritual magic, firm will, not afraid of pain, fast response. Basically the most disgusting features are all gathered together. Fighting against such things isn't killed, it's exhausted. On the forum, the first place in the ranking of the creatures that players do not want to fight with is the high-defense magic puppets, either they can't beat them, or they are afraid of delaying time.

Yeyue immediately replaced a snake sword after catching my eternity. On our side, there are also three people who can do real damage output. But we change. The enemy will change. One of the maids suddenly turned around and took off her wide robe when I rushed towards her. Don't think about it. She's not planning on using beauty. When she saw it, she threw the whole dress over, and covered me in a moment, which blocked my view. A few seconds after the robe left her body, I would become ordinary ceramic me, and the hardened robe would become a cover, covering my upper body.

Although the ceramic is brittle, it must have enough strength to smash it! Now the entire anti-theft robe is covering my head, there is no gap at all, and I can't do anything at all. The ceramic maid who threw away her coat immediately rushed up and stabbed me in the belly exposed outside. The dagger that has just been inserted into my lower abdomen has not been removed yet, and this will hit another sword. That taste really bad. The black lacquered hood covered in the robe was invisible, and the leg was lifted according to the feeling of the middle knife, which really hit. While the maid was kicked away, I jumped up and pounced on the ground.

Snapped! What a crisp sound! Although I was beaten to the ground, I at least smashed the outer cover. After I came out, I found that several hands outside were covered by this hood, and the maids were all turned into tight-fitting equipment, looking like assassins. It turned out that their large outer robes were put on purposely to cover the assassin costume inside. This set of assassin tights was full of various weapons, from climbing hooks to remote weapons. At first, they looked normal. Now they are really slender and slender. It is probably that they are using clay ceramics, so normal people would not be so slender.

The wide robes are not combat equipment, and the maids who took off their jackets are obviously faster. I now know that the final ace of the ghost king is not the four diamond men at all, but these ceramic maids. Those oil men and gold and silver men are equivalent to the soldiers and junior officers of the emperor's hands, and the diamond men are just the type of generals. These maids are probably equivalent to the personal guards around the emperor. The truth is that these guards are more fierce. At least the diamond people didn't let us be so busy. In fact, today we are unlucky and just started fighting in the passage. If it is a bit more open here, we can summon a large magic pet to help the battle. What these maids are most afraid of should be the super heavyweight Warcraft. There is a limit to how hard ceramics can be. They can be photographed by a big guy like a tank. In fact, the game "Zero" looks very uneven. It's just because it follows a cyclical balance path. Generally, online games require that each profession be balanced, that is, after excluding personal factors, everyone can achieve the same combat effect. It doesn't matter what profession it is. However, the design idea of ​​"Zero" is cyclical balance, which is the principle that Chinese people are most familiar with. Today, the ceramics have lost so much of our advanced combat power, but if I knew from the beginning that these ceramic maids are difficult to deal with, just call out the flying birds immediately.

Why is it a bird? Because he is the only magic pet that can use shock waves. UHF oscillations are designed to restrain hard objects. The harder it gets, the worse it gets. It's a pity that I know it's too late. It is true that birds can be summoned in this passage, but it is useless to summon them. The bird has no vocal cords, and the ultra-high frequency vibrations he emits originate from his exoskeleton system. Only during the high-speed flight, high-pressure gas is filled into the bone cavity, then the muscles are vibrated, and the ultrasonic shock wave is generated by the resonance of the bone cavity with high-pressure gas. Therefore, even if the birds can fly in this cave environment, they will not dare to increase the speed too fast, so there is no way to generate shock waves.

It is for these reasons that I said that "Zero" is a cyclic balance, one thing drops one thing, and the geographical factors are also subtly integrated into the game. Unlike the general game, what is said to include geographical factors is actually all Combat states that are forcibly modified with attribute numbers. For example, in many games, cavalry will be forcibly increased by several points of damage in plain battles. This is the attribute of the terrain factor, not the actual manufacturing of the geographical environment to affect the battle. However, other games can be set up like this. After all, games like "Zero" are based on the physics engine of last year. Without this physics engine, it is impossible to simulate the real environment in the program. However, the burden on the server after running the physics engine will be Growth in a geometric series. In addition to Long Yuan's son-in-law series of super biological computers. There are currently no computers in the world that can afford this calculation. So there is no way to influence the game with real terrain parameters. This can't be blamed on those game designers. They also know that the game set up for "Zero" is the best, but they don't have such a server and can only abandon the best solution and adopt a relatively backward solution.

