Starting human body

Chapter 300 The call of another dimension


time Tunnel.

Natsuki's light form shuttled through the violent dimensional turbulence at high speed, with thunder and lightning constantly tearing apart the space around him.

This time he chose the time and space of "Mebius", but it didn't seem to go well from the beginning.

In the face of the real power of time and space, the S-class seems so insignificant. If there is a slight mistake, it may be permanently exiled in the long river of time, or even be directly destroyed.


A large amount of space-time information came in violent shocks.

Natsuki vaguely seemed to see the figures of Absolut Tartarus and Tregear.

Tregear, who was originally exploring the ruins of the universe with Taro, was taken to the future by Tartarus, who traveled through time and space...

Natsuki hurriedly opened the shield to stabilize her body, but the shock was still strong under the continuous stream of light.

If it were before the original awakening, I'm afraid he would have been in trouble.

"That is……"

Xia Shu suddenly looked at the twisted stream of light.

Tartarus and Tregear disappeared, replaced by his original scene in Leo's time and space.

Training at the Chengnan Sports Club, my Xinshan practice, Leo's flying kicks...

"We are of one mind, Takashu!"

"We still have to fight, keep fighting..."

"Cry as much as you want, Xiaotong, you're still a man if you cry..."

"Brother Zero! You must come back—!"

The figure of Umeda Tsuru, who was exhausted in pursuit, came into Natsuki's eyes in the stream of light.

It seems that the memories from a long time ago have gradually been sealed in the heart, and now they are finally unsealed, and thoughts are constantly emerging in Xia Shu's heart.

If there is any dungeon time and space that is most special to him, it is not the Zaas time and space that was the first to travel through, but the Leo time and space that opened the path to spiritual practice.


The stream of light and shadow changed, and a huge emerald green planet appeared in the field of vision.

The Ultra Star of the Kingdom of Light during the Ultra War.

In the final stage of the war, the battlefield has inevitably come to this charming planet, and destruction is everywhere under the beautiful scenery.


The Dark Emperor Ampera slashed numerous Ultra warriors with a sword in the flames, and the future Ultra Mother was saved by Natsuki.

After Natsuki sensed Tartarus and left, Belial and the father of Ultra rushed to the battlefield...

Under the sea of ​​​​fire, the Ampera star clasped Beria's arm with his backhand, and laughed angrily: "Keep on being arrogant! Who gave you the courage?"


After the war, Ultra's father said: "Sorry, although the council did not identify you as an enemy, it still feels that you should not stay."

The picture passed quickly with the stream of light, and soon Natsuki saw the exit of the space-time tunnel appearing at the end.

This time and space is tens of thousands of years after the Ultra War, it is in the period of "Mambius", and it is also the time period when the Ampera aliens are making a comeback.

And his target this time is Ampera...


Natsuki closed her body, and the halo of light erupted from the soles of her feet, completely breaking through the turbulence of time and space and rushing into the end light.


After Ultraman Eddie returned to the Kingdom of Light, a new crisis appeared again after twenty-five years.

Ultraman Mebius came to Earth as a rookie in the Space Guard, and he joined the GUYS team in the form of an Earthling, Hiroto Ban, and got a new name.

Hibino Mirai.

The meaning is "May you be happy every day in the future on this planet", which is the blessing from Hiroshi Ban's biological father.

GUYS, the full name is Guards for UtilitY Situation (defense team to deal with all situations).

After the UGM Defense Force was disbanded 25 years ago during the "Ultraman Eddie" era, it took 10 years to coordinate and establish it among various countries.

GUYS International Headquarters, as an organization with the same leadership, gathers outstanding elites from various countries. The headquarters is located in the waters near New York, USA.

The team that Hibino Mirai belongs to is "CREW GUYS JAPAN", which is a subordinate organization of GUYS. Its base is the GUYS Japan branch base located on the outskirts of Kanto, a large aircraft carrier-like fortress-Phoenix Nest.

this day.

GUYS Space Base captures super space generation at a location one hundred thousand kilometers above the ground.

Super space is a twisted space that has been repeatedly observed when monsters appear frequently. From the outside, only a wormhole-like entrance can be seen, which has always been a mystery.

However, this time GUYS received radio waves leaking from super space.

"This is...the cargo ship...the situation...drifting...asking for help...the Arandas ship..."

