Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 34: Big cleaning

Chapter 13 Chapter 34

At eleven o'clock in the evening, we all appeared in a cargo hold on the outskirts of Nanjing. This is the departure point tonight. Because it is an internal task, the movement cannot be too large, so no large creatures are used. Fortunately, with his own family, he also appeared with us in human form, and human form has a high level of attack anyway. The lucky son, Xiao Budian, looks like a six-year-old boy who looks cute and wants to kiss. However, it is estimated that our target will not have this idea after seeing his fighting scene tonight.

Bailang and darts are of course animal shapes, and they are not human. Yeyue used the body of the snake demon that she is best at using, anyway, this look is not much bigger than humans. We were carried by a large trailer without a license plate, and there was no sign on the body. Even the driver was wearing a fully electronic tactical helmet. No one could find any proof of our identity from the car. This car will disappear with us after today ’s operation, no one knows where it came from.

In fact, one of our accomplices is also working tonight. She is our great son-in-law. All roadside cameras in Nanjing are under her control, so we do not exist on the monitors of the police department. Although the camera can capture us, the signal will be processed without returning to the monitor. This is the horror of the computer. Real-time data monitoring can cope with all unexpected situations.

A large trailer rushed out of the cargo bay and rushed onto the highway at an angle of nearly 150 kilometers. The street lights and light box billboards that we passed by the road were all extinguished automatically. The black trailer did not start any lighting equipment in the darkness, which was completely integrated with the night scene. Occasionally there were pedestrians or cars passing by, all surprised to see the behemoth in the night flash by. The driver with the full night vision system ran wildly in the dark. He is the driving instructor of Longyuan Special Forces, and his car skills are absolutely nothing to say.

The trailer crossed the Yangtze River Bridge and entered the urban area. A flick at the door of a residential area suddenly rushed into the area gate. The gate at the gate of the residential area was crushed and crushed like noodles in front of the barrier, and the guard guarding the door screamed and chased after him. The trailer suddenly braked in front of a cottage. The big trailer 愣 turned in the same direction before stopping, the rear door of the car was put down with inertia, and a group of dark shadows flashed out of it. The next second, the roof and yard of that villa were already full.

All the windows of the villa were broken at the same time as a crackling sound of glass cracking, and we rushed in from all directions. Rose and I walked through the door. The security door that looked pretty good was dragged down by the rose and thrown into the flower circle. I strode into the room, the decoration was good, and the furniture looked classic. They had come down from the second floor of the villa, and they were still towing a man and two women, and a dog.

I turned on the bright lights on my shoulders and hit the faces of three people. Then I got the photo in my hand. "Are you Han Linhua?" I asked holding the old woman.

The woman was so scared that she didn't know what she was talking about, she nodded panicked after being slapped. I swept her off the table and lifted her up. The four bell knights went up and held her hands and feet. Yeyue went up and held her head. Ariana took a helmet-like thing from behind and set her up, then attached a set of metal brackets to the helmet. I took a needle-like thing and inserted it from the stent. The needle passed through the hole in the stent and the hole in the helmet directly into her nostril, and then continued into her cranial cavity to touch the brain. Gently turn the end of the needle, and only a green light on the needle wall jumps into a red light. Then he jumped back.

Rose looked at the screen with a hand in her back. "OK."

Ariana quickly removed the equipment, and I pulled the woman up and threw it back to her husband and daughter. Rose turned her computer over to show her, and saw a map above. A red highlight is flashing on the map. Rose clicked on the red dot on the map again, and then the screen became an operation interface. There is a video screen in the upper right corner of the interface, which looks nothing special, but the woman soon has a problem. The things in the picture are not captured by the camera at all, but what she sees now, which means that this is the real-time dynamic picture she sees.

"you guys……?"

As soon as the woman spoke, a green voiceprint signal flashed in the bar below the screen, and the two characters "you" were also displayed in the small area next to it. In the left area of ​​these operation bars is data showing some human status, including data on heartbeat blood pressure. At the top of these things is a control menu. The content is quite a lot.

