Starting human body

Chapter 236 Renlong appears

Time flies, and another week comes in a blink of an eye.

After the Onuma Dam incident, Yoshii Reiko stayed in Tokyo and decided to continue her career as a journalist. After work, she helped take care of Yoshii Shizuka.

The cheap daughter finally doesn’t have to worry too much about Natsuki.

Natsuki himself has completely settled down at Seongnan University and devoted most of his energy to researching the application of virtual electronic cards.

The gray giant itself does not have the ability to read data.

But he found a shortcut.

The Dark Sword itself can switch forms. After experiments in the light space, an adapted virtual electronic card was finally developed.


light space,

The gray giant's body is condensed with Zeton armor like Ultraman X, and it looks like he is wearing a thick armor.

It's a little bulkier and consumes a lot of energy, but its defense and attack power have been greatly improved.

Probably at level A.


Natsuki released the transformation and left the space of light.

He has saved the virtual card information developed by Gio, including the "Sero Ultimate Armor" produced by Dr. German of the Star Vanton.

It just needs to be adjusted to match the Sword of Darkness, and the bearing problem of the B+ grade stone statue must also be considered.


Natsuki took the lesson plan and was about to go to class, when suddenly she looked at the sky with feeling.

While the ground still knows nothing about it, a war is going on in space.

All XIG flight teams dispatched to attack a peanut-shaped warship several hundred meters long.

Inside the battleship is the lair of the space battle beast Gob, which contains countless hatching Gob eggs.

Planet destroyer Vasset?

Natsuki looked through the clouds to watch the battle, and quickly figured out the situation.

The Gob incubated and cultivated in Vasset can adjust its body structure according to the planet's environment, quickly adapt to the planet it wants to invade, and become a new evolutionary body.

Fortunately, XIG tried its best to stop it and didn't know what method to use to interfere with Vasset.

At this moment, the giant battleship streaked across the sky out of control, and finally crashed into the no-man's land of Alaska.

The terrifying shock wave caused by the explosion formed a spot of light on the surface of the earth, affecting an area of ​​several kilometers.



The assistant woke up Xia Shu and said.

"Aren't you going to class?"

"oh oh."

Natsuki looked away.

The distance was too far, and he couldn't know the specific situation in Alaska.

But my dream should be able to handle a group of Gobs that have not yet fully hatched.

These Gobs are the work of the root-destroying body, and it is not suitable for him to openly oppose the opponent now.

This afternoon,

Yoshii family.

Yoshii Reiko came out of the kitchen with a grimace.

"What's going on? The water is cut off again. What should we do now?"

"There is a water tanker distribution point nearby," Xia Shu put down the lesson plan and said, "I will go bring some water back later."

I don’t know since when, Tokyo suddenly started to lose water one after another, and there were also problems with electricity, gas, and telephones.

If he remembered correctly, it was an earth monster named Renlong who was causing trouble. The water and power outages were all retaliatory warnings against human underground development projects.

The reason is that human development has cut off the earth's veins.

"There's a call from the station," Reiko said after answering the call. "They said they want us to investigate the cause of the water shortage. Really, they know how to use people."

"How are you going to investigate?" Xia Shu asked curiously.

"I don't know," Reiko shook her head, "Mr. Tabata has been arranging this kind of thing."

"You should pay attention to yourself."

Natsuki went out with a bucket, feeling somewhat resentful towards Renlong in her heart.

The scope of involvement is also too broad.

The underground development project has nothing to do with him...

"Come one at a time, don't worry!"

water point,

When Xia Shu arrived at the scene, there was already a long queue in front of the water tanker.

The people waiting looked on eagerly, and the people who got the water were not too happy either.

If the water supply continues to be cut off like this, there will simply not be enough water in the water tanker...

Natsuki reluctantly walked to the back of the team and suddenly noticed a woman in a gauze scarf sitting on the bench on the other side checking the Feng Shui compass.

As a faint cry of Renlong sounded, the woman raised her head sensitively, and after looking around for a while, her eyes fell on Xia Shu.

It seems uncoordinated, but I can't see any problem.

Natsuki smiled and nodded.

This woman is not a superpower, but she has very keen senses.

Fortunately, his mental power has been greatly improved now, and after mastering the ability of mimicry, he can also control his own breath.

Otherwise, if we put it in the past, it might easily have an impact on this kind of people.

"Isn't it?" Lunwen and Lingzi came to the water point, "It's just me and Lingzi, what should we do? I know this, but..."

Lunwen called angrily, and finally ended the communication with a gloomy look.

"Isn't Tabata coming?" Reiko asked.

"The last on-site interview violated traffic rules, and he was called for questioning because of this matter." Lunwen sighed.

"What should we do? How can we conduct interviews without Tabata?"

Reiko walked to the waterwheel and saw a woman with a Feng Shui compass.

"Also, we are here to investigate the problem of insufficient water supply. Why did we find a Feng Shui master?"

"Hush!" Lunwen said hurriedly, "She is not an ordinary Feng Shui master. Tabata said she is a master."

"Sorry," the veiled woman noticed the gazes between the two of them and smiled inwardly, "Did I cause you any trouble?"

"No, no, it would be great if Miss Xiaohui could come and help," Lun Wen said, looking at the woman in scarf with fascination, "With you as an expert, we will definitely be able to find the cause of the water supply shortage."


The woman in gauze scarf said embarrassedly.

"Although I am a Feng Shui master, it is just a personal interest, nothing special. My brother and Mr. Tabata are classmates, so when Mr. Tabata moved, I went to help check the Feng Shui of the house. He said that I was very accurate. …”


Lun and Wen's smiles froze, and they discussed privately: "It seems unreliable. Is Tabata playing a trick on us?"

"How about we go back directly," Reiko suggested. "It's Tabata's fault anyway..."


Natsuki greeted after getting water.

"I'm going back."

"Wait a minute, brother," Reiko followed hurriedly, "I'll go back with you."

"Aren't you going to investigate anymore?" Xia Shu paused.

"Hey, Reiko," Lunwen stood alone in the back, "When will you have a brother?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Reiko said proudly, "My brother is a professor at Chengnan University."

"You never said anything about your family."

Lun Wen muttered.

Just now he saw Xia Shu and Miss Xiao Hui flirting with each other, but fortunately they didn't act rashly.

"Just an assistant professor," Natsuki approached with a bucket, "You are the photographer Lunwen, right? Reiko, please take care of me."

"Where," Lun Wen laughed, "Actually, Reiko is usually the one taking care of me."

"hold head high!"

Renlong's cry sounded again, but the crowd didn't react at all. Only Feng Shui master Xiao Hui looked around in confusion.

Why did Renlong suddenly become restless from just now?

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