Starting human body

Chapter 190 Ghost Ship

a week later,

Morino Town.

Yumimura Ryo was passing through the town in his uniform, looking at the people walking around him in distress.

"Asuka, did you find anything over there?"

"No," Asuka burped in a ramen shop. "What age is it? How could there be monsters? I think it's just a prank."

"I'll go take a look at the mountains."

Yumimura Ryo looks towards the mountains in the distance.

The urban legend of "Kamigakure" appeared here a few days ago. It is said that there are monsters in Morino Town.

The so-called kamiyin means that you break into the world of monsters and disappear. The body may be found in the end, you may return safely and forget about the process, or you may still remember the process after returning.

The second type is spread here in the forest.

Someone disappears on the street at night and is not found at the foot of the mountain until the next day. He remembers nothing and does not even know where he went.

She doesn't believe in monsters,

But since there is this rumor, as a member of the Super Victory Team, we still need to investigate.

And the monster incident may have something to do with the alien Natsuki.

She has been looking for Natsuki for a long time,

The latest clue is that Natsuki was captured in a photo here in Morino Town.

Fox Demon Mansion.

Natsuki began to practice telekinesis in the courtyard again.

Thanks to the blessings of Jinaijindalu and Isilis, his telekinesis has developed rapidly, and he has gradually become more comfortable in controlling objects.

Kirialod's second-generation doll is still being absorbed by the Dark Sword.

When it is completely absorbed, the power of thought will increase again...

It's a pity that the practice of telekinesis can still only cause the wind to blow up dust, but the wind is just a little stronger.

Natsuki continues to practice.

After tasting the benefits of defeating monsters, practicing slowly seemed like a torment. Even though he was mentally strong, he was actually a little impetuous.

This is not a good sign.

Never neglect your own practice at any time...

"Hoo ho!"

Another gust of wind blew.

"Is anyone here?"

Yumi Murakami curiously walked through the front hall, and when he arrived in the courtyard, he saw a girl in kimono standing in the corridor holding a rag, looking motionless at the center of the courtyard.


Yumimura Ryo followed the girl's gaze, and Natsuki also stopped practicing and turned around.

"It's you!"

Yumimura Ryo pointed at Natsuki with a glare.

"Are you a monster?!"

"What kind of monster?" Xia Shu's brows twitched slightly, "Why do I look like a monster?"

"No, I mean..."

"Why did the members of the Super Victory Team come here suddenly? Do they want to arrest me?"

Natsuki walked past Yumimura Ryo.

It seems that the monsters have attracted the attention of the Super Victory Team.

He lives here very comfortably and doesn't want to change places, nor does he want to let the Super Victory Team deal with the monsters here.

So it is necessary to have a good talk with Yumimura.

tea room.

The fox girl poured Yumimura Ryo a cup of hot tea.

"Tea, please."

"Thank you, thank you."

Yumimura Ryo knelt down on the tatami uncomfortably, looked at Natsuki and asked.

"Mr. Gao Shu, are there really monsters here?"

"Yes, yes, but these monsters are very kind and they have no malicious intent," Natsuki sat down across from them and said, "So the Super Victory Team doesn't have to worry."

Yumimura Ryo was inexplicably nervous.

When I see Natsuki, I naturally think of the giant that appears from the moon, completely devoid of the usual strong and macho style.

Everyone is nervous, right?

After all, he was facing a giant warrior like Dyna, a legendary existence from 10 years ago, a mysterious alien...

Yumimura regained his courage.

"Actually, we often hear Mai mention you...Mai really wants to see you again, why are you avoiding her?"

Natsuki put down the teacup,

Quietly glanced at Yumimura Ryo, but was interrupted by a communication prompt before she could reply.


Yumimura Ryo took out the communicator and found that it was for communication from the headquarters.

"I am Yumimura..."

"Liang, come back right away!" Xibi said in a solemn voice, "A UFO has appeared in the Yejima area. The situation is very serious!"

"After 8:30 this morning, a spaceship suddenly appeared in the Nojima area, emitting light that is extremely harmful to the human body. It is currently passing over Daejeon City and heading northeast..."

"Everyone who has been exposed to the light of this spaceship has all fallen into a state of suspended animation for unknown reasons."

"The following is the list of evacuation areas issued by the TPC..."

Daejeon City,

In an apartment building, a squatting young man in pajamas was lying on the sofa. When he sat up in a daze, he heard emergency news broadcast on the TV.

"Which Daejeon city?"

The young man yawned and opened the curtains, walked to the balcony, wiped his eyes and looked outside.

"Why is it so quiet today?"


A huge shadow crossed the sky, and the young man realized that he lived in Daejeon City and was enveloped in light, and collapsed to the ground with a pop.

Although he is still alive, his skin has turned black and he has completely lost consciousness, which is no different from death.

Natsuki passed through the deserted streets,

After looking at the young man who fell on the balcony, his eyes turned to the huge spaceship over the city.

The young man's consciousness, that is, the soul composed of plasma energy, was captured by that light.

A large amount of plasma energy clusters have now accumulated in the spaceship.

Ghost Ship Monster Zhong Baiyou,

The terrifying cosmic ghost attached to the spaceship has devoured the souls of many planets before reaching the earth. It is a legendary monster in this universe.


The strength itself is not too strong, but the ability is too special and can easily destroy planetary civilizations.

For most civilizations, this monster is very inexplicable, like the god of death...

"Run away!"

In an uninhabited city, Yumimura Ryo pushed a little boy away under the light. Although he saved the little boy, his consciousness was sucked away by the light, and he fell into a state of suspended animation like other victims.

Feiniao and others who were traveling with him rushed to the rescue, but it was still a step too late.


"Damn it! Liang's consciousness has also been captured!"

Asuka clenched his fists and looked at the ghost ship, but an order to retreat came over the communication.

"Calm down, everyone!" Xibi shouted, "Bring Liang's body back first, and we'll discuss it later, and then we'll find out what happened to that ship!"


Asuka watched the ghost ship fly away unwillingly, and suddenly saw Natsuki's familiar figure flashing across the street in front of him.

He glanced this way across the road, and soon disappeared again.

"Is that that person?!"

"What's wrong, Asuka?"

Koda grabbed Asuka who was about to chase him away.

"Don't get close to that ship, otherwise not only will we not be able to save Liang, we will also have to find a way to save you!"

"Don't worry," Nakajima persuaded, "give me some time, I will definitely be able to work out a way to deal with that kind of light."

Asuka hesitated to speak, but finally followed his teammates and took Yumimura Ryo's body away.

He had many things to ask Uncle Mai,

There is even an intuition,

Maybe Mai, the alien uncle, knows how to deal with the ghost ship...

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