But for now, I would rather use the backward computing mode of Zero. Without this **** cave, I have at least thirty ways to kill all these ceramic maids.

"Be careful." I was in depression. Suddenly, the maid who was playing against a bell knight suddenly turned towards me and rushed to my side. I became pinched by two ceramic maids.

"Animalization." I completed the account switch in an instant. After becoming Ziri, he quickly turned into a werewolf, and stretched his hands left and right while supporting the heads of two maids. Their daggers are still some way from my body at this time. This is one of the main benefits of being a werewolf, arms are better than parents.

"Lie down, you!" Lingling jumped from a distance and slashed the maid in front in half. I grabbed another maid and spun it up and threw a maid in the distance. Switched to the Silver Moon state again, throwing out the spear of the sun as soon as he raised his hand, just wore two.

We all got together again, and the maids returned to the ghost king, but they were only three people left. Plus the ghost king himself is only four people. "Do you know how terrible?" I looked at the ghost king. "It's a guts to play liar with me!"

The ghost king hippie smiled and said, "Isn't that overpowering me? Now that you have proven your bravery, how about I surrender to your hands?"

I lifted the fighting state and said to the ghost king: "I really wanted to kill you at the beginning. If you really surrendered at the time, I would kill you." The ghost king frowned, but I soon said "But your resistance made me change my mind."

As soon as the Ghost King heard the door, there was hope again. "I don't know how you plan to handle this?"

I smiled: "It's actually very simple. Do you understand how to break the fortunes?"

"Yes." The ghost king came to his senses as soon as he heard it. "But I have no money!"

"Finance is not equal to money. Gold and silver are indeed very useful, but there are almost as many things in this world as money can't buy. What I need now is things that money can't buy. But this time I'm not Buy with money, but buy with your life. "

"What do you want?"

"How to make puppets. I got some back from you last time, but the puppets I researched are not always as good as you do. And they are stupid in many ways. Not much practical value. Not to mention I met you this time, and you have actually made a few new varieties, especially the last ceramic maids. I like them very much. From their performance, they should be of medium or above intelligence level, and quite loyal. So Of course I wo n’t let go of the good things. If you are willing to teach my people how to make even the same as you, I will let you go. This is a deal, use your technology to buy your life. Buy strong and sell strong I wo n’t do anything about it. Think about it yourself. It does n’t matter if you do n’t agree. ”

The Ghost King whispered in a low voice: "You also call it not to buy or sell. I will die if I don't sell. How dare you not sell!" "What do you say?"

The Ghost King didn't expect my ears to be so good, and quickly exclaimed, "I mean you tolerate a lot of money that is so cheap for me, how can I hide it again! I am very willing to complete this transaction."

I smiled and said, "Very well, then I don't want your life. I have left the lives of the three remaining maids as a bonus. How do you plan to teach me?"

"This teaching method is complicated. I haven't written any records. I can only see those who made it in person."

"All right. You followed me, but you have to wait before that."

The ghost king didn't know why I asked him to wait, but he soon knew. This channel was almost dug out, but the ghost king was blocked here because the huge black steel rock crystal was dug halfway to block the path of the channel. This black steel rock crystal is a very useful ore Although many people do not know what it is, as long as everyone knows it beforehand, because this black steel rock crystal is the black diamond ore. Just use the magic device to extract the black diamond core and re-forge it to get the best black diamond. It was a super-dark gem that was more bullish than black crystal. At present, after the black steel rock crystals are completely decomposed, it is said that they can produce three or four kilograms of high-purity black diamonds. Whoever shouts in the market that I want to sell black diamonds will immediately make a group of undead mages break their heads.

Mining ore is not a big deal for me. Anyway, I still have more than 9,000 evil spirit knights and a pioneer can help. Soon we got this big guy down. We didn't know until it was made that it was actually much smaller than we thought. The area of ​​this black steel rock crystal is indeed very large. It was dug to both sides for half a day before reaching the side, but its thickness is too small, so the volume is not as large as expected. According to this area, three or four double black diamonds are good.

