Starting human body

Chapter 207 Father and Daughter

bay area.

The man in a suit from Guregel walked to Warehouse Street with a frown on his face and glanced around cautiously.

Finally, Natsuki was found again, apparently playing a detective game with the rebellious girl.


There is a nasty energy aura hidden here, which is very similar to some kind of negative energy biological weapon that he heard when he traveled the universe.

It's a little troublesome for him,

It's just the right time to test the strength of Earth's strongest warrior.

D7 warehouse.

Natsuki suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Xiang, who was walking in front, quickly retracted and asked nervously, "Is there any problem?"

Natsuki sensed the Gulegel people,

Gulegel's strength after enlargement may be A-level, but he is not an invader.

What really caught his attention was the huge negative energy hidden in the warehouse.

Biological weapon Menofa,

The body looks like a pile of flesh, capable of absorbing negative energy and growing continuously.

Generally speaking, this type of life form that can evolve is very troublesome, but fortunately it has not been completely formed yet.

"You go back first," Natsuki turned to Sonoka and said, "It's enough to leave the rest to me."

"Why?" Yuan Xiang asked anxiously, "I must find out the truth..."

"You are just a burden here. I will tell you the truth later."

Natsuki walked into the warehouse alone,

But before he made deep contact, a harsh, high-frequency scream suddenly sounded around him, directly attacking his brain.


Natsuki groaned in isolation and screamed.

Whether it was telekinesis or immunity, he could ignore this sonic attack, but Sonoka fainted under the attack behind him.

The screams stopped,

Natsuki hurried to Sonoka's side.

The girl was slightly shocked, but not injured...


Kibi Gosuke, dressed in casual clothes, rushed to the warehouse in a panic, and immediately found Natsuki and her daughter who had passed out.

Seeing Xia Shu's familiar face, Xibi's eyes tightened.


"What's wrong with me?"

Sonoka sat up in confusion, first looked at Natsuki, and then looked at Xibi in surprise.

"Dad? Why are you here?"

"Someone told me you were here," Xibi breathed a sigh of relief, picked up her daughter and said, "Come back with me."

"I'm sorry, Dad," Yuanxiang cried and hugged Xibi, "I have always been willful and will never run away from home again."

"never mind."

Xibi hugged her daughter with joy, tears welling up in her eyes.

After many years, my daughter finally became sensible.

After a little comfort, Xibi turned to Xia Shu and said, "I'm sorry, my little girl has caused you trouble again."


Natsuki glanced at Sonoka in confusion, who suddenly turned into a good boy.

The well-behaved girl is now much cuter, and her big, watery eyes are endearing.

Compared with before, it is undoubtedly more pleasant now.


"Brother, thank you for today," Yuan Xiang explained weakly, "Actually, I just wanted to make dad anxious so I didn't want to go home. The investigation was just an excuse. Yes, I'm sorry."


Natsuki's eyes were deep.

This change is so weird.

It seems that like the boy before him, his personality was changed due to the negative energy being taken away from him.

It feels almost like a different person.

"Take her away first."

The image of a rebellious girl taking care of an abandoned kitten flashed through Natsuki's mind. She looked away and turned to face the darkness of the warehouse.

Xibi stared at Natsuki and asked sensitively: "Is there something wrong here?"

"It's better you don't know."


Perhaps sensing Natsuki's threat, the entire warehouse began to shake violently.

Under the eyes of everyone, a huge life form like a pile of cell tissue broke through the roof of the warehouse and expanded to cover the surrounding area in the blink of an eye.

It is hundreds of meters tall and covers an area larger than two football fields.

The Meno method has taken shape.

"What is this?" Xibi hurriedly took her daughter away.

"I am from Narcissus."

An alien figure emerged from the middle of the piece of meat, looking down at Xia Shudao below.

"I just take away the negative energy such as fighting instinct and rebellious psychology from young people. Isn't this bad? Look at them, be more obedient now!"

"What?" Xibi's face darkened.

Yuanxiang's change in behavior was actually caused by someone from space...

When looking at her daughter again, sweat broke out on Xibi's forehead.

"No need to make excuses, what you do has nothing to do with me."

Natsuki calmly faced the squirming Menofa, stretched out his hand in the air and pulled out the katana that was surging with red and purple light.

"As long as it is a threat, it must be eliminated."

"Humanity is indeed hopeless!"

The Narcissus star said in a sharp voice.

"Our planet Narcissus is a planet of peace without struggle. Everyone's negative energy has been erased, but at the same time we have lost the power to fight. Therefore, we must get rid of the Earthlings who have begun to erode the universe in advance. This is a legitimate defense. !”

"Nonsense!" Xibi said angrily, "How can this be considered legitimate defense?! You are just making excuses for yourself! Quickly restore the young man to normal and go back to your planet!"

"Human beings are really ridiculous," the Narcissus star sneered, "Do you want to see your daughter rebel again and hate you again?"

Xibi looked at her daughter who was hiding behind her with a sullen face.

Compared with the past, this seems to be his ideal daughter. She will rely on her father, will not make him angry, and does not have so many bad tempers...

"Even if you don't forgive me or hate me, that's the real Yuan Xiang!"

Xibi solemnly begged Xia Shudao.

"Please, Gaoshu, destroy it!"

"Destruction?" The Narcissus star laughed wildly, "Do you really think you can get rid of me, get rid of Menofa? Menofa is the most powerful biological weapon, the ultimate life form with no weaknesses..."


Suddenly, a red-purple crescent blade of light slashed out, plowed across the ground, and continued to expand through Menofa's body.

At the same time that a long ravine was drawn on the floor of the warehouse, Menofa exploded with a bang. The laughter of the Narcissus star in the middle stopped abruptly and was directly swallowed by the light of the sword.


Behind him, Gulegel's expression changed greatly as he avoided the slashing light blade and stared at the light blade that finally dissipated after it entered the air.

What kind of trick is this?

He can actually kill Menofa with one strike.

He had encountered similar life forms in the universe before, and even if he fought in a giant form, it still took a lot of effort.

Because Menofa's elastic body can not only invalidate physical attacks, but also rebound energy attacks. What's even more terrifying is that it can continuously absorb negative energy to grow.


Countless points of light spread out, falling all over the city like snowflakes, and one of them fell on Yuan Xiang in Xibi's complicated eyes.

Carrying my sleeping daughter on my back,

Kibi followed Natsuki who put away her katana.

"Gao Shu... no, I should call you Gao Shu consultant now, right? Do you want to come and sit at my house?"

"From now on, I won't disturb you father and daughter."

Natsuki waved his hand and left the ruined warehouse street with his katana in hand.

It seems like I used too much force.

But Menofar is not actually weak, it's just that the Sword of Darkness just restrains it.

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