Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 17: Tian Zhao is an individual

"Can't you see me?" A very proud voice appeared on my side. "Don't expect to hear voices to identify positions, I move fast."

"Is it invisible?" I asked calmly.

The samurai said proudly: "I know you have anti-stealth ability, but don't be too arrogant. Your anti-stealth can't be reversed."

"Oh? Really? But I think ..." I added suddenly. "It's enough to catch you." A sword swept across. When the beep sounded, a cutting knife spun out and flew out and slammed the ground. There was a drop of blood on the eternal blade, which showed that I was hit.

That guy's voice was full of surprise. "how is this possible?"

I suddenly slashed again without warning, after the blade saw only a stream of blood spilled out, but this guy is still invisible. It can be said that he is quite perfect in terms of stealth technology alone. I have tried Xing Tong just now, as he said, he really can't see him, that is to say, anti-stealth equipment is not effective for him. However, I have received various training in combat in practice, and one of them is watching the airflow.

No matter how fast you are, the wind near you will be driven to form airflow, as long as you see the dust carried by the airflow, you can determine the position of the enemy. But this guy is obviously unaware of this. Stealth should never be used in places with water or dust, because it is useless. I have just been bombed here, and the sky is gray. Of course, his actions are easy to capture, only he thought that I couldn't see him. But then again, his response was really fast, he flew away every time I attacked, this degree is already quite amazing. Even without stealth, he is a good samurai.

"Do you know why I can see you?" I chopped in three consecutive times, and the scared guy stepped back continuously, but unfortunately the last sword was chopped, and there was a large blood stain on his shoulder. Invisibility is useless.

Covering the wound, he still gritted his teeth and asked me, "How the **** did you show me? My stealth is impeccable and cannot be seen through. How did you find me?"

"It's the wind. Your actions brought the wind."

"Wind?" He looked at the dust on the ground in doubt, then kicked it hard, and it really brought a lot of sand and dust. "You are a master, and I admit that you are not your opponent." This guy is a bit of a sense.

I pushed away the mask and smiled at him. "Japan is because of the lack of talents like you that cannot truly integrate into the world system. You do n’t want to take a shot today. I do n’t want to fight with you. The intolerable ground is not knowing the height of the sky. As the saying goes, do n’t hit the south wall and do n’t look back. The Japanese never bumped their heads or looked back, which caused them to always make the same mistake. This guy may be considered a minority in Japan!

The guy also took the mask off, and he grinned at me. "Despite its shortcomings. She is my country after all." He raised the knife again. "Even in reality, I have prepared for her to sacrifice her life. Besides, this is just a game. I am afraid to fight for first-class experience. What kind of Japanese warrior?"

"Somewhat interesting. Then fulfill you!" I suddenly let go and threw eternity out. Eternal Sword turned a few chests in the air and followed the guy's chest. The sword was so deep that he had actually lost his combat power.

The samurai, who was pierced with a sword, fell straight. But the next Japanese immediately rushed to seize Eternal and pulled him out. This idiot actually called out to the people around him: "Haha! Artifact! I grabbed the artifact! Wow, ah ..."

The last few sounds were not excitement, but were grounded. My weapon has never been available to others. The eternal soul attached to the original sword of the thousand swords, and it has a design to prevent others from snatching it. There is no ghost without electricity. The idiot grabbed the hilt and fell down. I strolled over and took the sword. The guy left the sword and was still smoking on the ground, his mouth was white smoke.

"Damn, it's impossible for so many of us to stop him." The player next to him rushed up with a roar, but there were obviously fewer responders. I rushed through the crowd and killed more than a dozen people who didn't stop me back and forth, and now they all started to soften. Relying on the ground is the morale of fighting such a thing, and when it comes down, it will be defeated. If you can't, you will withdraw your troops. Unfortunately, Japanese players are now defenders. There is no option to retreat.

I think the eternal sword is too short. It has simply turned into an eternal gun and swept straight. The people around were beaten up all the way, and they couldn't take me anymore. Japan is not without masters, just like us, masters are not here. There are also many masters in Japan like Nobunaga. If he is here, I won't be swept away by the army like a tiger. However, Nobunaga's ghost hand could not come even if he knew the situation. He was now commanding the army to attack the city outside the fulcrum.

