Starting human body

Chapter 333 Gilbaris

Ultra Star.

Natsuki's original giant form stepped onto the headquarters of the Space Guard, overlooking the Kingdom of Light in the reflection of the surrounding crystals.

Not much has changed from 30,000 years ago, except that there are a lot more warriors.

A large number of immature ordinary giants can be seen in the arena undergoing simple training.

If he were also born in the Kingdom of Light, he would probably be like these people. As long as he is illuminated by plasma sparks, he can accumulate strength and grow up carefree for thousands of years. Then he will be divided into various departments to engage in scientific research, clerks, or become junior warrior.

If everything goes well, I can join the Space Guard. Maybe I will go to Earth for training like Mebius, or maybe I will just be an ordinary guard or investigator.

Seeing these giants who were thousands of years old and still had the mentality of teenagers, Natsuki shook his head secretly.

"How about staying?" Ultra's Father and Ultra's Mother came from behind, "Become an instructor like Taro..."

"I have no idea."

Natsuki turned back to the two of them.

When he came to the Kingdom of Light this time, he actually wanted to investigate the unknown energy born in the Divine Light Mirror. Unfortunately, there was no relevant information here either.

The only King of Ultra who might know could not be contacted at all.

Maybe I can only explore slowly by myself.

"Ashu," Ultra's Mother said with concern, "Whenever you are tired, come back."


Natsuki avoided the gentle gaze of Ultra Mother.

He had been following his father since he could remember, and he really wasn't used to this kind of motherly gaze.

Besides, he is a bit young, but he is already at the level of an uncle to humans, and he is still barely a friend with the father of Ultra.

There is no reason to be a junior.

"Let's talk about it later."

Natsuki raised her arms, turned around and walked into the light door alone.

His goal in this time and space is Ampera. Now that the matter is done and his physical condition has recovered, it is time to return to the main universe.

The new generation is now in its most lively and critical period. The new generation of Ultra Warriors are coming one after another, and the time left for him is undoubtedly much tighter than before.


The light gate flickered, and when it reappeared, it had become a strange star field.

Natsuki steadied his body, the milky white giant's eyes looking through the stars.

A war seems to be breaking out in a distant star system, and the light of the explosion visible to the naked eye even obscures the light of the star.


Several magic arrays lit up on the unnamed planet. After a brief brewing, a large-scale explosion exploded on the planet's surface instantly.


Natsuki quickly locked onto the white Dragon God machine that continued to destroy.

This kind of robot was sent everywhere by the giant artificial mind Gilbaris, who had previously solved one in Orb time and space.

I didn't expect to meet him again just after I came back.

"Bang bang bang!"

On the surface of the planet, the destruction has reached its final stage, leaving only a group of survivors who are resisting desperately.

"What is this called peace?!"

"What kind of justice!"

“If all lives are gone, what’s the point of so-called peace?!”

The sea of ​​​​fire burned away their last hope, and the survivors cried out in despair when facing Galatron towering over the sky.

Galatron was beautiful and noble when it first appeared. Its unique light waves could calm human struggles, and it was once regarded as the messenger of peace.

However, after a brief detection, the peace messenger immediately turned into a demon and wanted to completely reset the planetary civilization.

The boy in ragged clothes held his father's body by the arm, laughing and crying in the ruins.

The peace that Galatron talked about was so ironic in front of this scene of destruction.

How can you judge other people's civilization casually?

"There is no such thing as absolute justice," suddenly a voice came out of nowhere in the young man's ears, "It's just that you are too weak."


The young man looked around in fright, forgetting even his own situation.

"Amsi! What are you doing standing still?! Let's go!"

"Great Elder..."


Just as the boy was about to respond and explain, the sky behind him suddenly burst into light, followed by a huge explosion, and then the ground shook violently, and storm dust rolled in.


The bright brilliance converged, and the original form of Natsuki's light was condensed in the ruins of flames. His right arm was punched on the ground, and the wrist guard's light blade was still vibrating at high frequency. Next to it was a Galateron tail vertebra filled with electric light.

The magic circles that appeared in the sky dissipated one after another as the tail vertebra was severed, and Galatron also lost its ability to float and fell from mid-air.


The young man hid behind the rock wall and looked at the luminous figure in the wind and sand with his tribesmen in surprise.

The giant was not affected by the storm at all and remained calm throughout. It also appeared to be particularly calm when dodging Galatron's attacks.

Even though he didn't move quickly, Galatron couldn't hit him at all.

"Bang bang!"

The giant rolled and adjusted his body repeatedly to avoid the explosive attack. His right arm was rotated and raised to hit the Galatron sword and shield, causing sparks to fly at high frequency.


After a brief stalemate, the giant suddenly exerted force on his hand again, and immediately saw the light blade slashing through the Galatron sword and shield with a stream of light.

Not only the sword and shield, but also a crack of light appeared on Galatron's silver-white armored body.

The giant split Galatron in half!


The boy's pupils dilated as he watched Galatron explode behind Natsuki.

Tiny parts were scattered like raindrops.

Such a terrifying robot is actually...


As the last piece of debris fell, the planet's ruins finally returned to calm, and the sun gradually rose in the sky to represent rebirth.

Natsuki lowered his head and looked down at the survivors, his gaze paused for a moment on the boy.

After being rescued, the young man returned to the ruins buried in the sand and moved away earth and rocks, rummaging through the rubble like a madman.

Xia Shu looked through the eyes and found a male corpse under the ruins.


The boy's choked sobs spread in the wind, and he didn't stop even after digging out the blood on his hand, but he clearly dug in the wrong place.

The violent wind from the explosion just now also swept up the male corpse.


Natsuki raised an arm, and the ruins vibrated slightly with the force of his mind, and all the rubble floated under the influence of the field force.

The young man wiped his eyes and looked up at Natsuki in confusion, still with a trace of fear in his eyes.

The giants destroyed Galatron, but that doesn't mean they are good people.

The level of danger is even greater than Galatron...


After a brief earthquake, the earth and rocks separated, and the male corpse was directly grabbed out of the ground by Xia Shu using his telekinesis. Finally, he was wrapped in a ball of light and fell in front of the young man.


The young man came back to his senses, and when he raised his head again, he only saw the back of the giant flying off the ground, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you, thank you..."

cosmic space.

Natsuki's back was turned to the nameless planet, revealing her figure in the stream of light.

He just saw his own shadow in the boy.

The scene where Ultraman didn't appear no matter how much I shouted, I don't want to repeat it again...


Natsuki waved his hand to open the wormhole, preparing to return to the Orb space-time earth first. Suddenly, he paused, and when he turned around, he saw that the nameless planet had become virtualized, and all the survivors on it began to disappear into data.


Natsuki teleported back to the planet, but still missed it, and could only see the afterimages of the survivors.

The young man had just finished saying thank you, and his longing eyes were still on his face.



Natsuki clenched her fists and sensed her surroundings.

This seems not to be Orb space-time, but the universe where Geed is.

Perfect attendance is gone again, why is it so difficult to make two updates?

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