In the Phoenix Nest Command Room, as the noisy recording played intermittently, Hibino Mirai's expression in the crowd changed, and his fingers clenched tightly together.

"I remembered," the team's monster expert, Teppei Kuze, who has a mushroom head, explained, "The Arandas is a Japanese space cargo ship that was killed on its way back to Earth from Mars half a year ago!"

"Let's go rescue!" Future said anxiously, "Go now..."

"Calm down, Future was killed half a year ago."

"And this voice is obviously a recording..."

"Must go!"

Future reacted so violently to his teammates' persuasion that his voice began to tremble.

"Must...must be alive!"


Everyone was surprised by the abnormality in the future, and they didn't know why the future paid so much attention to a sound.

At this time, the acting director of the Japanese branch said: "Headquarters has allowed the Japanese branch to investigate."


The mysterious super space is in the shape of a halo, with light spreading all around, and in the middle is an all-devouring darkness. No one knows what is on the other side.


A beam of light shoots into the hole, passes through a passage, and then enters a cosmic space filled with monster souls suspended in space.

A wide variety of monsters are like a swarm of meteorites, wandering quietly in this dead star field, forming a vast undead realm, with no trace of life in sight.

"Monster Graveyard?"

Natsuki's body condensed and landed on an asteroid in an open area.

He seems to have a connection with the Monster Cemetery, so he can come here...


Natsuki looked around the surface of the deserted planet in the cold and silent wind, and noticed a crashed spaceship on the top of a mountain in the distance.

At the same time, there are also special biological activities underground on this asteroid...

This asteroid is very abnormal. I don’t know how it appeared in the monster graveyard.


Natsuki suddenly turned around and fired a bullet from his palm.

Accompanied by screams, a monster of the same height fell down the cliff together with the rubble, shaking up a swath of cosmic dust.


Natsuki ducked and walked to the side of the killed monster. What he saw was disgusting lumps of gray bone-colored skin. It looked somewhat similar to Gazot, much like a turtle that walked upright.

The claws and mouthparts open, revealing cruel and sharp thorns.

It is the miniature Bogaru, a high-dimensional predator beast in "Mebius". It has low intelligence and will become extremely violent due to its strong appetite. It will even devour similar corpses and will grow in size after devouring it.

Usually a group action…

Natsuki's eyes were filled with light, and he saw through perspective a small Bogaru that emerged from the darkness.

You really don’t know how to live or die, are you going crazy if you want to eat?


Natsuki was too lazy to waste time with these things, so she recovered the body of the dead miniature Bogaru and dissipated in the wind.

Mountain top.

Natsuki finds the crashed spaceship.

The hull seems to have stayed here for a long time. The surface is covered with a layer of cosmic dust, and some parts are damaged, with traces left by the small Bogaru.

The English words "Arandas" and "Japan" are printed on the hull.

Entering the interior of the spacecraft, most areas were severely damaged, cables were hanging down, dust was everywhere, and there were no traces of human activity at all.


Natsuki pushed the door open and walked to the control room, only to find that the main computer still maintained power and was continuously sending distress signals to the outside world.

The voice sounded young.

It seems to be the target of Mebius' mimicry, a young man named Ban Hiroto.

Natsuki knelt down and picked up the dusty silver pocket watch on the ground.

The name "Hiroto Ban" is engraved on the back of the pocket watch, and the internal time stays at nearly 7:10.

No body parts were found, but it was impossible to survive in a place like this. It was most likely eaten by a small Bogaru.

Either his body was eaten after death, or he encountered a small Bogaru after falling...

A little cruel.

Natsuki shook his head, put down his pocket watch and exited the control room.

If he saw it, he wouldn't ignore it, but there is nothing here, not even the soul left.

He can travel through time and space, but he cannot change the past.

What matters to him now is getting to Earth...

"Wow!" Suddenly a glimmer of light bloomed in the control room, and the bright afterimage of time and space made Xia Shu pause.

A young man's cry came from the small cabin.

"Goodbye, dad..."

At the last moment when the spaceship is about to be swallowed into super space, golden light shines in the cabin. The continuously enlarging Mebius ring can be seen in the window from a distance. Under the light, Ultraman Mebius reaches out towards the spaceship. Catch.

Hyperspace portal.

