Starting human body

Chapter 148 Zero and Zero


The air battle Maskedi and the land battle Maskedi carried out a relay attack on the Black King,

There were explosions everywhere. Liu Yi was so frightened that she huddled in the back seat with her legs crossed. Even Natsuki was pulled back when she was about to get out of the car.

"It's too dangerous, Mr. Gao Shu!"

"I know."

Natsuki looked through the car window and saw Ax leaping into the sky to face King Black.

This monster is strong, but not worthy of his transformation and fighting.

He prefers monsters with special abilities, and only monsters with special abilities have a chance to be absorbed by the Divine Light Mirror.


When everyone was attracted by the battle between King Black and Ax,

Bandillo, a Knuckle star wearing a cloak, suddenly appeared next to the blue armored vehicle.

Rogue warrior-like, with a mysterious figure.

As a weapons dealer who travels between different dimensions, Bondillo came here for the Spark Doll, and he also fell in love with Gio's Ultra Pistol almost at a glance.

"Boy," Bondillo ignored Kazama Watari's wary gaze and approached, "The toy you are holding is very good."

"Who are you?!"

Kazama Watari hurriedly set up his Ultra pistol, but before he could attack, Bondillo shot him away through his linen cloak.

"Bang bang!"

After getting close,

Kazamawatari suddenly suffered a heavy blow to the abdomen, and then suffered severe pain in his jaw. He was knocked to the ground by Bondillo's uppercut and was knocked unconscious.

So, so strong...

"too weak."

After knocking down Kazama Watari with two moves in a fighting battle,

Bondillo picked up the Ultra pistol without interest, and only then did he notice Natsuki who had gotten out of the car at some point.

A researcher wearing a suit who seemed to be protected by the Geo team.

An ordinary human being who is not even a warrior.


Bondillo nonchalantly threw the Ultra pistol into the blue armored vehicle. After checking that the spark puppet in the safe was correct, he looked at the battlefield on the other side with a cold snort.

King Black hasn't solved Ax yet...


After taking two steps forward, Bondillo suddenly froze.

Ordinary humans?

Something seems not quite right...


The scene flashed with light, and Bondillo, who was still confused, instantly turned into a stone statue.

There is no chance to look back even when dying.

Natsuki put away the Gakuma doll with a calm expression.

He looked back at Liu Yi, who was still huddled in the car, feeling slightly relieved.

After Bondero becomes gigantic, he becomes a character who can fight against Zero. I don't know how many levels he surpasses Gakuma.

But before becoming gigantic, it had no ability to resist petrifying light.


The wind and sand blew across the scene,

Natsuki glanced at the Bandillo stone statue and raised his head to look at King Black who was still fighting with Ax.

This bodyguard monster didn't notice anything happened to its owner...


"Mr. Gao Shu!"

Asuna and Dr. Hermann in the armored truck hurried over and were relieved when they saw Natsuki's figure.

"Are you guys okay?"

"It's okay," Natsuki helped Kazama Watari, who had been knocked unconscious by Bondillo, "It's just that member A'watari passed out."


Asuna ran to the Bandillo statue with eyes wide open.

"How is this going?"

"Being petrified," Dr. Hermann opened his mouth wide and looked as if his jaw would drop. "It's such a terrifying ability. Who did it?"

"I don't know, it was like this when I saw it." Xia Shu tried his best to avoid suspicion.

There was no way he would admit it anyway.

Dr. Hermann looked at Natsuki and wanted to say something else.

A space-time vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, and Ultraman Zero, wearing the ultimate armor, came forcefully. As soon as he appeared, he kicked off King Black's golden horn in the air.


"Is he the legendary Ultraman Zero?"

Gehrman was instantly attracted by Zero's figure, and even Asuna and Ryui were no exception.

Liu Yi even became Zero's little crush.

Everyone was focused on the giant battle, and no one paid attention to the petrified Knuckle star Bondiro. Instead, Zero, who was chasing Bondiro, glanced at the stone statue.

"Stone statue?"

After fighting, Zero took another look at the stone statue.

Bandillo, a native of Knuckle, has been traveling between different dimensions to commit crimes and is a notorious weapons dealer.

He has been chasing it for a long time, so he is quite familiar with it.

Is this planet being turned into stone?


King Black exploded violently under the bombardment of Ex-Zaladim's light, but Zero had no intention of paying attention to it.

"Who are you……"

Sero's eyes swept across the Bandillo stone statue, and soon fell on Xia Shu.

Unlike the "big lightbulb" that stood out in Tiga's time and space, Natsuki looked ordinary here, but it still caught Sero's attention.

Natsuki did not avoid Zero's gaze.

He can be said to be thunderous about Zero.

The strongest warrior in the Kingdom of Light. His basic form alone is ridiculously strong. Coupled with various ultimate forms, he can still thrive even in the new generation.

And Zero's name is also "Zero".

"Your Highness Zero!" Liu Yi called to Zero excitedly, "Your Highness Zero is looking over here!"

"Your Highness Zero?"

Zero was pulled back and looked at his little fan girl Liu Yi and smiled. He didn't investigate Natsuki's situation anymore and re-dressed in the ultimate armor and left the Aix time and space.

"Doctor," Asuna asked curiously, "What is going on with this giant? Is it famous?"

"Of course," Gehrman praised, "the universe is full of legends about Ultraman Zero, a very powerful Ultra warrior! When it comes to legends, we have to start with the original Giant of Light, the first generation of Ultraman Speaking of..."

"Doctor, you're here again," Liu Yi muttered, "You've told these stories so many times, why don't you just start with Zero this time?"


After the battle on Earth, he comes back with the Black King puppet, also with his ears propped up.

"Mr. Gao Shu, is the Zero the doctor mentioned just now the giant?"

Xia Shu shook his head and said: "No matter what, can you look at the occasion? Now is not the time to chat, right?"

"Mr. Gao Shu is right!" Vice Captain Orange contacted the base command room with a stern face, "The mission is not completed yet. We will continue to perform the mission after repairs!"

"How's the situation?"

After Captain Shenmu saw off a group of visiting students, he returned to the command room and asked.

"Is everyone okay?"

"A'Du was slightly injured, but it's nothing serious."

"That's good."

Shenmu nodded and asked by the way,

"How about the Sparkle Doll?"

"It seems like someone from space came to snatch the doll," Asuna reported via live video, "I don't know why it turned into a stone statue."

"Stone statue?"

"Could it be due to some kind of particle impact caused by the battle in Ax?"

Liu Yi turned into a scientist and studied around the stone statue, and even knocked on the stone statue with his hand.

She saw with her own eyes that Bondillo appeared and knocked out Kazama Watari, but she didn't know the process of turning into a stone statue.

"Judging from the shape, it should have been petrified in an instant..."

"It's possible," Dr. Hermann said. "In this case, let's send it to the research institute for testing."

Xia Shu secretly held her forehead from behind.

It’s better to take as little action as possible in the future if it’s not necessary.

He doesn't want to reveal his identity yet.

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