Starting human body

Chapter 393 Motaranga Virus

"Please leave through Channel 3!"

"hurry up!"

"Don't squeeze!"

Tokyo city.

Intense evacuation work is underway on the surface streets.

The alien invaders this time were very strange. They suddenly appeared near the commercial street, but did not attack immediately. They seemed to be waiting for something.

A young man looked back at the huge monster standing among the tall buildings, and heard faint laughter in his ears.

The monster seems to be laughing at humans.

"Hey, Kido-kun! What are you looking at? The monsters might start destroying at some point!"

"That's not a monster," the boy said subconsciously, "It's smiling!"

"Don't worry about this, let's go!"

"Ah ha ha."

Motalanga glanced at the people taking refuge on the ground contentedly, the devil's mouth opening and closing slightly.

"Run away, be afraid, this planet will be mine soon!"

"call out!"

Two sounds of piercing the air came from behind, and Motalanga turned around and faced the two attacking DASH fighters.

"DASH members, I am Motaranga, and the earth will be under my control from now on!"


Before DASH could attack, Motalanga took the lead in using his teleportation ability, leaving several afterimages, and finally suddenly appeared in front of the two fighters.

"Get out of the way!"

"What the hell is going on with this guy?"

"It's teleportation."

After Xia Shu settled the child, she returned to the command room.

The aliens this time are actually not very powerful in combat, but they do have a lot of special abilities, and they belong to a race with super powers.

And this guy seems to be planning on two Ultramans.

Natsuki thought about it again, but didn't have enough information.

I only know that the other party defeated Max through a virus, but I don't know what specific superpowers he has.

Fortunately, in TV, UDF has successfully developed a virus vaccine, so he doesn't need to worry about this aspect, as long as it ensures the safety of Dongma Kaito.

"Captain, please calm down!" Ellie contacted the front line and said, "This is not the captain's normal way of fighting. Please calmly analyze the situation and regroup your combat power!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Natsuki followed the big screen and found that the DASH operation had fallen into chaos.

The team members all entered a state of excitement, irrationally attacked Motalanga with all their might, and not only ran out of ammunition, but failed to cause any damage to Motalanga.

The Motaranga virus has spread.

Natsuki frowned and activated his telekinesis.

Not only the DASH team members, but also a large number of people centered on the war zone entered a state of excitement. People who were still fleeing actually rushed to the war zone.

Only the elderly are not affected yet.

The virus spreads so fast.

In addition to airborne transmission, there are also special transmission methods such as light transmission, which are beyond the scope of normal viruses.

"I'm going out for a moment." Natsuki turned around and walked out of the command room, passing by Professor Yoshinaga who hurriedly arrived.



Urban battlefield.

Touma Kaito, who was also in a state of excitement, transformed in the flame explosion. His desire to fight was as high as ever. It was as if countless excitement effects were superimposed. His strength and speed were increased by 10 times, but his combat effectiveness was not increased but decreased.

For a warrior, physical ability is important, but more important is the way he fights.

Touma Kaito has lost his composure and is unable to display the Titan of Light's combat power normally. Moreover, his physical strength consumption has increased by 10 times, and the fighting time has been greatly reduced.


When Natsuki arrived at the scene, he happened to see Touma Kaito's fatal beam technique being easily teleported away by Motaranga.

Originally, Touma Kaito's physical strength was not enough to support several light attack launches. This situation not only led to excessive energy consumption, but also caused the virus to attack in advance, and his mental strength was exhausted in one breath and entered a state of exhaustion.

"Haha, Ultraman No. 1 is nothing more than that," Motalanga looked at the original giant of light whose figure had faded away from his transformation, and looked down at the ground with a chuckle, "The next thing is..."

"Come on!"

Ultraman's defeat did not scare away the people infected by the virus, but instead further aroused everyone's anger.

The DASH team members, including Ruixi, mingled with the crowd, howling and swarming towards Motaranga.

"Ultraman No. 2 can't even transform?"

Motalanga saw Ruixi who was completely irrational, and his words were full of disappointment.

Although I don't think these Ultraman have the ability to stop him, it would be too boring to show no resistance at all.

"In this case, this planet belongs to me, Motaranga."

"Don't underestimate us! Spacemen! Rush over!"

Everyone in DASH ran past Natsuki with high spirits, but before they could get too far, they all collapsed to the ground and entered the state of the living dead, as if they were burned out by flames.

So shameful.

Natsuki opened the personal terminal to contact Ellie in the base: "Come and take them back. Everyone is infected with the virus spread by the aliens. Now only special medicine can be developed to deal with the aliens."

After ending the communication, Natsuki put away his personal terminal and walked towards the DASH crowd. As he walked past Mizuki, he suddenly felt a line of sight.

Ruixi has lost the ability to move, and even his consciousness is temporarily in a coma, but there is another consciousness in Ruixi's body.

Ultraman Max.

Natsuki stopped and looked down at Mizuki, who could only move her eyes.

Max could only stare now. He couldn't do anything without Ruixi, not even normal activities.

"Who are you……"

"Ruixi"'s eyes fluctuated, staring closely at Natsuki, who was not affected by the virus, with a look of shock in his eyes, as if he suddenly understood something.

"Don't worry," Natsuki sensed Touma Kaito's location, looked away from "Mizuki" and walked away from the scene, "I will protect this planet."

On the other side of the battlefield.

After Touma Kaito broke away from his transformation, he fell into the park. His condition was also in bad condition. His body could not exert any strength at all, his face was stiff, and he could not even speak.

"How could this happen? What happened to me?"


With a subtle flash of light, Touma Kaito's eyes suddenly changed, and his consciousness was instantly dominated by Natsuki.

I tried to lift my arm with difficulty, but it was very difficult to move even a little bit.

There is indeed no ability to move.

This virus is simply the nemesis of humanity.

Only after he evolved several times into a life form of light could he not be affected.

But he couldn't help Touma Kaito.

"Haha, don't you understand?"

A red paw that did not belong to a human appeared in Xia Shu's field of vision. A heat wave hit her face, and even the air was distorted by the high temperature.


Natsuki struggled to control Touma Kaito's body to raise his head, and looked at Motaranga who had become the same height in front of him.

"What a mess, Ultraman No. 1," Motalanga laughed wantonly as he was bathed in the high-temperature flames. "You chose to merge with the Earthlings in order to be able to move around on the Earth. It is undoubtedly a fatal mistake. Look at the Earthlings. You look so fragile that you can't even move your body, right?

"Because the nerve currents that control human body activities have been swallowed up by my Motalanga virus."

Motaranga explained with a chuckle.

"Yes, you are all infected with the virus I created, so you will be strengthened 10 times. You were very excited just now, right?

"But now, your nerve energy has been transferred to me through high-dimensional neurons, and it has become the energy of my Motalanga!"

Motalanga said, raising his hand to activate telekinesis and taking out the Divine Light Mirror clone, laughing jokingly.

"There is still some time, let me tell you. After defeating you Ultraman and DASH, the next step will be UDF. The anger of the people on earth will come towards me. I will swallow all this anger and let mankind become My nourishment...

"Do you want to stop me? Kaito Touma has become a living dead. You can't do anything. Haha, just watch the destruction of mankind in the physical prison of the earth's people!"

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