Starting human body

Chapter 152 A researcher and a warrior


The circular flash of light unfolded as Natsuki walked around, and as Natsuki stretched out her hand, it instantly shrank and condensed in the palm of her hand.

B-level form, Zaasi.

A-level form, the unknown giant of the ruined star, the dark Aguru, and the one he is most familiar with, Leo.

This is the fighting posture he can currently transform into through the Divine Light Mirror.

In terms of development level, Leo is the most fully developed, followed by Dark Aguru, and the unknown giant of the ruined star is about the same as Zaas.

Perhaps because of his systematic training in Leo's time and space, his fighting style has become completely Leo-like.

Even the gray giant in Tiga time and space and the current dark Aguru are no exception.

The thought flashed through Xia Shu's mind for an instant, and then Aguru's light surged up in the ominous lightning.

Each giant has a fighting style that suits him or her best.

It is better to deal with Gagorgon or Aguru.


It is still a sea-blue giant with black stripes on both sides. Except for the color and posture, it is exactly the same as Aguru V2.

It hit the ground like a meteorite, and the boom and explosion caused by it suddenly attracted everyone's attention. The people who were taking refuge turned back one after another, and even Gorgon stopped attacking Aix.

"There is actually an Ultraman?!" Asuna said hesitantly, holding up the light gun, not sure whether Dark Agur was an enemy or a friend.


Aguru stood up in the dust and mist,

He turned his head and looked at the two high school girls at the square below. After the two girls ran away in a hurry, his eyes officially turned to Gagorgon.


Aguru blocked the attacking snake head with one hand, and suddenly moved at high speed to save Aix who was bitten.

According to the monster illustrated information,

In addition to the current wave attack of the snake heads on both shoulders, Gorgon's skills are also

There are also petrifying light, cell regeneration, energy absorption light that are not shown now...

Through the battle of Aix just now, Natsuki felt more intuitively.

Gargorgon is obviously much stronger than ordinary A-level monsters, and its danger level should soon reach A+ or even be already A+.

But this monster has a fatal weakness.

The first is that the eyes are more susceptible to serious injuries than other parts of the body;

Although Gagorgon has the ability to regenerate cells and can restore his eyes, it still takes time.

As for energy absorbed light,

This skill is only used to absorb energy. Unless it is immobilized, it is not a big threat.

The key is the petrifying light...

Natsuki looked directly at Gagorgon's head.

Perhaps sensing his threat, a single eye began to emerge from the huge mouth that occupied the entire face.

This is Gorgon's eye that uses petrified light. It is used as a trump card, which is equivalent to a special move.

Unlike Gakuma,

After Gagorgon's petrification light is attacked, Ultraman generally cannot break it. Only by destroying Gagorgon's eyes can the petrification be released.

It's like a spell.

However, this terrifying ability can also be used against Gagorgon in turn.

"Bang bang!"

Natsuki moved at high speed again to avoid the attacks of the two snake heads.

When I turned around,

Jia Gorgon has already begun to accumulate energy.

The two rattlesnake-like tails were raised high and continued to glow and sway. The surrounding energy response increased sharply. Finally, the middle eye suddenly emitted a powerful energy impact light.


The energy wave first swept across the ground, adjusted its direction, and then hit Natsuki with a terrifying momentum.

Add Gorgon's petrifying light!


"Get out of the way!"

Natsuki stood still and opened an Ultra barrier amidst the anxious shouts of several people from Aix on the other side.

Now, in addition to teleportation, he can use Aguru to use other skills that can only be used by the human body.

On the contrary, in the human body state, the field cannot be expanded, and the full-power barrier can only last for 1 second...


The petrified light hit the Ultra barrier and sent shock ripples in circles, but this energy failed to break through the barrier.

As the petrifying light attack was completed, Natsuki took a step forward, raised the barrier and in turn sent the petrifying light towards Gagorgon.

Gagorgon stood in astonishment,

It seems as if he is stupid,

The glaring eyes were covered by light, and instantly turned into a stone statue, and then exploded.

"Bang bang bang!"

A small point of light emerged from the violent explosion and was caught in Natsuki's hand.

"Spark Doll?"

Ax and Daichi looked at Natsuki's transformed Agur in surprise.

Liu Yi and the others who had retreated on the ground also noticed the small light spot and looked surprised.

It is different from the Zaradim Ray of X, but the new giant does turn Gagorgon into something that seems to be a puppet.

"Ex," Dadi was even more shocked, and couldn't help but ask Ax, "Is this giant also Ultraman?"

"I haven't seen him before, but," Ax said hesitantly, "Maybe he's an Ultraman from another dimension."

"Can monsters in other dimensions be turned into dolls?"


Natsuki glanced at Aix and Ludian, and flew away from the scene with Gagorgon.

Although Ultraman transformed through the Divine Light Mirror cannot break through to S level, it is not too difficult to deal with monsters other than these bosses.

Even in the new generation, A-levels are usually considered to have high-end combat power.

It's a pity that the number of times he can transform is limited, and coupled with the growth problems of Aix and Dadi, he can't act arbitrarily.

Unlike Dagu,

Earth and Aix need to rely on combat to increase their fusion, otherwise they will never be able to defeat the resurrected Glizza in the future.

After all, Ax, who was fully formed 15 years ago, could not completely defeat Grizza.


Xia Shu knelt down and was about to put away Gagorgon and leave, when she suddenly let out a soft sigh.

His body seems to have completed the fourth level of evolution and is showing signs of breaking through to the fifth level.

It has to be said that the difficulty of upgrading from level 4 to level 5 is almost like the sum of the previous levels.

Although the transition from a first-level human to a second-level cosmic human was a leap from life level E to D, at the beginning, he directly used the divine light mirror to complete the advancement, so he felt nothing.

Levels 2 to 3 are due to the Tree of Life seeds.

Levels 3 to 4 are due to the Victory Crystal Core.

Only level 4,

This level is almost a matter of time and effort.

"It feels like it won't be long before I can reach level 5." Xia Shu felt a little hopeful.

Level represents physical ability. Regardless of whether new abilities will be awakened or not, physical improvement alone can bring obvious benefits.

The number and distance of teleportation, the strength and duration of the barrier...

Especially for domain skills, it is estimated that he may not be able to use them until he reaches level 6.

"It's you!"

The young man in white fell back to the ground. When he saw the Gagorgon doll in Xia Shu's hand, he thought of Agul without thinking.

"Are you that giant?!"

At first, he thought it was Gio who discovered him and contacted him.

Now that I think about it, it's not.

Gio had not previously known about Gagorgon, and it was impossible to send a researcher to him.

The young man in white looked at Xia Shu again, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart: "Could it be...that you wanted to join Gorgon in the first place?"

Both he and the Earth seemed to be used as bait,

How could there be such a terrible person?

"I saved you,"

Natsuki put away the doll and walked away, leaving only the back of the young man.

"That's enough."

There is another chapter updated at 12 o'clock

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