When I rushed to the vicinity of the nearby central battery, I suddenly summoned King Kong. I just patronized it and forgot that there was still a special tool for demolishing the house. King Kong's spirit control is not magical, but he is still one of the regional guards in Germany. It can be seen how strong his power is, and no time is needed at this time?

As soon as King Kong came out, he stood upright, his fists raging against his chest, and then suddenly released his arm and swept across the ground. The guy's forearm was at least forty meters long, and a sweep of the ground immediately brought a group of people to the sky. King Kong is a steel body with almost invincible defense. Unless hit by heavy artillery, the player's attack is like itching.

A Japanese samurai holding a samurai sword screamed and rushed to King Kong's feet and chopped it down. The result was a broken sword. King Kong didn't even look at him, he didn't even feel that someone was chopping himself.

I shouted at King Kong: "Those turrets, dismantle them."

King Kong turned his head to look at the nearby turrets with red eyes flashing, lowered his forelegs and rushed up like a gorilla. Some of the arch guard turrets were swept aside by him, and then he climbed on top of the high turrets like climbing trees three or two times. When I first attacked the turret, I thought of turning the cannon head and hitting the cannon behind, but it failed. King Kong is fiercer than me. He picked up the cannon and threw it at the nearby battery. The turret banged louder than the whole smashed to the ground.

When the nearby artillery saw that the situation was not right, he immediately turned the gun and attempted to flatten the turret. However, he did not expect King Kong to jump to the ground in a vertical jump. Before the adjacent artillery turned around, he went to the turret and grabbed the cannon's turret and got on the platform. . Grab the cannon and throw it as before. After getting dozens of guns in a row, Japanese talents finally adjusted the gun position. After a rumbling boom, the shells smashed like a heavy rain.

"Heavy metal storm!" King Kong suddenly turned and yelled, before I understood what was going on, I saw the box on his back opened. After the explosion, the dense bullet rain exploded in mid-air. The fragmentation of the flower bombs was useless to the steel-wall-like steel monsters such as King Kong. Instead, the Japanese below were ravaged, and the shrapnel smashed on top of them. .

Good guy, I do n’t even know that there is such a thing in the box on King Kong ’s back. Last time it looked like it was a missile ground, how could I make such an unknown defense weapon? But anyway, at least I know the effectiveness of this defense weapon is quite exaggerated.

After the interception was successful, King Kong stole his weapon and flung himself to the nearby turret to resume his unfinished work. The Japanese battery was completely dizzy. If the cannonball can't hurt him, he will kill himself a lot, but how can he fight back without firing?

Japanese players are worried, and suddenly a huge evil dog ran up from behind the Japanese front. This guy is not smaller than King Kong. And the speed is very fast, with the help of a few ups and downs in the crowd to King Kong. With a bang, King Kong was knocked to the ground by the big dog. The two beasts hugged together and rolled out of the distance. They also knocked down a turret and stopped.

King Kong squeezed the dog's neck with one hand and punched it out with the other hand, he just knocked the big dog upside down and flew out. But the big dog climbed up and rushed up again as if it was not injured. King Kong just let out, but didn't expect the area around the dog's tail, and actually led him back. The giant dog rushed over. A turn turned and rushed again. Before Kong got up, King Kong was bitten by his arm and dragged out. The giant dog turned around and threw King Kong out. He slammed into the nearby battery array, and suddenly a wall collapsed.

boom. All the rubble on the ground suddenly flew up, and King Kong rushed out from below to start thumping his chest again with a thunderous sound, and at the same time roared to the sky. After screaming, King Kong suddenly lay down on all fours, then the metal box on his back opened again, and two cannons bounced out of it to support King Kong's shoulders.

The big dog realized the danger and flashed to the side, but did not expect that it wasn't a shell. There was a loud noise of white objects flying out. This thing unfolded in the air and became a big net. The big dog that was dodging was immediately **** and slumped to the ground, slipped away and stopped. The cannon on King Kong's back had been retracted, and one jumped over and landed directly next to the big dog.

