Starting human body

Chapter 183 Old Friend

"How could it be?! What the hell is this..."

The Genai Jindaru slipped from the roof and looked desperately at the demon blade that pierced his chest. Before Natsuki could get closer, his body collapsed and turned into a cloud of sand and dust.


Natsuki raised his arm, grasped it with his fingers, and caught the katana that glowed red and black due to devouring energy.

A strange wave of telepathy came along the blade, and Xia Shu's own telepathy suddenly increased sharply, and he involuntarily released it and enveloped the entire Qiuyue family.

All objects in the entire area are invisible, including Onoda and the Qiuyue family who are imprisoned by telepathic devices in the villa.

It’s not just the increase in mental power,

Natsuki felt that her control over telekinesis had also risen to a higher level.

Controlling objects is no longer a problem. At least in this courtyard, he can collect the katana in his hand from a distance.

Although it is impossible to obtain the telekinesis skills of the Genai Jindaru people,

But compared to the "psychic power" of Ampera people above S level, these are irrelevant and can be developed by themselves in the future.

In the Qiuyue family villa,

As the fighting outside subsided, Onoda and the Qiuyue family looked at each other.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement. Just when everyone was disappointed, the telekinesis device of the Genekin Daru suddenly exploded, revealing Natsuki's figure outside the door.


Andean region.

The Dankshadel monster bird that was fighting Dyna suddenly collapsed automatically, and the two monsters painted on the ground that were attacked by the Super Victory Team on the other side also disappeared.

After the light painted on the ground between the mountains subsided, the area returned to calm again, leaving only Dyna with its red light flashing in embarrassment.

"what's up?"

Xibi was a little confused about the situation, but still ordered the complete destruction of the above-ground paintings of the three monsters to prevent the monsters from appearing again.

This battle is really inexplicable...

"Captain," Mai suddenly contacted, "someone said they witnessed a strange fight at the Akizuki family's mansion in Millennium Town. It seems that there is also the knife-wielding alien from last time."

"What are you doing?"

Xibi scratched his increasingly bald scalp.

"Let's go back to the base first."


Natsuki followed Onoda to find a quiet izakaya to reminisce about the past, only to find out that the owner was the same one 10 years ago.

Looking at the photo wall on the side, it seems to be no different from 10 years ago.

“A lot of things have changed,” Onoda sighed after drinking a little wine. “The victory team became the super victory team, and Munakata also went to the TPC West Asia branch.

I remember that we often drank together at that time. It had only been 10 years, and it felt like the world had changed. "

As he spoke, Onoda laughed at himself: "Maybe I have these complaints because I am older, which makes you laugh...but you haven't changed at all."

Xia Shu drank milk and shook her head: "I have changed too."

"I can't tell," Onoda smiled. "Let's not talk about it. In two days, I will continue to investigate the paintings on the ground with Professor Qiuyue. What are your plans."

"I am no longer a reporter. I should stay for a while before continuing my journey."

Natsuki has her own plan.

Coming to this time and space again, in addition to dealing with the last boss, Space Sphia, the main thing was to deal with the artificial giant stone statue.

Unable to transform on his own, he urgently needs normal combat power. Even B-level is enough for him to do many things.

"Be careful this time," Natsuki reminded, "Don't let something like the Genai Jindaru happen again."

"I can't stand it if it happens again."

early in the morning,

Onoda watched Natsuki go away in the morning light. After standing for a while, he turned on the recorder and said, "I have many friends, but really... the only ones I can never forget are my two young partners, Xue Na, And Mr. Gao Shu."

"Gaoshu, your journey is not alone. Sooner or later, you will reach your destination."


There was a giant war here 10 years ago, and in the end one of the giants and the monster flew into the universe together.

Locals even created a new tourist attraction just for the occasion.

Natsuki stopped in front of the so-called Giant Ruins Square.

At that time, we didn’t know where in the universe the super-ancient kombu monster Geddy and the giant had gone.


Natsuki's figure flashes,

The next moment he appeared in the nearby Sedic Technology Building.

It must be said that Masaki Keigo was very brave. After the Titan incident 10 years ago, he actually dared to hide the underground research institute here.

At this time, in the underground space, Masaki Keigo was losing his temper.

For 10 years, an unknown amount of money has been spent on the research on artificial giant stone statues, but the expected results have never been achieved.

"Mr. Masaki," the researcher persuaded, "there is actually no technical problem anymore. Now it is a practical problem. The energy cannot meet the requirements."

"Isn't space new energy also good?" Masaki Keigo said in a deep voice, looking at the crumbling sand debris in the huge space in front of the elevated highway.

The giant stone statue is not a simple pile of sand and soil. The structure in the middle is quite complicated, and the most critical thing is the synthetic energy.

He didn't expect to be stuck at the last step...

"No," the researcher hesitated, "Maybe TPC's new Magus power technology..."

Masaki Keigo glared at the researcher.

If he could get hold of the new Mags power technology, he would have tried it long ago.

During the war against Gatanjie 10 years ago, he had witnessed the power of Mags power technology with his own eyes.

But that’s not something Sedic Technology can get involved with...

"In this case, we will cooperate with TPC."

Natsuki's projection suddenly walked out behind Masaki Keigo, and the familiar voice made Masaki Keigo tremble.

"Mr. Gao, Gao Shu." Masaki glanced at Natsuki and lowered his head to hide his nervousness.

The man in front of him is almost his nightmare,

The gray giant who secretly dominated everything 10 years ago seemed to have saved mankind in his own way...

"Ask TPC's Staff Gondo to cooperate secretly," Natsuki glanced at the sandy debris and turned to Masaki, "He should be happy to support you."

Masaki said anxiously: "But I'm afraid it will also be controlled by TPC..."

"Try to make contact first."

Natsuki's projection calmly interrupted.

Counselor Gondo secretly built the giant stone statue in the later period of Dyna.

There is no disaster caused by Dark 3 Titan in this world now, and TPC may have similar plans of its own.

With the emergence of ready-made technology, there is no fear that TPC executives will not be tempted.

But Masaki’s worries are right.

It is impossible for TPC to let the giant stone statue be out of control. By then, the research base will probably be forcibly controlled, and there will be a lot of mess.

Maybe he will go to Mars to build stone statues like before...

It seems that we need to choose another place as the base of Sedic Technology Company.

Natsuki thought of the past, the strange space between the lion's nose, tree and sea.

The entrance to the monster world doesn't seem to have completely disappeared, it just changed its position.

During the Dyna period, there was a scientist who established a research base on a monster island inside.

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