Starting human body

Chapter 595 Hiroyuki and Uncle Oda

"Things that have to do with yourself are no longer idle matters."


Natsuki simultaneously deployed his telekinesis and collided with the energy aura of Tregear from the opposite side.

Every time he saw Tregear he would think of himself.

There are risks in pursuing great power, and if he can't control his power, he's no better than Tregear.

After all, he evolved indirectly through the power of darkness, and he has had problems in the past. It can be said that he is no longer exposed to risks all the time.

But the difference is that Tregear turned the power of chaos into darkness, and he turned darkness into light.


After the violent storm roared, Kirizaki disappeared, leaving only Natsuki standing among a pile of scattered drawing papers.

The sunset battle paintings of the Knuckles are mixed in a bunch of daily scenery paintings, which are very eye-catching.

Natsuki turned her gaze to the middle-aged man who had not yet recovered.

In Kudo Hiroyuki's memory, a man called Uncle Oda unexpectedly turned out to be a Knuckle star.

Things are in trouble.

If there is no weakness in the heart, it is difficult to be deceived.

Tregear did not implant any thoughts, he just amplified the thoughts in the mind of the Knuckle star.

"Who are you?" Oda stared at the drawing for a while, then turned to Natsuki in shock, "Who are you?!"

"If you are talking about the person just now, he is Tregear, a guy who likes to play with people's hearts."

Natsuki retracted his gaze and glanced at the Black King meteorite egg.

"Now you have become his prey, but the real target is not you, but Hiroyuki Kudo."

"Hiroyuki?" Oda asked in surprise, "Do you know Hiroyuki?"

"If you care about Kudo Hiroyuki, then leave. If you stay, you will definitely kill each other with him."

"Killing each other? What do you mean?"

Oda looked straight at Natsuki, lowered his head and noticed the Ultra Warrior he had drawn on the drawing paper, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Can it be said that he is lucky..."


Natsuki didn't pay much attention to the Knuckles, and after not sensing the nearby Tregear's aura, he took a step and teleported out of the folded space.

Because of the Seed of Light, he was not unfamiliar with Kudo Hiroyuki's experience. He knew that Oda, the incarnation of the Knuckle Planet, had a particularly important meaning to Kudo Hiroyuki.

If it weren't for this reason, he wouldn't be too lazy to meddle.

A killer is a killer, and "Oda" is just a memory of his life on earth after losing to Ultraman.

Once he gains the power to defeat Ultraman, "Oda" will turn back into the space killer Knuckles he was in the past.


Appearing again near the shopping street, Natsuki sensed it for a moment, just in time to see Ellie and Marihua saying goodbye with large and small bags.

Natsuki quietly looked at Ellie, who was becoming more and more human-like, and her uncomfortable mood improved a lot after meeting Tregear.

He would never lose himself like Tregear did.

He still doesn't know what the scenery is at the top of evolution. What he sees in the Nexus space and time is just the shadow of the SSS, but he will not give up his identity as a human being no matter what.

Human identity is his anchor.

"It's really here!"

Tennoji Blue jumped out from behind and stared at Natsuki with fear and longing.

"Finally found you, Mr. Gao Shu."

"What do you want from me?"

Natsuki's brows twitched, she gathered her thoughts and turned back to Tennoji Ai.

Without those miscellaneous decorations, Tennoji Blue's clothes and hairstyle have been changed, which makes people's eyes brighter, and her appearance seems to be liberated.

However, he is not sensitive to women and will not be affected by this.

Wouldn't this make you look less like a man?

"Please teach me how to use power. I want to start over and become a true psychic."

"I don't have any psychic abilities," Xia Shu put aside her little entanglements and walked towards Ellie. "You can do whatever you want to do by yourself. The important thing is to believe in yourself."

It's not that he doesn't like women, it's just that he isn't interested right now.

To be honest, Ellie is pretty pretty too.


After seeing Natsuki, Ellie ran over happily, looked at Tennoji Blue Queen with confusion, and recounted her whole day's experience.

"It's the account made by Mei Lihua..."

"Okay, go back, I will pay her back the money."

Natsuki helps carry shopping bags away from Tennoji Blue.

