Starting human body

Chapter 161 Iron Monster Dimaja

Research room.

Natsuki carried the potted plant back to the workbench, carefully cut off the excess branches and leaves, and then hung her Leo doll pendant next to it.

This pendant was a gift from Leo Shikong Xiaoxiang, and I kept it with me and never lost it.

After tidying up the desktop, Natsuki developed the virtual Jeton alone.

Unlike armor cards, virtual monster development is much more complicated and cannot be developed by one person.

It's just that now a few people from Dadi continue to conduct research on Virtual Gomora.

There is still a lot of process required from experiment to actual combat. After all, two huge electronic irradiation devices cannot be transported to the scene for every battle.

That way you don’t know how long it will take until the equipment is installed and debugged.

Gio's countermeasure is to remotely materialize through the virtual monster doll. Then only a personal terminal will be needed to use the virtual monster to fight.

"It's done!" Dr. Hermann, who was also staying in the research room, suddenly stood up. "I'm exhausted. My brain cells need sugar! Liuyi, coffee..."

Natsuki turned around and took a look, and found that the Fanton man had made a virtual armor card. On the card was Zero wearing the ultimate armor.

"Eh? Where are Dadi and the others?" Gehrman was happy for a while before he realized that there was no one in the research room.

"They're all at the testing ground."

Natsuki approached.

"Is this a Zero card?"

He remembers that X can use the Ultimate Armor through this card.

The prototype of the ultimate armor is the Shield of Palagi, itself an artifact that can protect the universe.

Zero obtained it from the legendary Ultraman Noah during a life-and-death crisis in "Belia Galactic Empire", and has been relying on this artifact to travel through the universe and fight since then.

Zero's various forms, including Radiant Zero, are related to the Shield of Palagi.

I don’t know if it’s because the virtual technology is great, or if Aix itself is too strong…

Natsuki glanced at the card data.

Judging from the fact that only Aix can use this virtual card, the latter should be more likely.

After all, no matter how powerful the software is, it still needs hardware support.

At least Akers' potential won't be low.

The new generation of Ultraman...

Natsuki thought of Galaxy and Victory.

Strictly speaking, these Ultraman are a bit inappropriate to be placed in the "new generation". In essence, they are not new people.

Each one is more like a boss.

The Ultra Universe may not be considered the true new era until Geed begins.

"Want to eat together?" Dr. Hermann brought a large bowl of snacks and asked Xia Shu casually.


Natsuki was not polite at all, and directly took a few pancakes under Gehrman's glare.

"Level 2 alert! Violent crustal movement occurred in Umezawa City in S2-7 area!"

Just when Natsuki and two were eating in the research room,

An alarm suddenly sounded in the Gio base, and a Dimaga was soon detected.

It's almost identical to the Dimaka he fought when X first appeared.

Dimajia is an iron monster recorded in "Taiping Fengtu Ji".

Legend has it that when the demonic light lingered in the sky, Dimaka, who was burning the earth, woke up, destroyed the peaceful world with raging fire, and was finally sealed by the Giant of Light.

But "Taiping Fengtu Ji" does not say that there are two Dimajas.

"Why is there Dimaja?!" Shenmu's face turned gloomy, "Hayato, Adu, you drive the Air Combat Maskedi and rush to the scene!"

Saying that, Shenmu contacted Dadi and his team at the testing site.

"Can virtual monsters be deployed?"

"Almost," Dadi responded, "I can try!"

"Okay, Asuna and Daichi will drive Gio Aramis to the scene!" Shenmu ordered, "We must control the damage to the minimum!"


The Aramis is that blue passenger truck. It is used in multi-person operations or object transportation. It is usually used by research teams to transport equipment. When combined with the Maskedi, it will become the Space Mas. Cady number.


research room,

Dr. Hermann patted his stomach and burped, then fell asleep right where he was.

Xia Shu shook his head and contacted the command office and said, "I'll go too. If anything happens, I can also support you."

"Is it okay?" Shenmu asked hesitantly.

The research team has actually become the main force in combat...

"No problem," Natsuki looked at the Zero virtual card out of the corner of his eye and said, "And the doctor also has a card to pass to Ax."

Umezawa City.

After Dimajia broke through the ground, his heavy body walked step by step between the tall buildings on the street.

Office workers who had not yet had time to escape crowded together in the office building, watching in horror as the monster's figure blocked the light from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Huge monster eyes, rough skin with dorsal fins, rumbling footsteps...

Human beings seem to have an innate fear of giant creatures.

The terrifying 50-meter body still makes people's hands and feet feel cold even when viewed in a high-rise building.


Natsuki sat on Gio Aramis, rushed to the scene with Daichi and Asuna, and saw Dimaga coming across the city from a distance.

The molten iron monster Dimaga,

Most of its body is made of molten iron. Its head has horns that gather heat energy, and it can spit out red heat rays of molten iron from its mouth.

After it is strengthened, it will turn into the Dark Sword Dimaja, which is very powerful, and seems to be related to the Yan Warcraft Seggu...

"Let's go!"

"Dadi, I'll guide the citizens to evacuate!"

Gio Aramis stopped,

Asuna got out of the car immediately to evacuate the evacuating crowd, leaving only Natsuki and Daichi in the car.

"I'm going to fuck."

Dadi did not choose to materialize the virtual Gomora on the spot. Instead, he nodded to Natsuki, walked outside the car, and raised the X terminal for fusion.



A bright light flashed directly in front of Xia Shu, and the gorgeous light rose up, condensing the figure of Aix in mid-air, and kicked Dimaka on the ground like a sharp arrow.


As Dimajia was kicked down hard, Dadi immediately used the armor card to fall onto the battlefield.

Compared with the Dimaga in the past, the Dimaga in front of him was obviously much stronger, and Aix's series of equipment skills were suppressed.

It seems to have been strengthened...

Xia Shu felt suspiciously about Dimaja's situation, turned her eyes, and looked back to see a strange woman dressed in cosplay appearing across the street.

While the people were taking refuge, the strange woman did not make any movement. Instead, she looked at Dimajia with a slight smile.


The strange woman felt something, and looked towards Xia Shu from across the street, with a dark red light flashing in her eyes.


In the eyes of women, Natsuki has an indescribable ominous aura about him, which is almost as strong as the evil demon in the legend of the ancient A empire.

However, the Natsuki in front of him seemed to be too weak to be attacked.


Frowning, the strange woman turned around and disappeared from Xia Shu's sight, not wanting to cause trouble.

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