Starting human body

Chapter 448 Identity Exposed

That afternoon.

Because there has been no news about Natsuki, AIB can only formulate a hostage rescue plan on its own.

Zena gave full play to his powerful command ability, and not only Asakura Riku, but also Iga Rito, who was busy working on the other side, was also pulled into the action.

He knew very well what the Ampera Star and the Dark Lukiel Capsule meant, and of course it was impossible to actually hand them over to Fushii Dek.

The mystery of Beria's demise is still unclear, but the energy reaction finally detected has a lot to do with these two capsules.

It's obviously not a wise move to allow Izuku Fushii to have that kind of power.

At the same time, Ishigari Arii had to save her.

Not to mention the suspected management officer's girlfriend, even ordinary people can't ignore it.

His trump cards are two Ultra warriors, Zero and Geed.

"Is it ready over there?"

Zena asked as she pressed the earpiece to contact Moya Aizaki.

The transaction location is an abandoned factory in Kamrincho, just far away from the city.

I don’t know what Fu Jing’s plan was for using K, but it was a very good combat position for them.

So for this operation, he specially arranged for Zero to act as a coordinator and find opportunities to subdue Izuku Fushii in the dark.

It's time to deal with this dangerous element.

"No problem," Moya Aizaki said nervously, "Ari Ishigari is hung on an elevated iron tower. We will find a way to rescue her."

"Let's get started."

Zena nodded, took out the silver isolation box containing the two capsules from the agent car, and carefully handed it to Riku Asakura.

"I'm leaving it to you, I will protect you from behind."


Asakura Lu was also very nervous. He subconsciously looked at his feet and then remembered that Peijia had run away from home.

In the past, Pejia would accompany him at times like this.

Asakura Riku's thoughts were racing, and he thought about a lot in one moment.

When he was a child, he was extremely introverted. When he stayed at Aizaki's house, he was cautious about what he said. It was only after he became a partner with Peijia that he gradually became more lively and gained the courage to become a hero.

Because he is never alone.


Taking a deep breath, Asakura Riku walked into the ruined factory holding the silver isolation box.

In front of the factory building.

Fusui Dek had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Asakura Riku appear, the corners of his gloomy face turned up.

"Asakura Riku, do you know why I specifically asked you to bring the capsule?"

Riku Asakura walked forward slowly, bearing the pressure of his gaze and asked: "What on earth do you want to do? Beria is already dead, there is no need to continue fighting..."

"Lord Beria may be dead," Izuku Fushii said coldly, "but the nightmare he weaved is not over yet. As Lord Beria's son, you, and me, were chosen by Lord Beria. , are all still alive! Lord Beria still needs us to avenge him!"

"I've said it before, I'm not your pawn!" Riku Asakura clenched his fists, "My life is my own decision, and becoming an Ultra Warrior is also my own will!"

"Still so naive."

Fujing Dek said with a sarcastic smile.

"Do you know that you have been working under the enemy who killed your father? Isn't it ironic? Even without Mr. Beria, you are still a pawn. This is the sad thing about you..."

"What did you say?" Asakura Lu looked confused.

"Don't you think it's strange?"

Izuku Fushii squinted his eyes slightly and looked behind where Zena was hiding, and said slowly.

"The source of the Lucifer capsule in your hand, and the person who has been helping you behind the scenes time and time again, is Rei Takaki!"

"Boss?" Asakura Lu's eyes narrowed suddenly.

"Asakura Riku!" Izuku Fushii's face suddenly became stern, "Let me ask you one last time, do you want to continue to be your ridiculous Ultra Warrior, or do you want to avenge Lord Beria with me?"

The strong impact of information and the sudden shout caused a brief break in Asakura Riku's tense spirit.

The boss was actually an Ultra Warrior, and he killed his "father" Beria without making any noise.


Izuku Fushii's eyes were sharp, and he finally seized the opportunity. After using Asakura Riku's body to block Zena's sight, he quickly reached out and grabbed the silver isolation box.

He never thought about bringing Riku Asakura together from the beginning to the end.

He is the only one who can avenge Beria.

Saying so much is just to distract the attention of everyone present.