The giant dog still wanted to get up and bite, but he was dragged by the net and could not use any energy. When he came together, he fell down again. King Kong held his hands together and raised it high, then his whole body stood upright, then suddenly bent down and hit his head with his fists. With a bang, the dog's head shattered, and the red and white paste sprayed all around him. The giant dog fell down without any struggle, and there was no movement. King Kong stomped one foot onto the dog, then stood up again and began thumping his chest again, and screamed with a loud throat. This is a way of showing off force, and it's even more powerful how to do this on the opponent's body. For a while, the Japanese players around the throne of the Seal of Immortal were shocked, and they looked at him stupidly without knowing what to do.

"Get down." I suddenly saw a red light coming from behind the Japanese position and quickly reminded King Kong. King Kong's response was a bit slower, and Hong Guang went right through King Kong's body and made a large hole several meters in diameter. The edge of the hole was red, and the metal was obviously melted. The hot rays that I shot just now should be, but I didn't see the emitter, I just saw the light.

King Kong slowly put down his hand and looked at his chest. There were constant electric sparks in it. suddenly. King Kong's body lost his balance and leaned back, then thundered, and the ground shuddered.

"Recycling." I beckoned King Kong disappeared immediately.

Taking out the eternity, I quickly ran to the source of the red light, and we had to suffer if we didn't understand the origin of this thing. But things are not as simple as thought. As soon as I ran halfway, I was caught by a paladin. Japanese players also choose ordinary occupations. Of course, occupations that can be chosen by players all over the world, such as the Paladin, are also selected in Japan.

The paladin's strength was so strong that he and I could forcibly take a few steps back with a sword. What's even more strange is that his sword only has a less obvious gap and has not been cut off.


"Blade of destruction?"

We both cried at the same time.

"Huh! I didn't expect anyone to have a destructive blade." The knight waved the sword forcefully, then inserted it back into the scabbard, turned and pulled out a long knife from behind. "It's been a long time since I met someone like you who can fight against me."

I glanced at the knife in his hand. "Is that the blade of destruction?"

The Paladin smiled and played with the knife in his hand. "Don't cry after cutting your sword!"

"Ha ha ha ha! This is the funniest joke I've heard this month!" This guy probably didn't know the eternal characteristics, and thought it was just an ordinary blade of destruction. There is indeed a blade of destruction in eternity, but its subject is not the blade of destruction. The subject of eternity should actually be the scorching sun blade given by the North Star King, followed by the bright holy sword and the magic dragon blade and the dragon gun in it. Later, it also merged many broken soldiers on the battlefield. There was a sword spirit and the ability to deform due to the cause of the monster sword thousand people and dragon clan. Now eternity can be said to be a collection of weapons. Its universal form is because there are too many fused weapons, so any weapon can be regarded as the main body for it, and it can be covered.

Paladin's arrogant blade pointed at me. "Come on! Let you know what my ground knife stands for."

"Kill him." All the Japanese players around were cheering for this guy. But they could only support him mentally, and no one dared to touch me.

The Paladin moved at his feet and suddenly rushed up. The eternity in my hand trembled, and the sword body immediately took off and became a long blade whip. I shook my hand and the whip flew towards the knight immediately. The knight cut a block, and the whip tangled around the blade several times. The other side did not panic, but smiled slightly. I saw him suddenly roar. There was a sharp whistle on the blade immediately, and the eternal whip broke down, and the broken whip fell to the ground. Because of the sudden loss of tension, I almost fell backward.

"Huh, I know it's terrific!" The guy rushed up with his sword proudly, but after two steps, he suddenly screamed and flew out. When he fell to the ground, he immediately realized that it was not good, and hurriedly rolled to the side. He did not expect to scream suddenly when he reached halfway. He sat up and stretched his hands behind his teeth, gritting his teeth. Then he found a section of horror dog nails covered with flesh. Throwing away the canine nails with fresh meat in his hands, he pulled out the same thing from his feet, which was what made him fall out just now.

After pulling out the nails, he now found that what he had just pierced him was part of the eternal sword that had just been cut off by him. Unfortunately, he noticed that it was too late. The prickly fleshed feet can be disregarded, but the one on the lower back is not enough. At that moment, it seems that the blood vessels have been pierced, and the blood flows endlessly.

"How do you feel?" I walked to him and touched the eternal nails on the ground one by one with the eternal sword. As soon as the nails formed by these eternal fragments came into contact with the eternal sword, they immediately merged into the sword and absorbed them.

"Can your sword split?" The knight looked at me in astonishment and anger.

