Starting human body

Chapter 138 You are also light

The TPC base stood calmly on the sea at night.

command room,

The light was dim, save for the flickering light of computer equipment.

Dagu, who was on duty alone, was sleeping at the computer desk, his face illuminated by the red light covered with sweat.

The figure of the dark giant who destroyed the super-ancient city in the flames,

Humanity has fallen into chaos because of the Zijela Flower, and there is also the terrifying darkness that will eventually destroy the world.

The earth burned, and everything was swallowed up by the huge darkness...


Dagu woke up from his sleep, but the sound of burning fire in his ears still did not disappear.

The darkness that finally appeared made his body tremble slightly.


Dagu grabbed his restless hands and forced himself to calm down.

After the Qijela incident,

The earth ushered in a brief period of peace,

But he knows that the darkness of destruction will come sooner or later, and this time is not far away.

"I can't be afraid, I can't..."

Dagu closed his eyes with dry lips, took a few deep breaths, and the figure of Natsuki flashed in his mind.

"Dagu?" Lina appeared at the door of the command room with two cups of hot coffee, "What's wrong with you? You're sweating a lot..."

"No, it's okay."

Dagu came back to his senses and smiled stiffly.

"I...I want to go out for something."


Lina looked at Dagu who was worried and hesitated to speak.

Since the monster appeared, Dagu has gradually changed a lot, becoming more sad and always likes to hide his worries.

It's like a person is suffering from something.

Tokyo Bay,

When Dagu walked to the pier with the sea breeze blowing, a figure was already standing by the guardrail.

"Tell me," Xia Shu said calmly, looking at the water, "What's the point of finding me in the middle of the night?"

"Mr. Gao Shu..."

Dagu stopped and looked at Xia Shu's back and said.

"I saw a terrible doomsday scene. The darkness 30 million years ago is about to revive, right?"

Natsuki turned back to Dagu, wondering why Dagu came to say this.

"Are you scared?"

"I am indeed afraid, afraid that humanity will be destroyed again," Dagu said directly, "Mr. Gaoshu, you should be the same, right? You knew this situation would happen from the beginning, so you controlled Qijela... "

"I don't know what you are talking about," Natsuki interrupted, "It's best not to count on me too much, Dagu, don't forget that I am a dark giant."

Maybe he interfered too much in the relationship,

I always feel that Dagu is still somewhat dependent on him.

This is not a good phenomenon. Relying on the strength of others and working together to fight... There is nothing wrong with this in itself, but if you blindly rely on others and do not strengthen yourself, it may be difficult for Shining Tiga to appear.

Maybe it will be painful for Dagu to bear the pressure alone now, but it is necessary...

"Stop looking for me," Xia Shu said as she left the dock, "What this planet needs is light, it's you Dagu..."

"Mr. Gao Shu!"

Dagu kept his head low in silence. After Xia Shu walked a certain distance from him, he suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted.

"So what about the dark giant? So what about fighting for yourself? At least you have a kind heart, right? Everyone has a dark side and a bright side in their hearts... This is human beings!"

Dagu looked closely at Xia Shu, who paused slightly.

"You are also light, Mr. Gao Shu!"


Natsuki waved her hands and continued to leave.

Dagu actually started to talk, but this trick was useless to him.

Go ahead and suffer the pain,

It’s okay to be stressed.


At the harbor pier, Da Gu was blowing the cold wind with a slightly disappointed expression, and suddenly the PDI contact rang.

"Dagu," Lina connected via video link, "The ocean patrol discovered an abnormal bulge on the seabed off the coast of New Zealand. Come back to the headquarters immediately... What are you doing alone at the dock?"

"Nothing, I'll go back right away."

Dagu hurriedly cheered up and returned.

The command room is gathering everyone now because something major must have happened...


Several cloaked figures appeared near the dock, but when they wanted to follow Dagu, they were stopped by Natsuki.

"It's you again."

Natsuki glanced at several Kirialodians headed by the long-legged girl.

These guys seem to have been active on the earth a long time ago, and may have experienced the super-ancient period, and may even have died in the battle between the giants.

After death, Kyriarod becomes a spiritual being.

"Stop meddling in other people's business!" Mitsuo Itabashi stood up, pointed at Natsuki and yelled, "Provoking us Kirialodians will not bring good results!"

"What do you still want to do now?" Xia Shu said calmly, "Do you still want to be a human god?"

He originally thought that there was a God of Kirialodians, but gradually he realized that it was just the name of these guys.

He brazenly calls himself the Gods of Kyriarod, and wants to use his status as a god to enslave humans.

"What do you know?"

The long-legged girl smiled and said,

"Only we, the gods of Kyriarod, can save stupid humans before that guy wakes up..."

"Save humanity?" Natsuki sneered, "What can you do? Turn humans into spiritual bodies? Or plunder them before the darkness falls?"

These rubbish didn't dare to show up 30 million years ago, but now they may think they can do it again.

They should have planned to open the gate of time and space to launch a general attack on the earth, but I don't know why they didn't do it.

Maybe it has something to do with his existence...


Natsuki unfolded the stone rod transformer in his hand, and instantly transformed into a giant in front of several Kirialodians.

There is no need for these guys to cause trouble now, let’s clean it up first...

"Damn it!"

Mitsuo Itabashi, the others, and a group of spiritual beings behind them hurriedly raised their arms and worked together to summon transformation.

The Kirialodians who have been hiding in the dark know Natsuki fairly well, and have even seen with their own eyes Natsuki's use of a giant to kill an alien from space before he could transform.

"Anyone who violates the will of God Kirialod will be punished!"

The boiling heat avoided the gray giant, and the Kirialodians summoned the second generation Kirialod, a more terrifying Balrog warrior than the first generation.

With a devilish smile, the crystal on his forehead shines in the middle, and the luminous body on his left chest flashes up and down.

The posture is even scarier than it was a generation ago.

Moreover, its strength is several times that of the previous generation. After evolution, it has a transformation ability similar to that of Tiga, and can completely defeat the mid-term Great Gudiga in all aspects.


Natsuki separated her steps, lowered her center of gravity, then clenched her fist and charged towards Kiri Elode II.

The first generation was defeated by Gu Dijia. He only took a few photos at that time, so he felt that the second generation should not have reached A level yet.

In the original drama, the reason why Tiga started to be crushed was because Dagu was beaten before he transformed.

Tiga was fighting with injuries.


During the testing phase, Natsuki was not prepared to use kicks, but instead used punches after getting close.

As early as Leo's time and space, he used karate as the basis to combine various fighting skills to complete his own fighting system.

Fighting humanoid opponents is what he is best at.

The punches collided, and Natsuki used another fast punch to hit the abdomen of Kiri Elode II, but was blocked by the opponent in time.

"Bang bang bang!"

After another close range kick and collision, two huge figures separated on the pier and stood facing each other.

Kirialod's second-generation composite form is actually similar to him in terms of strength and speed.

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