Starting human body

Chapter 349 Planetary Consciousness


Natsuki held Pigumon's arm and spread the golden light. During the rhythm of the unknown time and space energy, the sea wind and clouds roared over Phantom Island, and the entire island was enveloped in golden light waves.

Pigeon's pupils dilated, and his eyes were filled with Natsuki's luminous figure.

"I'll take you to other worlds."


The two DASH fighters just returned to the mothership and saw a magical scene on the Phantom Island. The moving island was gradually disappearing, leaving only the waves.

"How is this going?"

"By the way, where is Advisor Gao Shu?" Hijikata suddenly remembered.

"Ah?" Touma Kaito's smile froze, "Isn't the advisor here? I asked the advisor to return to the fighter plane first..."

"Don't look at me," the fat man shrank his neck, "He said he had something else to do and left again!"

"Does that mean the consultant is still on the island?!"

There was chaos on the mothership.



"Consultant Gao Shu is still at sea," Ellie suddenly interrupted everyone, "normal communication has been possible after the magnetic field of Phantom Island disappeared. The consultant's personal terminal signal is below you."


Captain Hijikata opened the detection screen and vaguely spotted a raft floating on the sea. When he got closer, he saw Natsuki's figure.

"Captain Hijikata," Xia Shu Youyuan contacted, "should you find a way to pick me up?"

"Ahem," Hijikata's face turned red, "The consultant has been waiting for a long time."


Natsuki hung up the communication, and as the water rose and fell, he turned around and looked at the sea surface that had become vacant after the Phantom Island disappeared.

In the end, he moved the entire island, and all the special energy he had accumulated was used up.


Xia Shu closed her eyes slightly against the sea breeze, and the whole picture of the wasteland planet emerged in her mind.

At the moment when Phantom Island arrived, the planet seemed to be lit up. With Phantom Island as the center, vitality continued to spread to the surrounding areas. The earth-yellow land was finally covered with green plants, with hundreds of flowers blooming and lush vegetation, completely changing the original Desolate look.

Not only that, but the consciousness of this planet also began to slowly gestate in Natsuki's induction.

"So that's it."

Xia Shu suddenly realized a lot in her heart.

After he completely becomes the controller of time and space, he seems to be able to mobilize the power of the planet and concentrate the entire planet's light power on himself.

Not all planets can give birth to consciousness.

Among the worlds he has experienced so far, Tiga Earth is half of it, and the only one with complete planetary consciousness is Gaia Time and Space Earth.

The unified consciousness of the planet's life forms gathers, and the light of humans, native monsters, and other earth civilizations gives birth to the light of Gaia and Agul.

Of course, there are only plants on this wasteland planet now, with almost no other life forms, and the ecosystem is quite deformed, so planetary consciousness is only a trend, and it is far from being comparable to the Gaia space and time.

Natsuki opened her eyes again.

He knows where this space-time energy is strong.

If he was given the power of the entire universe, his combat power would probably be able to catch up with the SSS level, and it would not be impossible to become a legendary level warrior.

Although many powerful people or forces in Ultra Spacetime can destroy the universe dimension, that is because the universe itself will not resist, which does not mean that the power of the universe is weak.

It's just that no one is concentrating the power of the universe.

After returning to Titan Base, Natsuki canceled the high-level meeting and took leave to enter the Shenguang Mirror Universe.

At this time, the power affecting the wasteland planet has stabilized, and the few monsters have adapted to the surrounding environment again. Only the little King Airei is unhappy because he has no lightning absorption.

Looking at the empty and lifeless planet, Xia Shu suddenly came up with the idea of ​​​​transferring the residents of the ruined planet, but after thinking about it, it felt unrealistic.

If you have this energy, you might as well capture more monsters.

It would be better to follow the original plan and transform it into a monster planet, which would be much less troublesome than human colonization.

Phantom Island.

The summer tree passes through the jungle river and stops on the edge of the grass-covered hillside cliff.

Pigmon looked at the remains of the two guardian monsters sadly, looking a little lonely. He didn't walk towards Xia Shu reluctantly until he turned to stone and sank into the ground.

Only then did Pigumon start to observe this new world seriously.

"hold head high--!"

Across the strait from Phantom Island, you can see a wider green continent.

The strange bird Regira flew over the top of the mountain, its blue eyes looked towards Phantom Island from a distance, hesitated for a moment and then turned away.

A hemispherical transparent cover suddenly appeared in the sunlight in the distance, and there were monsters moving around inside.

Pigmon withdrew his gaze and walked to Xia Shu timidly.


"This place will be under your control from now on," Xia Shu's face showed the outline of the Giant of Light, "Don't have anything to worry about, those monsters are very honest now."


Pigumon recognized Natsuki's identity, his eyes glowed again, and he took the initiative to reach out to Natsuki for telepathy.

"Of course it's not just this island," Natsuki responded, "This planet is yours to take charge of, dominate the ecology, and other monsters will be released in the future."

He will deal with dangerous monsters separately. Anyway, those monsters don't have much requirements on the environment. There are many desolate planets here.


Natsuki noticed the colorful ribbons wrapped around Pigumon's fingers.

It seems to be a DASH compressed food packaging bag...

"Really? Witness that the human young man is friendly with you?"

Natsuki's mind flashed to the image of Touma Kaito tentatively feeding Pigmon.

"That human might come here too, and I'd like you to take care of me then..."

"Ah sneeze!"

DASH Titan Base Restaurant.

Touma Kaito sneezed several times for no reason.

"What's wrong, Team Kaito?" Mizuki asked strangely.

"No, it's okay," Touma Kaito shook his head and looked at Natsuki's usual dining seat, "Speaking of which, how is Advisor Takasuki? He's been here a long time ago."

"I said I was a little tired. I didn't even attend the UDF meeting, but it should be no big deal," Ruixi guessed. "Maybe he was scared. After all, so many things happened."

"makes sense."

Dongma Kaito hesitated to speak.

The consultant was the last one to leave Phantom Island. Originally, he wanted to ask about the mystery of the disappearance of the island, but it seemed that he could only wait until next time.

It seems that the consultant was left alone because he didn't pay attention.

Strange, why did you forget the consultant at that time?

Touma Kaito scratched his hair in confusion, and when he came back to his senses, he found Mizuki staring at him without knowing what he was thinking.

"What's wrong with me?" Touma Kaito thought he had something on his face and hurriedly checked it with his hands.

"Ah, nothing."

Ruixi woke up with a start, packed up the plates and left in a hurry with a red face.

If it weren't for Ultraman Max, she wouldn't have thought that Kaito Touma would be Ultraman No. 1.

No wonder Kaito had a strong reaction at that time and desperately wanted to prove Ultraman.

"Team Ruixi..."

Natsuki happened to walk into the restaurant, and after passing by Mizuki, he soon saw Touma Kaito, who was in a daze and giggling.

"What's going on with you guys? Are you in love?"

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