Shattered this big guy and put it in Fenglong space, then we took the ghost king and left this cave to go directly to that weak spot in the space.

The weak point in the underworld and the human world is like a passage between two places. The number of demons and monsters gathered in this place is very sharp. But there aren't many that are really good. Our crossing is not troublesome. The little dragon girl can pass through the meditation technique, as long as there are not many people, she can take it with her. I took back most of the magic pets, and it was not an overload for the dragon girl to take me and the ghost king and his three maids back to the world.

After returning, things were much easier, first flying back to Fulcrum City and then teleporting back to Isinger. Rose knew that I was back when I entered the Fulcrum City. She was already waiting for me by Isinger's side, and the real red and gold coins were beside her.

Really red after looking at me was looking forward. But I can only let her down. "Sorry, there might be a problem with the information. When I arrived there, the other party was designing to harm me. I couldn't find the Japanese who carried the last bottle of holy blood. After that we went from earth to the underworld.

Seeing the dim look of true red, Rose immediately comforted: "Don't be discouraged if you are really red. We will find it as long as we are still there. I will let the intelligence department work harder."

Zhenhong is also a more cheerful person. Although her mood is low, she has no overreaction. "I know this thing is hard to find. You don't have to worry about me. The incomplete weapon is also a weapon. I don't care too much."

I swear to promise: "Really red, you can rest assured, I promise to help you find the last bottle of holy blood to help you complete the assembly of the national weapon. This is the first action. It ’s nothing if not found. If everything goes well, our intelligence department is too powerful, isn't it? There is system protection anyway. No one can wipe out the bottle of holy blood, so it can always be found. "

Gold coins also came up to comfort a few words. Then left with real red, I turned and pulled the ghost king over. "Introducing you, this is my new captive."

"I protest!" The ghost king raised a hand. "I made a deal with you. I should be free."

"The protest is invalid. You haven't taught me. You were still a captive until then."

The ghost king didn't talk anymore. I said to Rose: "Although this guy is not very friendly, but his technique is very good. Remember the servants I got back last time? It's all his stuff, and this time he's There is a new invention, let ’s go, we will now take him to the design department, I believe that we can mass-produce dolls soon. Although these things are not high in combat power, things we build ourselves will not cost much money. Once mass-produced, It's just as good to overrun by quantity. "

My rhetoric is not full, but the actual situation is often not as simple as expected, at least this is the mass production of dolls.

After being brought to our experimental studio, the ghost king was almost as excited as a child who entered a toy store. This look at the play and kept asking people around what these things do, but ours. The technicians don't know who this guy is yet, so they ignored him. "

The ghost king finally realized that he couldn't do anything without me, so he ran back honestly and asked me to introduce him. I clapped my hands to attract the attention of fellow researchers. "Come here at the Mosuke Research Team to arrange some work for you."

Soon a group of people gathered around. The three leaders were Wermar, Lund and Noreen. Woma is the technical director of the bank. Usually in Mojing Power Research Institute. Lund and Noreen. One apprentice of Jia Ha, a puppet expert, and the other is the most perfect puppet. Of course, he must also help with research here.

The ghost king did not respond to the two people in front of him, but his eyes widened three times after seeing Noreen. "You you you ... are you an artificial creature?"

It surprised me a little this time. "You see it?"

The Ghost King may be too excited, forgetting his life is still in my hands, and impatiently said: "No matter how good a magical doll is, it ’s probably a moment when he can be called a human. It is impossible to measure without people. But she and my research are different. It seems that they have used a lot of other things. "

"So what does your research look like?" Noreen asked with interest.

"My research is soul-based."

"Soul? Isn't it based on basic machinery?" Warma asked.

"of course not."

Lund also joined in: "Are you so full? So let's talk about your experience."

"Speaking of this ...!"

I rely! Originally planned to introduce the ghost king. This is all right. The guys are all familiar with each other. They chatted and walked to the work area, completely forgotten me! Forget it anyway, they are all serving my interests, no boss will think the employees are too hard-working, let them communicate well!