AIB would obviously not hand over dangerous items like the Ampera Star and the Dark Luchiel Capsule to him so easily.

"Xiao Lu!"

At the critical moment, Peijia suddenly emerged from the shadow. While waking up Asakura Riku, he also took a hand at Asakura Riku, but Fushii Dek failed to succeed.


Asakura Riku reacted and retreated hurriedly. Zena, who was hiding, also immediately fired several shots at Fushii Dek.

Although they were blocked by Fushii Dek using a barrier, they also destroyed the opponent's attempt to seize the capsule.

"Bang bang!"

"It's really troublesome!"

Izuku Fushii gritted his teeth and looked at the AIB people gathered around him. He quickly turned around and fired several explosive light bombs at the tower where Ishigari Arii was suspended.


"No! Help!"

The tower was broken in the middle by the violent explosion, and screams were heard immediately.

Zero, who had just rushed out, ignored the ambush and came out of the well, and in a hurry, he quickly jumped towards the location where the tower collapsed.

Even if he knew that Fu Jing came out to get out of trouble, Zero couldn't help but rescue people.

The manpower deployed by AIB alone is simply not able to deal with the tower falling to the ground.

I heard that the ones being kidnapped were still younger siblings, so I couldn’t ignore them even more.

Otherwise, he would not have the shame to see Gao Shu in the future.

"Ah sneeze!"

Light space.

Natsuki touched her itchy nose.

"Consultant, are you okay?" Ellie asked curiously, "Your body temperature rose briefly just now, and your blood flow accelerated..."

"I'm fine."

Natsuki interrupted and his eyes fell on the replicated capsule sublimator on the experimental table.

This thing is a bit useless to him, but it is okay to use it at certain times.

This can be regarded as advancing with the times.

It is true that he is pursuing his own evolution, but he is not an old stubborn and will not reject the new generation of technology.

You can not use it, but you can't do it without it.

"It's almost over."

Natsuki put away the sublimation device and helplessly looked at the projection screen of the abandoned factory.

Although this was the case in TV, after going through so many things, he thought Fushii Dek would make some progress.

He had specifically reminded Fushii Dek through Ishigari Ariyi.

The result was no effect at all.

Sometimes it's not a good thing if his subordinates are too capable, and they can't even let him go, and in the end he has to take action himself.

That is to say, I got the capsule through Ari Ishigari.

If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want Ishigari Ariyi to take action at all.

Because when Fushii Dek got the capsule, he might kill Arii Ishigari after using it.

If you want to save Ari Ishigari's life, he must be completely possessed.


Natsuki closed her eyes and shifted consciousness. When she opened her eyes again, she was already in the AIB agent car.

The silver isolation box storing the capsules was right next to him, and Moya Aizaki was the only one driving away from the battlefield.

Looking out the car window.

Fushii Dek has merged and sublimated to fight fiercely with Zero and Geed.

This time it is King Galatron formed by the fusion of Jinguqiao and Galatron, and it is also the last trump card in Fushii Dek's hand.

However, he was still beaten badly in the face of a double attack by Cero and Geed.

Geed still hasn't obtained the O-King Capsule. The strongest form is currently the fusion form of Lucifer and Zero. The battle time and combat effectiveness are guaranteed without opening the field. At least it is much stronger than King Galatron.

Not to mention that there is a Zero using the ultra-limit form next to him.

The ultra-limited form that combines four new generation capsules is not even weaker than Geed's Emperor form.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the aftermath of the battle, countless lightning bombs fell around the AIB agent vehicle.

Moa Aizaki was so focused on driving to avoid the explosion that she didn't even notice that Arie Ishikari had woken up in the back seat, and of course she didn't notice that Arie Ishikari's expression changed.

If the ordinary Ishigari Arii is a combination of intelligence and beauty, after being possessed by Natsuki, she turned into an iceberg. The red and black light that occasionally flashed in her eyes looked a bit evil, and she changed from full of curiosity to extremely strong. indifferent.


The moment the agent car rushed out of the battle circle, Natsuki directly knocked out Moya Aizaki and stopped the car.

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