Starting human body

Chapter 321 New Evil General


Suddenly there was a knock on the door in the hotel room.

"It's me. I used to be a rakugo student at Sakuraoka Junior High School. The school will be demolished soon. We are planning to hold a class reunion. Do you have any news about Mr. Meng?"

Natsuki walked out of the light door, paused, the dark aura on his body subsided, and opened the door with a click.

The person who knocked on the door was an uncle in a suit. When he saw Xia Shu, his expression froze slightly, and he realized that he had found the wrong room: "Sorry, I seem to have made a mistake."


Natsuki watched the uncle turn to the side room with an embarrassed look on his face.

The arrow was so fierce... It should be Ultraman Eddie, who used to be a junior high school teacher on Earth. Twenty-five years later, those students are already old men.

Turning around and locking the door, Natsuki walked past her uncle and left the hotel.


In the dark universe, the giant figure of Natsuki Zaas appeared, and he sensed two luminous bodies chasing each other and approaching the earth.

Flying ahead was a spaceship, and the reaction of life was quite familiar.

The second generation of disc creature Rob Belag.

The first generation was instantly killed by Mebius before he could exert his power, while the second generation encountered Ultraman on the way to Earth.


Natsuki raised his hand to condense the lightsaber, directly hit the first luminous object, and cut the high-speed flying Roberto Lager in the middle.

The hard shell of this disk creature that was proud of could not withstand the S-class lightsaber. It rushed out for a distance along the left and right sides of Natsuki and then exploded with a bang. Only the particle energy was left and gathered into a spark puppet under the guidance of the force field. .

"Who are you?"

The light group chasing behind revealed his true appearance, revealing the giant figure of Ultraman Eddie.

"Are you the senior Zaas that my brothers are talking about?"

"Seniors don't dare to do it."

Natsuki looked at Eddie carefully.

In the past, he always thought that the Ultra brother who appeared after Leo was ugly, but after actually meeting him, he realized that it was his own prejudice.

This Ultra Warrior has a special temperament like a teacher or elder, and his strength is not weak at all.

"I sensed negative energy, and during the investigation I found that this disk creature was preparing to invade the earth." Eddie did not change his attitude towards Xia Shu, "But with seniors here, I was overly worried."

Seeing that Eddie seemed to be preparing to leave, Natsuki said: "Your students are looking for you everywhere for the class reunion, why don't you go back and take a look?"

Eddie suddenly fell silent, and after a while he responded: "I still can't. I visited the earth to investigate negative energy. I felt that the generation of negative energy could be suppressed through the field of education, so I worked hard to become a person in the unstable period of adolescence. A teacher of junior high school students, but in the end, he failed to prevent the negative energy from appearing..."

After a pause, Eddie apologized through the mental space: "Senior Zaas, can you please help me pass on the message? Just say, Yadimeng said I'm sorry to everyone."

"Human life is very short," Xia Shu thought of what he had experienced since traveling through time and space, and said softly, "Those of your students are approaching middle age. If you miss this opportunity, you may not see them again next time. Some words are still yours. Go ahead and say it.”


Eddie still wanted to speak, but Natsuki suddenly disappeared in front of him.

When I sensed it again, there was no breath at all.

A few days later.


A second battle broke out between the Red Flyts and Mebius.

However, Membius learned his lesson and gave up using his light skills to fight. With the help of his GUYS partners, he used the electric drill-like Membius flying kick. At the same time, he also officially awakened the Yanyong form that gathered the power of his partners.

Natsuki did not go to the scene, but only saw reports of the battle through the news.

Also participating in the battle was Ultraman Eddie, who was passing by the earth this time.

Inside the hotel.

Natsuki was reading the newspaper while eating breakfast.

Perhaps because the battle took place in such a remote location, there was very little information, and the photos in the newspaper were not very clear. We could only barely see Eddie and Mebius in their Yanyong forms working together to defeat the Red Flyts.

In his perception, Eddie seemed to be traumatized, but he couldn't control it for the time being.

The Ampera alien's spaceship is about to arrive, and he has more important things to deal with.

Natsuki put down the newspaper and was about to leave the hotel when he suddenly heard the uncle next door shouting.

"There's news! Ultraman Eddie and Mombius fight side by side. If that statement is true, Ya's teacher may have come to Earth!"

"Teacher, there is a class reunion in the afternoon. It is the last class reunion held at Sakuraoka Junior High School!"

"You must come!"

The soundproofing of the hotel was not very good to begin with, but the uncle even opened the window and shouted excitedly to the sky, attracting the attention of nearby residents and passers-by.

Natsuki shook her head and teleported out of the room.

Phoenix Nest Base.

The GUYS members are still discussing Eddie's sudden visit.

"Records of negative energy were confirmed in the UGM files. Negative energy is generally considered to be the fluctuation of the dark side of the human heart. It frequently attracted evil monsters 25 years ago..."

Zheping analyzed and explained.

"It's just that we still haven't found any results. We can't draw definite conclusions, and it's not easy to study the human mind."

"It's hard to guess the human heart..."

"By the way, Mirai," Ryuu Aihara suddenly asked, "Where did Ultraman Zai As go? It seems he didn't appear at all this time."

"I don't know, but brother Eddie said he met him in the universe. He might have left the earth because of something."

Future shook his head and said calmly.

"Perhaps Lingsang doesn't want me to rely too much on him, and hopes that I can practice independently."

"is that so?"

Ryu Aihara always felt that he thought too much about the future, but he had no words to refute.

After all, this is a life and death battle between the apprentice and a powerful enemy in the future. How can the master not be present?

It always feels a little strange.

cosmic space.

Xia Shu's original dark form dodged and fell into the group of meteorites. A burst of cold air came from behind, turning large pieces of meteorites into ice slag.

"Bang bang!"

The ice slag exploded, revealing the frozen spaceman Grozam behind him.

"Humph, that's all."

As one of the Four Dark Kings, Grozam possesses immortality and super freezing ability. He is weaker than the previous evil general Evil Bogaru, but he is the strongest Dark King in existence.

The silver metal block body looks like a mechanical life form, with many spur-like structures scattered on the body surface. On both sides of the small head are silver horns that hang down like bull horns.

The unique freezing ability can freeze planets, but the level has not reached S and is still in the A-level category.

Grozam's face flashed with blue light: "A guy who has never experienced the Ultra War actually wants to become a new evil general. Let me show you what the Dark King is..."

Natsuki's elbow knife vibrated silently, and when he was about to show some of his power, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"Stop, Grozam!" Mefilas, the general of the Four Dark Kings, shouted, "It is the emperor's order to let him join us. Do you want to disobey the emperor's will?"

Two figures entered the meteorite group at the same time. In addition to the Mephilas star, another Dark King's general, Disrem, also appeared.

"From now on, he will be the new evil general, Dark Lucifer." The Mephilas star stopped the conflict, "Grozam, you should also know the emperor's temper, even if it's just a superficial one."

"Damn it!" Grozam was still dissatisfied and looked at Xia Shu with a hostile look, "You are not allowed to take credit for this battle against the Earth. Just watch it carefully!"

"I don't have any objections, I'm just afraid that you can't do anything."

Natsuki's eyes quickly swept across several cosmic beings, and suppressed the fluctuations of the sword of darkness.

Now is not the time to deal with these guys.

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