Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 31: Mysterious prisoner

He beckoned a few of us. "Nobody, fast forward."

A few of us jumped up to the wall very lightly, and then the figure flashed into the wall. According to the original design route, we should now be in an unguarded warehouse area. This square seems to be in a shabby place. So no one pays attention to the situation here. Move quickly to the wall of this small yard, and you can see a large number of personnel from here, but all of them are non-combatants. There is a rockery near the courtyard wall. According to information, it should be a hidden stake. .

I gestured to Linger, and pointed to the rockery: "It's over to you."

Linger nodded, the flash of the figure had appeared next to the rockery, and then pressed on the rockery.Several holes on the rockery began to spray wild smoke, and it was the pink smoke, which was also intensely bloody. Linger made a ok gesture to us, and we immediately arrived at her.

"Dark inside whistle?"

Linger nodded: "It has shattered into blood."

"It was amazing!"

"Shh, there's someone over there." The gold coin darkened both of us behind the rockery.

A team of patrols came over from the front, but their patrols were very spaced, so we didn't move them. After this patrol left, we rushed forward and quickly passed the outer area and entered the core area of ​​the temple. Starting from here, the mission becomes a bit difficult. Because it is close to the target here, there are patrol ground guards everywhere, and the number of bright and dark whistle is even more numerous.

A seven-man patrol squadron just passed in front of us, and the other team immediately came in the other direction, and there was no way to assault at such a high density.

I carefully summoned Yeyue, and then gestured to her in a louder voice. Yeyue nodded, and looked out from behind the plant in hiding with me. Linger seemed very interested in Yeeyue I called out. , Staring at Yeyue's tail for a long time.

Ye Yue and I whispered, "Can you petrochemically treat all seven people at once when the team comes over?"

"It may be a bit difficult!" Yeyue said to me: "If there are two petrochemicals from the back, it should be fine."

"What to do in front of two people in case of two?"

"Sinopec has no voice. The person in front won't be so alert?" Yeyue said, "Again ..." Yeyue suddenly screamed, scaring me to quickly reach out and cover her mouth. Yeyue Drag my hand and turn to look at Linger: "What are you touching my waist?"

Not only did Linger realize that he made no mistakes, he reached out to touch the waist of Yeyuedi. "Are you really a snake demon tribe?"

"What snake demon? I am a son-in-law."

"Is it the same!" Linger said earnestly: "It's rare. I thought your family had only one descendant, and you actually saw another branch of the exhibition site so perfectly branched off. Your body seems to have strong power. It should have a good foundation. If you exercise well, you will be as powerful as a son-in-law. "

"Shh, now is not the time to discuss the Protoss land, people are everywhere, or think about how it used to be better."

Zhenhong suddenly asked, "Did you not have a magical pet that can punch holes? How about digging a path?"

"It is impossible. If it is in the ordinary way, this is the area blocked by the divine power. There are so many masters like dogs. We punch holes under it. Then people ca n’t hear it, can't the protoss?

"Then move forward a little bit as planned!"

In fact, the plan that they made for us is quite thorough. We only need to do things according to the plan. Yeyue used the petrochemical technique to silence the special features, and it is easy to touch the freedom with the various means of our place. Statue front.

In reality, the statue of Liberty in the United States has seen the ground. If it is close to the ground, it still looks relatively high, but in reality, the statue of Liberty in the sculpture mainly reflects the firm belief, so the expression is very sacred. Now, although the statue in front of us is much taller than the ground in reality, the shape is completely different. The statue of Liberty in this sculpture is not the kind of robe. It is a kind of robe. Light armor. Her appearance has been modified to be much more beautiful than the sculpture in reality. The Statue of Liberty in reality looks like a middle-aged woman in her thirties. This is an image of twenty-six years old. Even the most famous Liberty Torch of the Statue of Liberty turned into a torch-like combat staff, and the book of freedom held by the other hand turned into a book with a pentagram attack attack spell on the cover.

