Starting human body

Chapter 188 Monster Island

Deep in the mountains of Morino Town.

The monster mansion is busier than usual,

This year's monster gathering was chosen here, and monsters from all over the world came here to hold a light and wine party in the evening.

"My lord, your milk."

Natsuki sat low-key in the corner, and monsters came over from time to time to toast. A one-eyed monster, perhaps knowing him personally, flattered him and brought him a bottle of milk.

"Don't disturb your pleasure!" Obik scolded.

Among this group of monsters, he is the only "big monster" with the ability to grow to giant size, and his status is not low.

"It's okay, I'll have a drink too."

Natsuki took the milk bottle and poured herself a glass.

After returning from the TPC base, he had nothing to do for the time being, so he simply followed the monsters to pass the time and feel the atmosphere of Shenyin.

It turned out to be surprisingly boring.

They are all unworthy little monsters, and they are submissive, as if they are afraid that he will not be happy to eat "monsters".

He always felt like a villain boss in front of these monsters.

"By the way," Natsuki asked Obike, "Where's the fox?"

"Sleeping in the back."

"Sleep every day..."


The phone buzzed, interrupting Natsuki's conversation.

It's Masaki Keigo's phone number.

"What do you want from me?" Xia Shu asked after picking up the phone.

"Mr. Gao Shu."

Zhengmu was stunned when he heard various strange sounds coming from the other side, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"We have already been in contact with Dr. Otomo. He is willing to join us with his team and go to the Zalina area tomorrow. Do you want to meet him?"

"join in?"

Natsuki thought about the information about Dr. Otomo.

This doctor created a research institute to clone monsters in the Zalina area. It is impossible to keep such a big thing a secret. Now he must have encountered some trouble and wanted to find a way out.

"Take me with you tomorrow, but don't reveal my identity."

"Understood." Masaki Keigo breathed a sigh of relief.

He seems to be omnipotent in front of his subordinates and has a strong sense of superiority, but every time he talks to Natsuki, he feels breathless.

The next day.

TPC Institute of Bioengineering.

Assistant Yamazaki hurriedly followed Dr. Otomo into the underground parking lot.

"Doctor! Do you really want to join that Sedic Technology Company? Then our research results will be in the hands of others..."

"no way."

Dr. Otomo said solemnly.

"The Inquiry and Review Committee of the Southern European Branch will issue a transfer order soon. Now I am afraid that we will not be able to continue the research on our own. We cannot fall short at the last moment."

Seeing that the assistant still had concerns, Dr. Otomo promised: "Don't worry, I won't hand over the core part to them. When the time comes, the cloned monster will still be under our control. This is our hard work and will not fall into the hands of outsiders!"

"I understand," assistant Yamazaki said excitedly, "As long as the plan succeeds, the doctor's ideal will be realized."

"That's the ideal for all of us."

Dr. Otomo smiled softly and drove to the meeting place agreed with Sedic Technology Company.

Zalina area,

A ship sailed into the forbidden devil area and disappeared into the thick fog.

Natsuki followed Masaki as a researcher assistant and met Dr. Otomo for the first time.

He is about 40 to 50 years old, with slightly white hair that is parted, round eyes, and a beard above his lips. He has a scholarly temperament.

From the outside, he looks quite gentle, not like a mad scientist.

"I have checked the information about the special magnetic field area," Dr. Otomo explained to Keigo Masaki while standing on the bow of the ship. "Ten years ago, there was a place called Shishinobi Jukai that had the same magnetic field, and a monster with a monster was formed there. The rainbow magic that exists.”

Dr. Otomo looked proud.

"Then a few years ago, I discovered an island here, and I also discovered that there was a sleeping monster under the island, so I tried to cooperate with friends from the Southern European branch and secretly built a research laboratory on the island... "

"I have a question for the doctor," Natsuki interrupted, "What is the doctor's purpose of cloning monsters? Humans and monsters are enemies now..."

"That's all because monsters have no intelligence,"

Dr. Otomo saw that Natsuki was an ordinary research assistant, and he snorted with dissatisfaction,

"If monsters are intelligent and know how to communicate with humans, they can coexist with humans. Not only can they be sent to do some tasks that are dangerous to humans, but they can also help us repel invaders."

As he spoke, Dr. Otomo gritted his teeth and said: "The guys in the Bioengineering Committee don't understand my painstaking efforts at all, so I can only cooperate with you!"

Masaki Keigo looked at Dr. Otomo dancing in front of him with a trace of disdain on his face.

This doctor may have some technical ability, but after all, he is a whimsical fool who has never thought about the risk of losing control.

But everyone uses each other,

After mastering the route and secretly building an artificial giant base on Monster Island, Dr. Otomo's usefulness is almost gone, and he can only serve as a cover for the public.


After passing through the thick fog, a verdant island appeared in front of everyone.

The ship stopped at a simple dock.

"Okay, everyone," Dr. Otomo led the way, "I will take you to the research institute first, and take a look at my research results. It just so happens that today I will train Clone Shilbagon."


"We'll find out later."

Dr. Otomo smiled mysteriously.


On the way to the research institute, huge footsteps suddenly sounded in the valley, and then the huge body of Clonhir Bagon came into everyone's sight.

A look of doubt flashed in Natsuki's eyes.

The original Shilbagon was turned into a doll by him. Where was this one cloned from?

"Don't be afraid, everyone," Dr. Otomo said with a calm smile, "This is a monster created by our cloning. I heard that there was a fierce battle with Aguru in the rainbow 10 years ago, which caused a lot of trouble to Agururu. I don't think so. It was easy to find the genetic information of this monster."

Dr. Otomo did not say how he found the gene. He just said confidently: "Through our efforts, although the physical strength of the cloned Silbagon is much weaker, it has overcome the weakness of eyesight. Theoretically, it will be far better than the original one." , if it continues to grow, it won’t be a problem to surpass Ultraman, it has the potential.”


Natsuki glanced at Clone Shilbagon lightly.

"I wonder how Dr. Otomo controls this monster?"

"Of course it's through training," Dr. Otomo didn't mind Natsuki's questioning, turned on the instrument and said, "Monsters can also obey orders through training."


Another huge figure appeared on the other side of the valley.

The red-purple monster has a body like a mutated insect, with two large pincers and snail-like eyes.

In the middle of the head are big eyes like detectors...

"Hilton?" someone in the team exclaimed.

It's the same kind of monster that put Dyna in a red light before...

"Yes, it's a clone of Hilton Long," Dr. Otomo said with a smile as he looked at the two cloned monsters that started fighting, "but here it's just food for Hillbagon."

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