Rose clicked the voice control, and said to the headset, "I want to commit suicide." After that, Rose pressed the shooting twist. Then the woman also said, "I'm going to commit suicide." After that, she covered her mouth in surprise, because she didn't know how she said that.

I let Rose back and said to her, "I just implanted a nerve manipulator. We know where you are and what you think. We can see what you see and we can hear what you hear Things, we even what you are thinking about. Obviously, we can also control your vocal cords and some features, and you are now a remote control. "

"Who the **** are you? Do you know that this is a crime? I am ...!" The woman suddenly recovered her arrogance, struggling to stand up, but she was not an ordinary person behind her, and she could not move for a long time. .

I gave her another slap and flew her out. Her daughter cried and flew over to help her up. I walked over and kicked her daughter, then stepped her back on the ground. "Pay attention to your behavior, you are now a puppet." I pointed to the computer under Rose's hand. "As long as we are willing, you can stop an organ in your body from working at any time. If I'm in a good mood, maybe it's the brain, then you will die unconsciously. If you dare to make me angry, then I will choose the lungs .Do you know how people feel when they are hypoxic? "After asking, I smiled evilly and took my feet off her. "Be careful about what I do in the future. We will use this to inform you of any requirements. You are just shy, don't do anything that makes us unhappy." After I suddenly remembered something, I turned to her daughter and The husband said, "Be careful of both of you. If the news leaks in any way, you will be worse than her death." I beckoned. "The mission is complete, retreat."

We huffed the truck that flashed into the door. At this time, the gate guard at the gate hadn't ran here yet. As soon as he arrived near the villa, he saw the large truck in front suddenly start, all the forty lights on the front of the car were lit, and the doorman covered his eyes in a panic. He couldn't see anything in the glare. It's white now. He could only hear the roar of the car passing by him with his ears and gradually going away.

The black trailer whistled out of the gate of the community, one flicked off the road, and then approached the next target. We are not going to kill anyone this time, mainly to show our strength. So it is necessary to start the other person. Therefore, we did not directly find the most difficult to start, but first attacked the surrounding small characters, and finally the bosses. Get them ready to go. Breaking into the army and catching them can really deter them. We just want to step down their self-esteem and self-confidence like demons, and psychologically destroy them.

The next goal was not far from here, and the truck rushed into the neighborhood with all the power. At 5 o'clock the next morning, the truck drove back to the warehouse, and I took everyone out of the box. Rose took a breath and took off her helmet. "Hoo! It's exhausting! There are more than two hundred and three in one night, it's crazy!"

"You are amazing!" Our driver jumped from the driver's seat. "If only my group of students had such skills as you."

I smiled and said, "Your technology is good too! I didn't make 150 kilometers in an average night. It's rare to not turn the car over!"

"Haha! Is this what I did!" He turned and patted the door: "This guy is also good! Power is like a tank, the balance is so good, and the 360-degree swing is not shaking. Akira! It's a pity to destroy it. I can't bear it! "

"His work has been completed, we cannot leave evidence, and there is no way to destroy it. You go back and take a good rest!"

After sending our driver, there was a group of people. They were the recovery team of Longyuan. The car was handed over to them, and I took everyone to take a few cars back to the base, but we had no time to sleep with the Seal of the Throne. As soon as we entered the base, we were asked to change outfits and fly directly to Beijing. There are still a few important people to see tonight.

The Beijing branch is ready to meet. We rested after landing. By the way, a raid plan was made. The person in charge of the base sent us long-prepared weapons, but they were basically cold weapons. Our strength and degree are too great, and the general hot weapon is of little significance to us. But we are not without thermal weapons. Bailang had an eight-pack missile backpack on his back, plus two 20-mm-degree machine guns, each with 3,000 rounds of ammunition. That is to say, a four-legged animal like Bailang is suitable for carrying such large equipment. These things are almost a small turret.

The lucky son Xiao Budian gave up the human form, but directly used the dragon form. Of course, this has been replaced at the Nanjing base. Here he was equipped with another backpack similar to Bailang, but he only had four rounds of ammunition, and the two machine guns were replaced by a six-barrel rotating machine gun, but he brought 13,000 ammunition, enough for us to splurge for a while. .