"So arrogant," said Kristina, looking at the sculpture.

True red pointed to the bottom of the sculpture: "I want to know more about that than the shape of that thing?"

"Strange, why are there so many guards?" I was surprised that no one should have stood next to the base of the sculpture on the ground for a whole hundred armed guards.

"There is an intelligence field guard, which is not easy to do now." Gold Coin said: "How about we summon a pet to lead people away?"

"I'm afraid this can't be done?" Zhenhong asked.

I shook my head: "Pushing these people away means that there will be some movement, and the result will only be more guards, but it will make things later more troublesome."

"Or try with my illusion?" Linger suggested.

"Don't even think about it," I shook my head. "The Statue of Liberty is not stupid enough to not have an anti-stealth position in your own headquarters. Your illusions only target people, and there must be no use for these methods."

"What then?"

"Walk from above." I pointed to the top of my head. "Now the sky is the safest side. As long as we use illusion and quietness, it should be fine to slide over them."

"good idea."

In my suggestion, Linger added a deformed illusion to us, and any local people will treat us as a few birds. In this way, even if there are masters, we will not suspect the changes in the air current. Ascension, but did not dare to summon the messy magic pet. I flew with my wings, and I held true red in my arms. Kristina and Noreen rode my night shadow together, and Linger would fly by himself, by the way The gold coins were also brought up. None of our three flying units flew without sound. It was better to sneak in. The gun was fast enough, but it was too loud.

We first ascended vertically, then glide directly to the sculpture without fanning the wings, and then landed on the top of the cornerstone. Below are the three hundred guards, but at this time they were facing away, so no one noticed .

I compared to a silent gesture. Then I dropped the face lightly and waved to it. The gold coins jumped down one by one, and I caught them one by one and slowly put them on, trying not to make them. The sound came. I waited for everyone to take them into the cornerstone. There was no one here. But the problem was that there was a dark door on the wall. The red vase that should have been used to hold down the switch was placed in the room. In the center, the door is always open, there is no meaning to close, obviously someone has entered.

At the beginning, Pu Gui told us that the bottle was to be transported back to the original place before entering. I was afraid that someone came in and the door was open to know that someone had sneaked in. But now the door is open and the bottle has not been moved back. This indicates that it is a temple. The mainlanders went in here. I instantly thought of a possibility, that is, the Statue of Liberty is below. The three hundred men outside the guards are not to defend the guards here. They should be the guards of the Statue of Liberty, but because of the compactness. Only the Statue of Liberty could go in. So the guards waited outside.

In any case, the rescue operation must not be abandoned, I recruited them to signal that they were moving fast. Everyone carefully sneaked to the door. Behind the dark door was a long, oblique downward road, and it turned a corner far ahead. Fang like this is the land I'm most afraid of encountering. With such a narrow and long aisle, halfway along the way, if someone comes up, we will hide.

The gold coin came to my side and kept his voice as low as possible: "Why not go in?"

"What if someone below?"

"Can't you stand like that?"

I thought about summoning the dart, and the dart was stunned immediately with one finger. The little guy moved fast, even if the existing person came up and ran back, it was too late. The dart ran back for more than ten seconds, I nodded As everyone started to walk down, darts have seen everything below is safe.

After walking down the steps for a long distance, I finally entered the horizontal passage. There is a small room here. About one hundred square meters. This room is a hexagonal ground, except for the wall where we came in. The other five walls There are three entrances each, which means that a total of sixteen passages are connected to this room. Except for us entering this, where the other fifteen passages lead to is completely unknown, even if they each have their own place or some of them are The trap is not clear.

No way, I had to summon the Bailang who is best at living in the channel. Bailang first sniffed around each channel, then walked back and said: "All these channels have the smell of people walking by, if not someone just broke in That is not a trap. "

"Okay, I see." I turned to look at the others: "What to do? Just guess one or ...?"