Following them to the experimental area, the ghost king saw a lot of things that he couldn't even imagine before. Some of them are special materials that he couldn't get before, others are expensive super processing equipment. For example, the one-time filling mold device is something he dare not dream of. The toy can process puppets in an assembly line, and can accurately control the characteristics of each puppet. As long as you make a human figure, it can be processed no matter what you look and dress, and by the way, it can be roughly dehydrated for the first time to ensure that the fired pottery has a certain toughness and will not be too soft. Deformed.

The ghost king looked at it for a long time and said, "Where did you get this thing? Exaggerated ability!"

Woma proudly said, "Do you know what this does?"

"I didn't know it, but after reading it, I can roughly understand its functions. But the more I look at it, the more surprised I am. If there is one or two of such good things, my army of puppets will not ... well! Not to mention brave! "

I know what the ghost king means. He wants to have this kind of equipment. The number of his servants has at least dozens of times. Even if I am more powerful, I will still lose against so many puppets, at least I must not catch him. To be honest, I have seen the production speed of this machine. This thing is like a rice cake, one by one. Speed ​​is fast.

Lund patted the ghost king's shoulder and said, "Why do you think of starting as a servant for the soul? The demons I contacted before were all based on machinery, and the magic circle was only added for the convenience of command. Later, the president took We are really surprised to return to the kind of puppet you made. "

The ghost king recalled some vicissitudes and said, "I can't help it! At that time, I was an elementary school student in Xianmen ...!"

"You came out of Xianmen?" I was choked by the words of the ghost king.

The ghost king said angrily: "Don't interrupt me."

"OK, you continue."

"In the beginning, I was really just a little fairy child. The master just accepted me for the first two days. I didn't expect to meet the Wan Yao conference. After that, the demons began to kill innocent people in unruly ways.

Many masters were killed, but the gods became angry and began to work together to make a gourd. The demons know the power of this gourd, and they want to destroy this gourd in advance, the gods fight with them

Protect the law. That battle was really dark and wrong, and it lasted for three days and three nights. At the last moment Qiankun Gourd was finally completed, and all the demons were sucked in together, but at that time

I stood too close and was caught by a demon and brought into the gourd. "

"That's why I saw you in the gourd, did you?" I finally knew why the ghost king claimed to be a disciple of the fairy gate, but got into the gourd with monsters!

The Ghost King did not answer me, but continued: "At that time, the gourd was full of demons, and they were so angry that they were sucked into the gourd. I just found out that I was a fairy gate disciple. I wanted to kill me and vent my anger. But one of the demons said that he would only kill me It was too cheap, so after they killed me, they entered the demon into my soul, so that my soul would not be scattered. I am a fairy gateman, and I ca n’t go back with the demon, but I do n’t want to I have been mixing with those demons, so I hid alone at the exit under the gourd. At that time, Qiankun gourd was made in a hurry, and the mana input channel at the bottom was not closed, leaving a large hole, which is the passage you saw later. This secret is only known to me, but the monsters do n’t know. I ca n’t go back to Xianmen with the demon spirits, and I ca n’t go with the monsters, so simply competing in this channel, it ’s considered to be part of Xianmen. But that The location of the passage is hidden, and the demons have never discovered that they can go out, so I said it was guarded, but in fact there was nothing. I would pinch some clay figures when I was bored. Some potential commission made of stone, but then I was thinking. If he can restore adult nice, so I began to study how the human soul enter into the commission. "

Woma said: "So you will start to study from this side door, right?"

The Ghost King said: "It's not a partial door! Xianjia point warfare and paper man art actually have some similar abilities, but people in Xianmen thought these things were just gadgets, so they didn't develop to this. "

"Is that you later worked out the results?" Noreen asked.

The ghost king nodded: "To Zi Ri, when he found me, I had a lot of stone people."

I nodded and confirmed: "The samples you brought back were made by him at that time, of course, most of them were shattered, and less than one thousandth can be brought back."

The Ghost King proudly said: "At the time, I actually discovered a lot of ways to improve the ability of stone people, but the design of Qiankun Gourd was to seal the demon's aura source and gradually return them and perish, because there is a little aura in the gourd that is not collected , So I ca n’t find the aura materials that are very common outside. So I ca n’t increase the strength of the stone man. "

I nodded and said, "Is your puppet so powerful this time, because the materials were bad last time?"