After the tank was humanized, he was a muscular man. We prepared two four-barreled rotating machine guns for him. One door was fixed on both arms, and the magazine was automatically carried on his back. This kind of weapon is only equipped by a few particularly strong soldiers in the army, and one side like a tank can only be said to be a macho.

Little Dragon Girl and Ariana each received a Death Eye sniper rifle. This gun has not been able to equip the army because of recoil and other problems, but it is just right for us. To be honest, this thing should be called a sniper gun, because its caliber is 23 millimeters, which has passed the standard of a gun, but we are still used to calling it a gun. This thing is mainly used to attack targets at long distances, and its stable range is three kilometers. And using a burst warhead can blow up a small house. Within a kilometer, its bullets can overturn light armored vehicles by inertia, known as single-person artillery.

Except for the four of them, which have hot weapons, we only have one pistol as a spare weapon. The main weapons are all cold weapons. But we brought a lot of things like flashes and tear gas. Of course, these are processed products, leaving no trace after the explosion.

When it was dark, I asked everyone to check the equipment again and was preparing to go out. Suddenly I received a call from my dad. "Dad? What's the matter?"

"Operation last night had already been effective. Today, the guys protested to me. The **** are actually putting pressure on the central authorities, and the top ones are a bit difficult to do now."

"What do they think? Do you want to terminate the mission?"

Dad's voice was not upset at all, but a little excited. "No. The above is also annoying by these guys, so I hope we can make these guys safe. But the government is not good at all after all. So you have to do it, but the content needs to be changed."

My voice was cold like a dead man who had just climbed out of the graveyard: "Are you going to kill?"

Dad realized that I might not be very happy, but still affirmed my guess. "Young people are prone to impulses. They think they are brave and dareless. In fact, we elderly people are the ones who have determined their goals and never give up. We are also young, so we know that if we do n’t want to do things, we should never go public. If you do, you have to be half-hearted. You must be treated differently. The core characters are killed. Some people ’s mouths are sealed, and the old things are left to us. ”

I smiled. "Is the black deal? I understand. They are standing in the wrong position at the wrong time. Historically, the wheel will not change direction for a few people. Everything that blocks it will be crushed, no matter who it is. Put Give me the list and I'll deal with it. "

"The new list is on Rose's computer. The red part needs to be completely erased, and the rest are the same."

"I see." After I hung up the phone, I turned to Rose and said, "The plan has changed. Remove both the smoke bombs and the flash bombs, and replace them with the seeder and the mother of flame." The seeder is a single-person thunder-thrower. At the bottom is a tumbler. When it explodes, the first half will fly up one meter and eight meters high before exploding. After that, 5,000 to 10,000 steel **** with a diameter of 1 millimeter will be scattered around, and everything in the room will be screened. As for the mother of flame, it is a single-person incendiary bomb. Dragon Edge can be used to deal with things that you do not want to be seen.

After confirming the equipment, we left the Beijing base from the underground passage, and the exit was in a municipal sewer. Although it smells bad, this place is really hidden! Out of the sewer, it's not far from our first goal.

With what happened last night, the opposition already knew that we would take action today, so the defense became tighter, and even some small characters also paid for hiring bodyguards. Of course, with us, those people are just furnishings. All the people on the non-death list are easily resolved, and the rest should be seen.

I stood in front of a residential building that looked very ordinary with the information. No one would have thought that this boss would actually live here. On the surface, this is just an ordinary residential building in an ordinary residential area, but in fact its room 101 is the basement entrance. After entering from here, you can enter an underpass, and through the underpass, you can enter a nearby villa without a door. That is the real residence. Our information only mentions that the entrance is here. We don't know which nearby villa is the one that is connected by tunnel, so we can only find it from here.

It is obviously unwise to enter the tunnel. There are 10,000 ways for the other side to kill us. We are better than the average person, but we are not immortal. We will also be injured and killed.

Wei Na squatted on the ground, closed her eyes with one hand and said, "What a long tunnel! There is a railcar in it."

