Starting human body

Chapter 310 Omen

Monster graveyard.

The Bogaru planet area that was previously annihilated by Natsuki's destruction light has remained vacant, like a restricted area without any material existence.

However, on this day, thunderstorms continued to spread in the center, and a red figure appeared vaguely.

"The seal...has been broken...hehe..."

As the sound waves of the violent heart beat trembled, a giant luminous eye poked out from the deep sky, and then the entire body of Evil Bogaru poked out.

As the most powerful evil general of the Dark King, he was exiled and sealed in a black hole because he disobeyed the emperor's orders and devoured too many planets and civilizations.

Now there is finally a chance to escape.

Someone as powerful as the Emperor broke the seal.

"I hate...the emperor...and the people of Mephilas...I have found a new power! The ultimate darkness..."


The entrance to the super space near the moon expanded and disappeared in the blink of an eye, not even attracting the attention of the GUYS Space Base.

Kingdom of Light.

The Father of Ultra clutched the old injury on his waist and walked through the Space Guard Headquarters. The light gathered in front of him and projected the blue earth.

Compared to 30,000 years ago when he awakened his true power during the Ultra War, he is now able to maintain his normal state, and his pair of iconic giant Ultra Horns have become a unique symbol of the Kingdom of Light.

"Does the old injury still hurt?" Ultra's mother came from behind.


Ultra's father's thoughts were wandering.

"The first attack in 30,000 years, it's like a sign of something going to happen..."

During the Ultra War, Ampera, the most powerful enemy of the Kingdom of Light, led an army to attack. The war spread from the M78 Nebula defense line to the Ultra Star, and he and Beria had to come back from the front line to support them.

Now 30,000 years have passed.

Are the Amperans preparing to make a comeback?

The father of Ultra silently stared at the earth that he had observed for many years.

An old friend from 30,000 years ago said that he came from the earth. I wonder if there is any connection between this.

Now this planet is also involved in a huge crisis...


Leo and his younger brother Astra's red giant figure fell down, and they also saw the projection screen, and their vision couldn't help but be in a trance.


It's been a long time since I've been back.

This time I heard that Seven's brothers were in trouble. I originally wanted to help, but when I got around to it, I got news that the crisis had been resolved.

As for what exactly happened, he didn't know yet.

Maybe you can ask Captain Zoffy and Taro who have returned from Earth...

"Leo," Ultra's father turned around and said, "You go to Earth again."

In the outskirts of Kanto, Phoenix Nest Base.

When Natsuki teleported, Mebius was fighting the Moth Super Beast Dragri, and the GUYS members were providing support on the ground.

Super beasts are monster weapons made by the Yabo people in the past by combining earth creatures and space creatures. They are much more powerful than ordinary monsters.

The current Dragari is a combination of an earth moth and a space monster. It is so powerful that it once tore an ordinary monster alive.

I just don't have a good brain.

After coming out of the extra-dimensional space, he did not immediately look for the Yabo people. Instead, he continued to carry out the programmed tasks more than thirty years ago, and even ran to the GUYS base.


Natsuki raised his head, and his figure rose from the ground in the stream of light, crossing the battlefield and entering the extra-dimensional space opened by the Moth Super Beast.

In addition to Dragli, the super beast that woke up this time also had a more dangerous missile super beast.

It's not that it's stronger than the Moth Supermon, it's just that this Missile Supermon is more destructive and has a record of wiping out the Earth Defense Force in the past.


Mebius was slightly startled during the battle.

The moth super beast that was trying to escape seemed to be ejected by something.

"That is……"


Accompanied by screams that resounded in the air, the Moth Super Beast's body flipped and fell at high speed, hitting the ground with a rumble and sending up dust and mist that filled the sky, making it almost unable to move for a while.

Mebius easily unfolded his lightsaber and cut open the body of the Moth Supermon, staring blankly at the calm sky.

It's this smell again.

He has been wondering since Kobe.

Zaas seems to be the Natsuki he met in the monster cemetery, and his human body name is also "Takasuki Rei".

"Bang bang!"

Different dimensional space.

Natsuki is still in Zaas form.

The reason why he did not transform into the form of original light was, on the one hand, to retain a trump card to avoid alerting the people of Ampera, and on the other hand, it was because of the last incident in the monster graveyard.

Now he is still far behind in the cultivation of the power of light and can easily enter a dark state.


There are countless nodes in the extra-dimensional space that connect to the outside world, but there is actually only one entrance and exit. After Natsuki enters the inside, it is easy to find the missile super beast that is ready to move.

Because it is a combination of a space monster and coral, this monster looks a little funny, but combined with its size and destructive power, it looks particularly terrifying.

If this guy is allowed to carry out missile bombing, it won't take much time to destroy the entire city.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of missiles were released towards Natsuki, and exploded under the barrier. The flames almost completely covered Natsuki's body.

Even though Zaasi has only reached A level, it is not too difficult to face the attack of this super beast.

It seems that the super beast can only truly exert its power after fusing the energy of the Yabo people.

Natsuki held the Ultra Barrier firmly with both hands. After feeling that it was almost done, the light blades of his arms flashed, and the Dark Sword turned into two ice axes and flew out left and right. When it came back, it had already split the missile super beast's body.


Natsuki put down his hands and ducked to grab the Super Beast doll that exploded.

There should be no problem in a short time. The dimensional door opened by the Yabo people will be closed by GUYS.

Scanning a circle of different-dimensional space, Natsuki's figure glowed. After sensing the breath of Mebius from the outside world, he walked directly through the light door and left.

He still seemed to think highly of the Abo people.

If you just have this little backup, you won't be able to do anything.

Perhaps the Awa people did not expect to be turned into a Spark Doll, and they did not know what it meant to become a Spark Doll.


Outside the GUYS base, Natsuki stepped out of the light door, looked at Hibino Mirai who was joining the GUYS team members, and suddenly stopped and looked into space.

It seems like something is coming out of the monster graveyard.

The feeling is similar to those of Bogaru, but very different. It is a higher life form.

Are there any other major crises besides the Yabo incident at this time?

Natsuki frowned and recalled the TV plot, and at the same time used his mind power to sense, but found nothing, but there was an evil laughter echoing in his head.

The earth is really unstable. If we change the planet and change the civilization, it would have been destroyed long ago.

"It's really you!" Hibino Mirai came from behind and said happily after seeing Natsuki, "I didn't have time to thank you in Kobe."

He also felt very helpless towards Xia Shu.

He doesn't seem to like interacting with people, and he always disappears suddenly and can't be found.


A flash of light flashed.

Mirai's smile suddenly froze, and he stared blankly as Natsuki teleported away in front of him without looking back.

"What, what's wrong?"

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