"Of course, I wouldn't be forced out by you if I had the current materials."

"That may not be so."

"No matter what you say. My manufacturing technology is the best anyway."

Woma said: "Then quickly teach us how to do it?"

I thought that it was time for the ghost king to impart knowledge, but who knew he suddenly said to me: "I want to modify the conditions."

I rolled my eyes: "Goddamn it, how dare you make a starting price with me?"

The ghost king hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, no. I still want to teach you, but I want to change the request. I want to be able to do your research here. Your experimental equipment and materials here are what I used to dream of, Now I finally see it, I ca n’t help it. Even if I teach you, after all, it ’s not as good as what I do? Besides, you do n’t care if you have one more researcher, right? ”

I thought about it for a while. The ghost king is right. You send foreign students to learn from others. It is definitely better to get the other professor back directly. This is for sure. "All right, you can stay."

The ghost king immediately stretched out another finger. "Last point, I want to help me keep secrets. I don't want Xianmen to know my news."


The licensed ghost king immediately instructed our researchers cheerfully. He first looked at the improved puppets we made based on his research, and then said, "Your research direction is really problematic, but I have to say that you still It ’s really rich. It ’s obviously wrong. You just smashed a piece of money with your money. Now this doll is really high for you. It ’s a hodgepodge! ”

"Then what do you say?" Warma said, "The steel demon of our guild is far better than your demon, and the defense is basically the same, but the volume is large and the reaction speed is relatively slow. The most important thing is The thing is that your puppet has a very high intelligence, which is our biggest headache. "

The ghost king said: "I have said that the puppet is based on the soul. Since it was originally an individual. Of course, the intelligence is high. You big guys are all made of steel and have no soul. Of course, they are more bulky."

"You mean every puppet has to join the soul?"


"How do you find the soul?"

The ghost king took a pen and drew on the white board next to him, saying, "The best souls are the souls that voluntarily become dolls, such as them." The ghost king pushed the three ceramic maids he brought to the front.

Come. The souls in their bodies were originally suffering and suffering. They could not be reincarnated, but wanted to have a body, so I helped them make this ceramic body. Such a soul is made

The puppets are not only highly intelligent, but also have independent thinking, and there are no problems in handling some difficult things. Other than normal people, there is no difference. "

"But such a soul is not easy to find?" Woma raised a more practical question: "Our guilds create puppets for energy production and go to the front line. If we need to collect souls specifically,

How else is mass production? "

"In fact, this is very simple. This kind of voluntary soul can retain intelligence and memory, but it has an extra body, so there is no loss in this soul, and there will be more volunteers.

. But I also know that such a soul cannot be supplied indefinitely. But I have another way. This was the case when I was in the Qianglu Gourd, there was only the soul of the demon, I was afraid to make

The puppets who came here made trouble with me, so they chose to erase their wild souls before merging. "

"Erase the Wraith?"

"Yes. Soul soul. There are three souls and seven souls in total. The mansions govern the mind. Once there is no such desolate soul, the soul becomes an unconscious white soul."

"Can Bai Hun also be used as a puppet?" I was excited when I heard this. I don't know anything else, we are mostly Baihun.

The ghost king replied affirmatively: "It's Baihun. I turned the spirits of the monsters into white souls, and then put them into the puppets. The puppets made in this way don't have independent thoughts, but can understand your orders and Follow the order, and there will be a basic response to traffic, which is very suitable for being a soldier. Those volunteer souls can be made into advanced commander types. "

"Is this okay?" I really admire this guy, I can make dolls with white souls.

The Ghost King said: "With the soul, you can complete most of it, and the rest is much simpler."

Woma said: "I said why the dolls we made are so different from your original ones. It turns out there is no soul!"

The ghost king said: "Now you go to collect some souls, and I will teach you the next steps."

Rose, who had been standing beside him, said suddenly, "When it comes to voluntary souls, I actually know a way."

"any solution?"

Rose's method is to send free body ads. Essinger turned out to be one of the three underworld capitals. Although they later became independent, ghosts were still terribly dead. It can be said that most of Isinger were ghost residents. Other creatures are not even a third. Volunteer puppet making has no loss to the soul and can still get the body. This temptation is very large for most ghosts, so Rose just attracted countless ghosts with just a little advertising, even the ghost king saw it. Shaking his head said that the masses here are good.