"Oh? They still have a car?" Ling also crouched and pressed her hand to the ground, but she quickly stood up again. "I didn't expect it. There are not many defense personnel!"

"Do you know which way the tunnel is going?" I asked.

Ling and Wei Na both pointed at the small hill front. "The villa we are looking for is behind that mountain, about three kilometers away."

"Then we go."

After arriving at the villa, it turned out to be a large building, and there was really no door like the information said. Xiaochun looked at the entire building and said, "This guy must always do bad things."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

Xiaochun smiled and said, "If you don't do bad things, you don't need to build your own home like a bunker. The president of the country is much more important than him, and he hasn't built his own home like this! This guy must be doing something ruthless. They retaliated against him, so he built a bunker and hid. "

I smiled and rubbed Xiaochun's head: "What are you thinking about this little head melon? This is his villa, not his home. Although the ordinary people did not know what happened last night, they were among them. Why don't you know? He only ran over with his family this morning. "

"Are there any children in his family?" Xiaochun asked a little bit unbearably.

Rose was annoyed to Xiaochun, "Do you want to leave evidence to get us involved?"

Xiaochun shook her head. "I just think. If it's a child, isn't it ...?"

I interrupted both of them. "Did I say that we should kill the door tragedy? You all come over." I opened the rose computer and showed them. "This is a photo. The target is four people, and they will be eliminated immediately. As for the other people, you are free! I suggest you to kill them directly. If you are a person without resistance, you want to let them go. Then I suggest stun. I don't want to be bitten by those you let go. "


"Okay, let's go."

Because the villa has no door, there are no guards outside. The walls were cast with steel **** cement, and steel plates were sandwiched inside. There are no windows on the exterior wall. From the outside, it is easy to be regarded as something like a power distribution station or a pumping station. People nearby do n’t even know that this is a bunker-style villa, and they thought it was an engineering building.

We did not follow the tunnel. Can't let the other side go through the tunnel. I whistled to Bailang. "Come on the tunnel two times, knock down the entrance, don't let the people inside run away. Block the guards in the tunnel around, we will be done when they get around.

"Happy to help." Bai Lang walked up the hillside, and the weapon suit on his back automatically bounced to both sides. Two search shells flew out from both sides of his ground. The first missile hit the corner of the villa directly. With a bang, the dirt on the ground was blown away, revealing the metal layer below. The people in the building instantly awakened from their sleep. When they heard the explosion at this time, they certainly knew what was going on.

The second bomber did not attack directly, it first flew up very high, and then turned around and pierced. There was a loud noise, and the passage covered with steel plates was still collapsed, and the entire ground was recessed a large piece. At the same time, there was a hole under the wall of the villa. Bailang blew a hole here, and in the province we will make holes again.

We quickly ran to the entrance of the cave. Several people flashed out immediately, but they were stunned somehow as soon as they came out. I crossed the rubble and went straight into the villa. Unlike the structure with only red brick cement outside, the interior decoration is very beautiful. However, there is no beauty in this position. The miniature missile produced by Long Yuan is no less powerful than the 60 rocket launcher, and the contents of this room have been destroyed.

Except for those who rushed out at the beginning, there was no guard inside. Through electromagnetic induction and thermal energy sensing capabilities, we can clearly determine the location of all living things in the room, even a cockroach hiding on the ceiling, we can feel it, let alone guard it.

I was the first to walk to the bedroom on the first floor, where there were three women, all of them panicked in the corner. Rose walked over and dragged the youngest girl around ten years old, and the woman in her thirties immediately rushed to fight Rose. Not to mention now, even the roses that have not been transformed before are also trained as regular spies. Where is her aunt like her? Rose swept her aside with a slight pull, and then forefinger nodded around the crying girl's neck.

The biological anesthesia needle worked well, and the little girl was silent for a few seconds. Rose put her on the bed, and the woman next to her who had just been pulled away thought that the child was dead, and approved it like crazy. Rose was not so kind to her. She was stunned with a knife.

I walked to the remaining woman in her twenties and asked, "Yang Manni?"

The woman nodded fearfully.