The gold coin smiled and said, "Of course you can't guess the ground. Do you forget what kind of profession I am?"

"A thief and a priest, what's the matter?"

"Don't you know that Taoist priests can count?" After the gold coins were spoken, they took out a copper plate and threw it upward. After the copper plate fell, it did not fall, but rolled all the way to the entrance of the channel. Pointing proudly at the channel: "Just it."

"What's the difference between you and blind guessing?"

"This is a system skill," Gold Coin said, "I hit 85 percent of the time, I can't go wrong."

"Then trust you once." Zhenhong took the lead in that passage.

I did not retract Bailang. With his keen hearing, we can very easily know if anyone is approaching. Any small sound in this closed road will cause a great echo, so Bailang can play better than the face. .

The passageway came to an abrupt end after just forty meters or so, the front door was a door, and there was a handle on the wall next to it. I thought about it and tried to pull it. The door began to slide to the side with a click and disappeared into the wall soon. I didn't expect that there was a downward spiral ladder behind the door. When we entered the spiral ladder, the stone door slid back again, but there was also a handle here, so we were not worried.

Go down the steps. After about 20 meters of vertical descending, the stairs are over. There is a similar door in front of me, and there is a handle beside it. I went up and pulled it, and the door opened immediately. Behind the door was a huge room, but But there was nothing empty. On the wall opposite us was a gate more than five meters high and more than three meters wide. There were a large number of magic arrays carved on the door. And the surface was also inlaid with a lot of ground stones and the like.

We walked to the gate and looked at it for a long time. Really shook his head and said, "There doesn't seem to be a mechanism to open the door!"

I nodded and said, "Before, the ground gate only served as a barrier, and I didn't expect anyone to block it. This is the real gate. The gate with so many good things is impossible to open. Of course, it is impossible to leave an institution. Let you drive casually. "

"Come and see what this is?" Noreen suddenly called us over.

I walked to her. I saw that she found a hole in the wall next to the door. This hole was in the wall and covered with a stone door disguised as a brick. If you do n’t open the door, you will see it from the outside. Thought it was part of the wall.

"How did you find the land?"

"I just leaned on it, and when it got up, it bounced off by itself."

"It turned out to be a snap switch." I looked in the hole. The depth of the hole was more than one meter, the hole was round and the diameter was not large. Norin, the smallest of us, tried to hold the handle. She inserted it.Although she barely entered the ground, her arms were too short to reach the bottom of the hole.

The gold coin put a lighting technique and looked inside the hole. "It looks like a keyhole. Even if I can unlock the key without using a key, how can I get so deep?"

I laughed. "Hey. Let me see the best weapons in the game and take them up." I took out eternity. "Eternity, let them see and see."

"Look at me." Eternal began to stretch under the control of the sword spirit, and soon became a stick of nearly two meters long, and the thickness was about the same as the hole. I inserted the eternally changing stick from the hole, When the end of the stick is at the end, a half-meter-long section is left outside.

The gold coin said puzzledly, "Even if you can insert it, you can't change the key?"

Noreen smiled and said, "You are stupid. Since eternity can become a stick, what's the big deal if you extend the key at the tip? And because eternity can be shaped freely, it is almost a master key."


I asked Eternal: "Do you feel what it looks like inside?"

Eternal answered immediately: "Well, very simple, the structure inside is just a very ordinary polygonal gear. There is no complicated structure. Do I need to enter it to become a key?"

"of course."

"Well, it's done."

I was preparing to turn eternity. Noreen stopped me suddenly. "Or I come. You don't know how many turns the key needs to take, maybe this thing is password protected?"

"That's it." I backed aside.

Noreen grabbed Eternity and twisted it slightly. With the eternal rotation, you can hear the crisp mechanical snapping sound from the wall. It sounds like the equipment is well maintained, and the sound of metal impact is crisp and pleasant. Norrind did not suddenly wrinkle. She turned a little in the opposite direction, and then moved back and forth in that position for a long time, and finally suddenly tried to insert eternity into it a bit.