GUYS and his team drove the Phoenix Assault and rushed out of the space passage after a brief turbulence and confusion. They were surprised to find that this space was connected to the monster cemetery.

Not long after the flight, everyone also found the asteroid where the small Bogaru was located, reminded by Hibino Mirai.

The source of the distress signal was also determined to be an asteroid.

On the way near the asteroid, Zheping explained the details to everyone: "The Arandas is responsible for transporting the Specium elements collected from Mars. When it was in distress half a year ago, one crew member sacrificed himself to separate from the cockpit, so the other crew members Only then can we return to Earth. The crew member’s name seems to be..."

"Hiroto Ban is the captain's only son."

Hibino Mirai's voice was low, and his eyes looking at the asteroid were filled with pain.

Half a year ago, he saw Hiroto Ban sacrificing himself on the way to Earth. He wanted to save others but was still a step too late. He could only watch helplessly as the spacecraft sank into the closed space vortex before he could catch it.

So this time he had to come no matter what, even if he could only see painful things in the end...


The Phoenix Assault landed smoothly not far from the source of the distress signal, and the fighter system that had originally received interference finally returned to normal.

"Strange, the surface gravity, air pressure, and oxygen concentration of this asteroid are almost exactly the same as those of the Earth," Zheping said in confusion. "No harmful bacteria or radiation have been detected."

"There is such a place in the monster cemetery, it can be said to be paradise..."

"It's more like a spider web waiting to catch prey. It has a bad feeling."

"Okay, let's go to the spaceship first to check the situation."

The crowd drove three small 5-meter-long separate cockpits out of the cabin, flew close to the surface, and soon found the spacecraft.

"That's the one."

No one, including Hibino Mirai, noticed the small Bogaru hidden in the dark, and directly entered the space ship with weapons and equipment.

"There are footprints... Someone has been here before us?"

Several team members looked around with flashlights. After noticing the unusual dust on the ground, they immediately looked at each other.

"Is it Hiro Ban?"

"Are you kidding? How can there be anyone in this place?"

"It's been half a year since the incident, there's no way he's still alive!"

"But they are really human footprints, look..."

"Hey, Future!"

Hibino Mirai seemed to have discovered something, and ran to the front with rapid breathing, immediately causing everyone to exclaim.

"What are you doing, Future?!"


Amid the shouts of his teammates, Hibino Mirai rushed through the passage and rushed to the half-open control room door like a magic barrier.

There are really people in the control room.

Hibino Mirai swallowed and stretched out his hand tremblingly to push open the hatch.


In the darkness, the back of a young man came into view in the future with the light of a flashlight.

With his fingers on the console, Hiroto Ban's repeated cry for help came from the computer.

"You, you are..."

Natsuki slowly turned around, his eyes sweeping over the stiff Mirai and his teammates who followed him.

The current time period seems to be the middle of "Mambius", not too early or too late.

"Mirai," Aihara Ryuu said with wide eyes and astonishment, "couldn't he be Hiroshi Saka? How could it be possible..."

"Obviously not."

Teppei kept his wits about him and quickly noticed the casual suit on Natsuki.

How can any astronaut dress like this? Besides, half a year has passed and it is impossible for the clothes to be kept so clean and intact.

And the whole person looks like he is just hanging out.

If it weren't for the wrong place, it wouldn't be much different from meeting a normal person on the street. At most, he would look a little better than him...

The problem is that this is not Earth.

A drop of cold sweat ran down Zheping's forehead.

This is both hyperspace, a monster graveyard, and weird asteroids. It is the most abnormal place to see normal people.

"Who are you?" Zheping asked with trembling tongue, "Could it be you who sent the distress signal..."

"This is an automatically sent distress signal."

Natsuki looked away, ignoring everyone's guns and said.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. It's best to leave here quickly. You may not be able to escape if it's too late."


Mirai woke up from disappointment and realized that the entire spaceship had been surrounded by small Bogaru.




Following the screams of the female team members, a small Bogaru slammed into the window of the control room, its terrifying face pressed against the window, and saliva flew from its bared teeth.

"Captain!" Ryu Aihara's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he quickly turned on the communicator to contact Captain Shimizu who was staying on the fighter plane, "Can you hear me?"

"Damn it! No signal!"

"Let's go!"

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