I slapped the muffler pistol on her mind: "Don't remember to be mean in your next life." Alas! With an inaudible whisper, the woman opened her fearful eyes and fell to the sky. I pulled the sheets down and threw them over her to cover the body. The others had come down after turning around and leaving the room. "finished?"

"The mission objectives are all over, and the others are dizzy."

"Well, withdraw."

Ten minutes after we left. The guards blocked in the tunnel just exited the exit and ran back to the villa, but they could do nothing. As for evidence, don't count on such things. We are all wearing tactical armor, this thing has anti-chemical function, and it is tightly sealed, leaving no evidence of skin debris or head fingerprints. The bomb hunting of the wall was made of plastic, and nothing remained after the explosion. The bullet used in the final execution was an ice warhead, which would melt due to the final temperature of the corpse after being injected into the human body, and there would be nothing except leaving some distilled water. Moreover, the bullet used a paper cartridge case, and the cartridge case was burned at the same time.

The next target is not far from here. And they even heard the first explosion. By the time we got there, everyone in the villa was already waiting for us with a weapon.

In fact, I think they can reduce some pain if they are all sleeping. Thirty or so bodyguards and our firepower trio fired at each other for three seconds, then all died. Whether it's a tank holding a rotating machine gun or a firing cannon on Bai Lang's body. They are all repressive weapons. I don't know how many times they will be more powerful than bodyguards' small pistols. If it weren't remote, I wouldn't dare let them use such heavy weapons. Although the power of cartridgeless ammunition is small, the cartridgeless gun is more airtight because it does not need to retract. The actual power is greater, and the precise neural control ability of the biochemical man, even such a heavy weapon can be as accurate as a sniper rifle. So the gunfight lasted only three seconds.

In the small building that was hit like a honeycomb, there was no movement except for a few electric sparks from time to time. But our eyes can accurately sense more than twenty people distributed in the three-story villa by means of heat energy.

The number of executions in this place is seven, and they are our major resistance. In such a situation that they must die before they die, I will not have any compassion. I have my own standards of justice. They are only enemies to me, and I do not speak humanely with them.

He punched open the door of the third-floor master bedroom, and the poor male owner even took a baseball bat to attack me. Either he dragged or twisted, his face turned red, and the stick remained motionless. A 11-year-old boy suddenly rushed over and slammed my belly. "Let go of my dad! Let go of my dad. Let's ..."

The rose nodded around the child's neck. The child collapsed immediately. When I let go, the man fell into the room because he couldn't control his strength. I pulled the child out, threw a seeder back in, and took the door with me. There was a sound like a rainstorm in the room, accompanied by a scream. The steel **** were replaced with ice balls, but the power would not drop much, and there was no way to hide in such a small space.

When we got down to the first floor, everyone had gathered together. We left this villa, which was mostly dead, to enter the next target.

At three o'clock in the morning, we have almost all the people on the red list. Sixty-three people lost their lives on this **** night. As a person, they actually did nothing wrong. They are just the product of the war between two cultures. On the wrong occasion, they used the wrong method, which led to their wrong termination. By comparison, the innocent bodyguards should be these deadly bodyguards. They have nothing to do with the whole thing, but just take on an unsuitable task. And the children left by these people, I can only let the welfare department of Long Yuan care more about it in the future. Long Yuan is sorry for these children, but if their parents do not die ~ ~, they will have more children like they are today. Ironically, our extreme cruelty is all about preventing something more brutal. Ending this political conflict earlier will result in fewer deaths.

We sat on a "borrowed" bus and proceeded towards the last target. Rose took the computer and sat in the seat next to me. "The last goal is not so easy!"

"I know. That's why I left him last."

Ling took a look at the computer. "It's still a general, isn't that our superior?"

"Theoretically yes, but we are not a system, there is no subordination." Rose explained.

Xiaochun flipped the data and said, "According to this, he is still a good general! But why should he oppose us? We should have nothing to do with him! We do n’t want him to raise it, and it ’s not his flower. Money, what is he doing to put pressure on the central government to dispose of us? "

"To survive." I sighed long. To be honest, I really don't want such a character to appear in the target. Not afraid of him, but that such internal consumption is really not worth it!

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