Ellie can leave the light space, but cannot return to the light space. He needs special support from him.

"He is obviously very powerful," Tennoji Lan looked at Natsuki and Ellie in confusion as they disappeared into the crowd, "Why are you hiding them? But it looks like he is a good person, right?"

The next day.

Hiroyuki Kudo suddenly received a letter, the sender was a man named Oda.

Kudo Hiroyuki opened the envelope and ran out in a hurry. When he came back, he was in a daze and looked particularly depressed.

"It seems that Yuyuki's friend named Oda is going to travel far away," Soya Yu revealed, "It's really strange. Why did Yuyuki have such a big reaction?"

"Uncle Xiaotian..."

Kudo Hiroyuki's eyes were red and he twitched his nose. He wanted to find someone to talk to, but he didn't know how to speak.

Today, Uncle Oda suddenly said that he wanted to leave the earth. He also said that he was actually a Knuckle planet, an alien killer who had taken away many lives. He lived in seclusion on the earth because he was defeated by Ultraman and was disheartened.

Fate is simply playing a big joke.

In his memory, Uncle Oda was just an uncle who liked to draw, always laughed, and often told cold jokes. He was a gentle senior and friend.

"Mr. Takaki, do you know Uncle Oda?" Kudo Hiroyuki suddenly asked.

"How could we possibly know each other?"

Natsuki glanced at the letter that Kudo Hiroyuki held tightly in his hand.

Kudo Hiroyuki's feelings for this Knuckle star seem to be deeper than imagined.

What is more surprising is that the Knuckle star actually developed feelings for Kudo Hiroyuki and was willing to leave voluntarily for Kudo Hiroyuki.


Suddenly, a loud noise came to Iges, shaking the entire office, followed by the rapid sound of the urban defense siren.

"What's wrong? Earthquake?"

Sasaki Kana ran out of the bathroom in a panic.

"Get out quickly!"

"It looks like a monster!"


Natsuki raised his head slightly amidst everyone's exclamations, and a scene of King Black's enlargement appeared in his mind.

The original plan was to prevent this battle, but the result seemed to be unavoidable.

That meteorite egg had been tampered with by Tregear.

"hold head high--!"

"how come?"

The Black King's roar resounded through the neighborhood. Kudo Hiroyuki was so surprised that he no longer thought about asking "Uncle Oda" for questioning. He ran out of Igis' office and chose to transform into Taiga to fight.

The destroyed warehouse and factory rooms were filled with earth and rocks. King Black's red eyes kept spitting out flames, and the golden horn on his head hit Taiga with a heart-breaking sound.

"King Black!"

Oda ran to the edge of the battlefield, panting violently and looking at King Black who was in a violent state.

"Why did it become like this?"

"Tregear is right, you have never given up fighting, you just refuse to admit it."

Natsuki walked out of the ruins behind Oda, calmly feeling the resurrected desire to fight in Oda.

"Tregear only enhanced Black King's power. It's you who really releases Black King."

"it's me?"

Oda's face froze, and he looked at King Black who was holding down Taiga and beating him, and then at his hands, which had surged in energy, and unknowingly released the mimicry and returned to the form of the Nakor star.

"Tregear? It turns out that I have never let go of my pride as a warrior of the Knuckle Star. I'm sorry, but I still can't leave..."

"Then there's no way."


Red and black lightning surged from Xia Shu's palm, and dark waves erupted in the stunned sight of the Nak'er Star.

"You are Dark Lucifer..."


As a gust of smoke was blown away by the wind, Natsuki lowered his arms, bent forward to pick up the fallen Knuckles doll, paused, and silently turned to look at the battlefield.

The fighting giant has been replaced by Titas. After mobilizing X's power, an electronic bomb easily destroyed King Black.

"Why do you have to ruin my plan? Bastard!"

With a distorted face, Kirizaki walked to the rooftop of the high-rise building and saw the scene of Natsuki putting away the doll. His eyes almost turned bloodshot.

"What does Taiga have to do with you? He's not your son!"

"Taika is Taiga, Kudo Hiroyuki is Kudo Hiroyuki," Natsuki turned around and glanced at Kirisaki, "I can't control how you deal with Taiga, not Kudo Hiroyuki."

A little headache

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