With so many voluntary souls, there are more white souls. They are drawn directly from the gathering tower. How much are they? And those souls are full of anger, and the dolls they make are more murderous.

The first part of making a puppet is to prepare the soul first, and we quickly found the soul of the first experimental body. According to Rose's idea, since it will be used as a doll for higher things in the future, the quality of the soul should be higher. This ghost is a super elite ghost screened out of tens of millions of ghosts.

After the ghost was ready, a charm was created by the ghost king's command, and then the ghost was attached to the charm. Woma quickly carved a template as it was. The ghost king asked her what to do, but she said it would be revealed later. After the charm is done, the ghost runs onto the charm, and then the charm is burned to ashes. In the process, the ghost needs some pain, but this is inevitable and there is no way to omit it.

The third part. Mix the burnt ash with the manufacturing materials. Based on the experience of the ghost king. The quality of different materials has a great impact on the actual effect and ability of the final figure. According to him, the best material found so far should be crystal, and black crystal is the most. However, although we are large, we have not reached the point where mass production of black crystals is possible. After knowing that the black crystal was hopeless, the ghost king planned to use clay, and his maid knew that this material was also good. But we did not do what he thought, but experimented with new materials. According to modern experience, composite materials are usually better than a single material, so we use a kind of Tao Gui mixed with a large number of special substances. Theoretically, the quality of the puppet is controlled by the proportion of the crystal powder. What industrial production requires is scale and controllability. It can not be cultivated intensively, it is not required to be the best, but it must be the fastest. The mixed powder addition method is the most reasonable method.

Mix this material called No. 1 mixed gui with the ashes of the spell and stir it, and then find a way to form the required form. In this regard, we decided to ask the ghosts for their own opinions. After all, it is the body they want to use. Changing to the appearance they want has nothing to do with us, but it has a soothing effect on them.

After the shape is determined, it is the color adjustment. Do not think that the color of the ceramic is up later. These colors are determined before firing, and the sum pattern must be put on before firing. These pigments were not colored before, and they will develop color after being burned, so they must be colored before burning. In this aspect, the ghosts need to choose by themselves, but I require them to leave the guild's logo as a military mark on the body.

After the color is also completed, the firing process is required. This process requires the selection of flame types and temperature control. The temperature is not really important here, what really matters is the flame. The magic puppet needs the aura flame to burn before it can get the best effect, so we simply go directly to the Samadhi real fire, anyway, the Lord Laojun uses this fire to make alchemy. Want to come Reiki should be enough.

The ghost king is directing us to do it here, and Woma is directing other designers to adjust some strange equipment, apparently preparing another thing.

After firing is the most important final step. Use a special liquid specially made by the ghost king to draw a magic circle in the air, and then speak the spoken language. A flash of light flashed into the doll's body. The idol was backed up with a punch and nearly fell.

We came over at the same time. Being able to hold back means you're done. Otherwise it should fall straight.

The ghost saw his new image running around the house happily, and we managed to calm him down for the test. The experiment was very fast, and the result was that the new doll's characteristics were obviously better than those of the ghost maids ~ ~, but the problem still remained. This puppet still inherits the usual characteristics of these puppets-weak attack power.

I folded my hands on my chest and looked at this guy. "Ghost King, do you have a way to improve it? This combat power can't go up. Isn't light defense good?"

Noreen said: "I don't know if it's OK to put the mechanical puppet inside."

Woma said: "Fusion may be problematic."

"At least try it?"

The advantage of sufficient experimental funding is that you can wastefully experiment. The newly integrated puppet is broken again by us so that the soul inside can come out. When the guy went outside and still complained that he was not addicted, he was pulled out.

The new experimental idea is relatively simple. First, complete the inner skeleton of the steel puppet, and then use mixed soil to irrigate the whole body instead of things like muscles. A steel bone ceramic muscle puppet was quickly made, and the results of the experiment were almost fainting. It is not that the combat effectiveness is too strong, but that there is no way to move.

"Magic interference!" Woma started to look at the puppet in a daze after saying this.

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