"Don't you think you cut my sword?" I laughed and mocked him. "Let you see what is the real blade of destruction." I waved eternity, and the sword tip immediately turned into a TB-type head, but the sides of this T-head are all blades, as I waved the blade It soon became a spear, followed by a tomahawk and a sickle. "Understand? Eternity can change its shape at any time, and cutting it is pointless at all. Besides, it wasn't your cutting just now. If I want to fight a sword with you, your weapon will cut my sword at all times. Also, your knife must be watched. "

"My knife?" The guy just remembered looking at his knife now. As a result, there has been a large row of deep gaps in the eternally entangled position. If it was entangled for a while, his knife would probably be broken first.

"Do you understand now? This sword is made of a bunch of artifacts, and it is much stronger than your sword. Now you can go with peace of mind." After finishing my sword, I ended up with this guy, but It is a pity that this guy also seems to have the same ability to prevent weapons from falling as me. I didn't explode anything. I also hoped that it would be best to explode his sword so that I could take it back and melt it again!

I got up from the ground, turned around, and all the Japanese players around stepped back. Even the powerful guy was killed by me. These Japanese players have understood that relying on people for their fighting power alone can't kill me, so no one has stopped me.

As the advancement speeded up, I quickly hit the enemy's back, and there was an area surrounded by a large crowd in the center. Unlike other places, the players here are clearly organized and their combat effectiveness has been significantly improved.

Suddenly, all the people who were fighting with me were withdrawn. An open aisle appeared in front, and an acquaintance at the other end of the aisle.

"I didn't expect it! You would come here, too." The ghost-handed Nobunaga Ma Dadao sat on the base of the machine directly opposite me and looked at me.

I sneered. "Aren't you here too?"

"Me?" Nobunaga's hand jumped off the base. "Can you come here, can I not come? Speaking of why did you appear here first? Distract me? Do you think that Japan has only one commander?"

"Of course I know that your troops can still fight even if you are not there. But at least I can draw you to somewhere else, and maybe him." I pointed upward.

Nobunaga's hand didn't look in the direction I was pointing. "Do you think this clumsy method can distract me?"

The ghost-handed Nobunaga was speaking, but the people around him suddenly patted his shoulder and whispered to him. Upon hearing this, Nobunaga's hand turned back in surprise and looked upwards, only to see Tianzhao in white floating above their heads.

"Great God!"

Tian Zhao didn't look at him, but just opened his mouth and said, "You do your business. It's left to me."

Immortal Nobunaga immediately respectfully said, "That's a big trouble." He turned and waved at the people around him. "let's go."

All the people who came with Nobunaga's hand gathered their weapons and followed him to leave quickly, and even the machine that Nobunaga's just sat on was carried away. Needless to say, this thing should be the source of the high temperature rays that brought down King Kong. It seems that Nobunaga's hand has been here for a while.

After they were all there, Tian Zhao slowly descended from the air. "meet again!"

"Hey, don't you want me to get revenge?" I'm actually smiling now. The **** of the army **** is really as expected. He arranged a task for me to deal with Tian Zhao, and then sent me here to fight, but I did not expect to really attract Tian Zhao. But my problem was not solved. Tian Zhao was selected only because he looks the best against so many enemies, but that is not to say that Tian Zhao is a simple enemy. On the contrary, Tianzhao, now with full strength, is not an enemy I can deal with. Although I already have divine power against attributes, it just eliminates the extra benefits caused by divine power. Tianzhao's absolute strength is still above me, and there are many.

Tian Zhao nodded and confirmed what I least expected him to admit. "Previously, thanks to you. My avatar was miserable in the Nether, and my face was almost lost. Now that I'm down, it's time for liquidation." He said that he would start.


"What else do you want to say? Do you want to leave a last word or something?" Tianzhao said proudly: "Maybe you don't know that although you are an adventurer, if you are killed by me, it will be level 50 at a time. Are you ready? I will kill you back to the original state until the form and spirit are destroyed. "

"Okay. You're ruthless. I admit that I can't beat you, but don't expect to kill me."

"Why do you have this confidence?"

"That's it." The door of the earth suddenly appeared behind me, and then I stepped back and stepped inside the door. "There is a way you chase in and fight."

