Starting human body

Chapter 328 The Rebel Dark Lucifer


GUYS Phoenix Nest was trapped in mid-air because of a trap designed by Desrem, and everyone in GUYS was also held hostage, leaving Membius underneath to fight with his hands tied.

Desrem's body shape is slightly similar to King Red, with a long neck connected to a head that is slightly smaller than the body, but the body is slimmer, and the surface of the red body is covered with a mesh exoskeleton, which does not look like A resourceful cosmonaut.

But this time the plan was full of despicable means, not only hijacking the GUYS members, but also inciting mankind to hate Mebius.

People's hearts are very strange. Sometimes kindness turns into hatred, and the greater the kindness, the greater the hatred.

Now Membius is in a dilemma, facing the public's blame for protecting his teammates who became hostages.

"Membius!" Disrem sneered, "The secret of your strength is the bond with humans, but this is also your greatest weakness. Without this bond, you can't do anything! At the same time, you resent the stupidity and selfishness of mankind, and go to destruction with them!”

"Bang bang bang!"

Fireballs exploded on Membius' body, but the reporters on the ground still blamed the GUYS members who were taken as hostages, and even resented Mombius.


Mebius fought hard while holding on to the red light's flashing body, and his mood fell into a trough.

This feeling of loneliness... I have only experienced it when I read the battle information between Zaas and Leo.


The city streets were deserted and desolate. Except for a group of reporters, almost everyone had hid in shelters. There were only garbage and waste rolling in the wind on the streets.


The advertising screen in front of the business building lit up, and the sound of Ryu Aihara's labored breathing broadcast spread across the city.

"Stand up, Mebius... and fight! Fight for our sakes... It is the duty of our GUYS members to protect the citizens!"



The Sakkino star and his party stayed in the cake shop in the name of working part-time, and soon reluctantly reopened the cake shop under Natsuki's instructions.

"Don't you know how to use your superpowers to make cakes?"

"Superpowers are not meant for making cakes..."

"Forget it, just help look after the store."

The figure of Mebius suddenly flashed in Natsuki's mind. After leaving the Sakkino Stars behind, he followed the images of the Tokyo War Zone broadcast in the business district.

Disrem is the weakest of the Four Dark Kings, but he survived to the end and successfully found Mebius's weakness.


In the broadcast, Mebius reactivated his Yanyong form, and the lightsaber in his hand took shape instantly. After blocking Desrem's fireball from attacking his teammates, he extended the light blade to split Desrem's body from a long distance.

As the aura of Infinite Dreambius burst out, Disrem exploded into a huge fireball among the ruins of the war zone.

Natsuki looked away from the broadcast screen.

Strictly speaking, the King of Darkness is not bad, and he is also a very powerful character in the A-level, but Disrem is of little value to the Ampera and him.

Ampera didn't care about the life or death of his men, and he had no intention of collecting materials.

Xia Shu paused and looked up at the sky.

There was a special wave coming into the induction just now, and the source was the sun.

The home planet of the Ampera people and the Ultra Star also lost the sun, but they went in completely different directions. After the death of their compatriots, Ampera gained the power of darkness and chose to become the Dark Emperor, so he has always hated light.

"come yet?"


Over the earth, more than a dozen Imperators passed through the atmosphere at the same time and flew to various parts of the world. Two of them even landed directly in the Tokyo theater.

Mebius, who had just finished the battle, was in crisis again.


"No way?!"

The faces of the GUYS team members who escaped from the trap in mid-air turned pale.

“We suffered a lot from just one Impreza before, but now there are so many!”

"The key is to come out at this time!"

"There will be no time for activities in the future. If this continues..."

Zheping's face was ugly, and he stared at Mebius who was fighting again.

Mirai, who had been trained by Zai Aster, easily killed one Impeleza with his lightsaber, but his physical strength was severely exhausted and he was no longer able to deal with the remaining one.

This attack actually attracted 2 more Imprezas.

It is true that many Impelezas are scattered, but with the ability to move in space, it is not much different from facing them all at the same time.

Sure enough, it was still too forced.

Zheping picked up his fingers.

This scene is just like thirty years ago. How did Zaas and Leo deal with it back then?


Another flash of light flashed, and at the last moment Ultraman Hikari fell into the war zone to save the helpless Mebius.

Although it was also difficult to fight against several Impelezas, fortunately when Membius came out of the transformation state, the opposite Impeleza also stopped moving.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone in GUYS made a sound in surprise, and Hikali also backed away cautiously, not daring to act rashly.

At this time, Impelaza, who was distributed in capitals around the world, suddenly broadcast the Ampera star broadcast: "I am the emperor, the one who rules the universe, and now I convey my will to you people on earth to find the rebel Dark Lucifer!

He has transformed into a human and is hiding somewhere on the earth. Find him for me! Otherwise, I will destroy the earth together! "

Natsuki's eyes returned to the big screen in the commercial street, and when he saw his human portrait projected on it, his brows twitched slightly.

It was also difficult for Ampera, and I don’t know what method was used to get his image data.

Is it a back-up left by the people from Mephilas?

Natsuki's face was calm.

He had never thought about hiding, he just wanted to buy some time.

Although there was not much time, the data collected by the Shenguang Mirror was enough for him to conduct a simulated battle in the battle space.

Natsuki turned around and walked into the cake shop, glanced at the Sakkino stars who all lowered their heads in unison and said: "I don't care what your plans are, protect Kobe City while I'm away, otherwise I will chase you all over the universe and kill you." .”

The girl's fingers trembled: "You, you want to leave?"

"Don't worry, Ampera, I will take care of it."

Natsuki put on a black wide-brimmed hat and teleported directly in front of the Sakkino star.

30,000 years later, Ampera was overly cautious and tested it over and over again. It is estimated that only Impelaza's defeat will officially come.

You have to make good use of this window period.

"Is he okay?" The little fat Sakkino star carefully observed around and confirmed that Xia Shu had really left, and then complained speechlessly, "You have been beaten like this by the Amberra star, but you still dare to say anything about solving Amberra."

"Where does the confidence come from?"

"Shhh! Stop saying a few words. His super power seems to be sensing direction. If you hear it, you will be in trouble."

"He can't defeat the Ampera people, but against us..."

The girl looked at her companions, sighed secretly and said, "You can stay here for now. I want to see Tokyo."

The companions looked shocked: "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy," the girl shook her head. "The Ampera people are not ready to let the earth go at all. If Lucifer loses, we will also be implicated."

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