Noreen yelled before eternally saying, "Fuck, there is actually a secondary lock cylinder inside. Wait a minute, I'll first become a suitable key shape."


"Okay, you can turn."

This **** lock is really complicated.It also has a secondary lock cylinder. Thanks to eternity, it can be deformed. Otherwise, unless you use the real key, you probably don't want to open it.

Noreen first turned clockwise this time, and the result was completely unable to move, so she had to turn in the opposite direction, and only walked half a turn. Suddenly we all heard a very clear click, and it was clearly connected. Noreen took eternity. I took it out and threw it back to me.The door in front of us banged loudly, and then began to separate to the sides in the sound of huge friction.

We all stood in front of the door, and as the door opened, the scene inside came into our sight immediately.

We were all shocked at the door. The room behind the door was not large. The door was already a whole wall for that room, so this room has only three walls. Unlike the outside passage, this room is entirely composed of Made of metal, there is no shadow of bricks at all. There are many rings on the wall of the room made of all-metal, and each ring is connected to only one arm with a coarse chain. The other end of those chains is concentrated in the middle of the room. A piece of wood makes a round platform. There is a little girl who looks only half a year old.

The little girl was hung above the table by a lot of chains. She had no clothes on her ground, but she wore a lot of chains. There was a wide gold ring on her neck, and the ring was full of dense lines. The magic symbol of earth, with a pale golden streamer flashing on the surface. This collar is connected to eight chains, which are respectively locked to eight fixing rings on the roof.

In addition to the neck, her two wrists also have similar metal rings, but the gold ring on her wrist is wider than the neck. The ring on the neck is only about one centimeter wide, but this one is on the wrist. It is nearly two inches wide for the gold ring. This is not to mention. There are also four chains on each of the two rings, all connected to the subway ring on the roof. It is because these chains are relatively short that the little girl will be half Hang in the air.

We soon discovered that the ring on her arm was not only on the wrist, but there was a ring on the left and right, and each ring was also connected to the roof by four chains. In addition, her ten fingers were actually on each of the ten rings. There is a metal ring like a ring, and even these rings are chained.

In addition to her arms and neck, there is a gold ring with a width of nearly four inches on her waist. This ring is connected to eight chains, which are connected to the surrounding walls. Her two thighs and ankles have the same metal. The ring is also locked with a chain, but it is just fixed on the ground.

With so many dense chains hanging this little **** the face, it may be that the Seal of Time is relatively long. She can no longer stand and can only hang her by the chains, but the chains are not long enough. It falls, but the knee can't touch the face, so this posture is actually quite uncomfortable.

This little girl has no clothes on her body. I don't know if the time seal of the throne of time has been powdered or not, but judging from her ground is probably powdered, because this looks like only a little girl with a black hair The length of the ground is not only dragged on, but even a small pile on the surface. But despite her long head, I still noticed a few very special squares. First, I showed her ears above her head. And it's the kind of furry little ears that look like cat ears. In addition, I found a tail under her land, a white tail with fluffy long hair. This should be an orc, but I don't know what level The orcs need to be locked like this.

"It's too much!" Linger screamed angrily before I spoke. "How can I treat a child like this?" Linger walked angrily to unlock the chain.

"Don't ...!" I shouted as if it was a little late, or Linger hadn't planned to listen to me, anyway, her hand still hit the chain. Pop! With a sound of electric shock, Linger was stepped back by electricity, and those black chains that originally tied the little girl suddenly lit up with dense red **** runes. We began to notice only those rings, and did not expect that even the chains were magic equipment, And the level is not low.

"How could this be?" Ling'er looked at her hands, and she couldn't imagine why there was magic equipment so strong that she couldn't even reach it.

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