I call this class rogue. The gate of the earth is the passage that the mother of earth borrows from me. Its internal connection to the earth is the flower circle of the mother of earth. This is the space created by the mother of the earth with divine power. It has nothing to do with the normal map. This land is under the absolute protection of the mother of the earth. Even the top-level gods of the earth cannot enter casually, not to mention that Tianzhao and the gods in our country's heaven court are only counted as the lower gods. Although Tianzhao didn't know where this space was, he could feel the powerful force that flourished in the gate. Don't talk about it. Standing outside, Tian Zhao felt the vest was cold.

The ignorant is meaningless, the ignorant is always the bravest. Tianzhao is here. Those Japanese players are just like doping. Seeing Tianzhao's throne of silence for so long, the players next to him could not bear it anymore. Anyway, with their great god, a guy who was extremely brave because of ignorance rushed out. He held the Toyo knife and rushed over to me. "Let me take the lead for the Great God, and let it die, Ziri." Tianzhao could feel the danger, so he didn't dare move. This fool who was n times weaker than Tianzhao dared to charge because his strength was so weak that he could not even feel the danger.

Tianzhao didn't stop him because he wanted to know what was in the door. The player rushed directly to the gate and then stepped in bravely. But he only stepped in and was suddenly bounced out. The counterattack force was not great. He flew to the ground after flying for more than two meters. He got up again and planned to rush over again. But suddenly he couldn't move his legs. Tian Zhao and he noticed the problem at the same time. This guy's feet actually turned into earth and the earth was connected together.

The brave idiot was still trying to pull his feet up, but he didn't move at all. At the same time, the muddy part was spreading up the calf, and soon passed the knee and began to spread to the thigh. Tian Zhao didn't move, but suddenly two wind blades flew over. With a click, the guy fell down. His two legs were severed. In the eyes of Japanese players, this is Tianzhao saving him. After all, in the game, the broken leg can be re-grown by healing spells and drugs, but the person is dead. However, in fact, Tian Zhao didn't mean to rescue this player at all, he just wanted to know if cutting off the changed part can stop the change.

Tian Zhao's results surprised him. After the severed legs fell to the ground, they began to change from both ends to the middle. The two thighs quickly turned into mud in the shape of two human legs. At the same time, the guy with only his upper body left fell to the ground, and the place where he touched the ground also began to quickly muddy, and spread quickly to the waist, the speed was quite fast. Also changing his hands. After this guy fell down, he supported his body with his hands, and the palm that touched the ground quickly became muddy.

Tian Zhao thought that this might be the source of the strength of the ground, so he quickly used the divine power to hold the guy up and cut him directly to remove the part that had begun to muddle. At the same time, his arm was dropped, so that he had no dirt on the soil. But the mud rift appeared again, and the whole body started up and down, many times faster than before. This person turned into a pile of dirt before everyone's eyes and fell to the ground.

Surprise is certain. Everyone, including Tian Zhao, was surprised, but Tian Zhao quickly noticed that the calling creatures that I had released at the beginning were all catching up. The magic pets, the bell knight, and the evil spirit knight all returned to the space door, but Tianzhao didn't stop it, just looked at it stupidly.

Just as my troops were about to enter the space gate, Tian Zhao suddenly grabbed a person from the side with his divine power and threw it into the space gate. This person hit the space door and was bounced back. At the same time, my soldier who passed through the gate did not change at all. A place. Tian Zhao is testing whether there is any barrier on the door of the space. Now he knows that this door is not a barrier, but only allows designated creatures to pass.

Just when Tian Zhao was going to throw another person to test it, a very immature child's voice suddenly sounded inside the gate of the earth. "Tianzhao. If you dare throw things into my garden again, beware I'm welcome."

A mother of earth in an emerald green costume appeared at the door of the space door, and I stood with the team inside. The mother of earth looks like a little girl of six or seven years old, and looks very cute with that green dress. Among the Japanese players around him, some of the characters who liked young girls suddenly came down.

Tian Zhao also thought that the little girl was very cute, and she could be said to be impeccable in appearance. But now he was sweating coldly, as if seeing something more dangerous than the demon. The strength radiating from this little girl made Tian Zhao feel a little unstable even standing there. He only felt that his legs were not his own, and he felt a kind of paralysis.

Mother Earth gave a finger to him. "Human, your power is strong, but don't try to challenge me, you are not qualified. When you become a true god, you are qualified to be my opponent. Get out now."

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