Starting human body

Chapter 623 Lightning Strike Beast God

"It's endless!"

Kudo Hiroyuki looked around at the two monsters and asked anxiously.

"What is thunder and lightning?"

"It's the god of disaster in charge of thunder and lightning... There shouldn't be one on earth. Who summoned it?"

Taiga urged.

"Transform, Yuuki!"

"I see."

Taiga sparks condensed in Hiroyuki's arm, and he turned around and shouted to the female researcher.

"Miss Yuangong, get to the car quickly!"


Sasaki was just about to support Yu Soya to fight against the aliens from the Villain Association. After seeing Hiroyuki Kudo running away, he had to turn back.

"President Sasaki!" Yukiko Motomiya recovered from the fright and begged to hold Sasaki, "I saw Xiao Wei, nothing can happen to Xiao Wei!"


Hearing this, Sasaki looked at the leather-clad man on the other side who was fighting alongside Soya Yu.

Although I don’t know the specific situation, it seems that the man in leather is not the enemy.

"Is that the alien you've been looking for?"

"Yeah!" Yukiko Motomiya nodded vigorously, "The reason why I worked hard to learn and develop CQ is to find him!"

Sasaki's eyes were soft: "Don't worry, Ayu is here, he will be fine."


There were constant explosions in the Hekou factory area, and it was a complete mess. Especially when the lightning beast god Taiga appeared to join the battle, the sound of vibration in the air was non-stop, as if cannonballs were washing the ground one after another.

Natsuki no longer controls the Super Beast.

Although it is possible to rush back to another dimension, rather than letting the Villain Association continue to summon in the future, it is better to deal with it here.

There is also the lightning beast god.

Natsuki's eyes turned to the duck-billed monster that suddenly enlarged in size due to the thunder and lightning explosion.

If there are no accidents, this monster should also be the work of Tregear.

Speaking of which, it's all thanks to Tregear, because this guy, Kudo Hiroyuki and Taiga's three-person team has grown very quickly.

The strength of the three-person team is sublimated by the bond of friendship. After the emergence of the triple form, the birth of Lingjia has actually been laid, and the rest is just an opportunity.

First, the Grimdor seal on Tregear needs to be broken, and then all the new generations must gather together and concentrate all their power on Taiga.

The former is not difficult, but involves certain risks.

As for the latter...

After Zero left, the new generation of warriors should already know the news about Tregear, and it would only be a matter of time before they come to Earth.

The only thing that needs to be considered is to prevent Tregchia from running away again.

Since he came here, Tregchia has made few public appearances. If the new generation really wants to gather, whether they can fight is also a question.


A thunder strike interrupted Natsuki's thoughts.

In the chaos, the thunder beast god sucked Sasaki, who was protecting Motomiya Sachiko, into the air. The whistling air flow formed a straight channel and sucked Sasaki into his belly button.


"President Sasaki!"

Yukiko Motomiya hurriedly ran out of the car and watched helplessly as Sasaki was sucked away by the monster.

"what to do?"


Zong Guyu and the leather-clad man worked together to subdue the Bad Stars, and were shocked to see Sasaki who was being held hostage.

You can clearly see Sasaki sleeping in the transparent container in the monster's navel, but there is no way to rescue him in this situation.

"Back off!"

Natsuki looked at the captured Sasaki, his eyes darkened, and he quickly ordered the super beast to stop fighting.

It's just that the super beast that entered the fighting state didn't seem to hear it. Instead of pushing away, it dug into the ground and kept walking around Taiga's feet looking for opportunities to attack.

"Is it out of control?"

Natsuki didn't continue trying.

This super beast has little to do with the Yabo people, let alone virtual cards.

It wasn't a particularly reliable thing to begin with, and he didn't expect to completely control the Super Beast with an experimental card.

Taiga can only be considered unlucky.


Taiga was in a difficult situation in the ruins of the factory. He finally resisted the super beast's sneak attack, but the lightning beast god had to ignore it.

"What should I do?" Kudo Hiroyuki said blankly, "The president has actually become a hostage. If we attack it..."

"Destroy the super beasts first, Hiroyuki!" Taiga seizes the time to dominate the battle with the giant body, "If we continue like this, we will run out of time!"


The ground in the factory area exploded. After the three-man team replaced Titas, a lightning-wrapped planet hammer struck the Super Beast with a thunderous hammer. However, the Thunder Strike Beast God's attack also came from the other side.

Titus was hit by a more violent lightning strike, causing roars. When the switch was switched back to Taiga, the red light began to sound again.

Fighting through the human body, endurance is always a big issue.

Not to mention being traumatized, even a normal battle would not last long before exhausting one's stamina.

"Oops! At this time..."


Taiga, who was restrained, was completely helpless, and suddenly broke away from his transformation and turned into countless light particles that dispersed.

"It actually took longer than the transformation time."

Xia Shu always feels that her face hurts.

I just said that the three-man team made rapid progress, but the result was like this.

Not to mention the combat ability, he barely has his own style, and the three-person team switching is fun, but the advanced power gold form, triple form... Taiga can't use it at will until now.

"no way."

Natsuki activated her telekinesis, slowing down the movements of the two monsters, taking a step forward and teleporting to the navel of the lightning-struck beast god.


The blurry figure picked up the sleeping Sasaki, and Natsuki teleported back to the ground again.

At the same time, the target of the super beast's attack also shifted to the Thunder Beast God. The lightning strike and flames between the two giant beasts collided, but Sasaki was barely affected.


Kudo Hiroyuki, who fell back to the ground, did not see Natsuki, but only witnessed the beast god's navel being involved in the explosion.

After the flames dissipated, there was a terrifying figure inside the navel container.


Kudo Hiroyuki's breathing was chaotic, his eyes were red and he clenched his fists.

Although the super beast seems to be helping to deal with the beast god, there is no difference between the two to him.

They are all monsters that need to be destroyed.

"Calm down, Yuuki!"

Taiga shouted to stop Kudo Hiroyuki who was still trying to transform.

"Your current body cannot continue to fight. Wait any longer, otherwise it will be a waste of opportunity!"


"Bang bang!"

The battlefield situation in the factory suddenly changed, and the raging current made Kudo Hiroyuki break into a cold sweat.

Although the super beast is powerful, the Thunder Beast God does have a few brushes, which can easily stir up the sea of ​​thunder and suppress the super beast. In the end, he took out the Mjolnir from nowhere and destroyed the super beast with one blow.


The death of the super beast Ariponta shocked everyone, including Hiroyuki Kudo. Even the aliens from the Evil Association who were fighting with Yu Soya couldn't help but watch in shock.

"No way?"

"What happened to that monster?"

"I don't know! I heard it was given by Tregear..."

Natsuki put down Sasaki and looked back at the battlefield.

Compared to the 3-man team, the Thunder Beast God seems to know how to deal with super beasts better, and it is not as funny as it seems on the surface.

It is also one of the more powerful among S-class monsters.


The beast god didn't even look at the exploding super beast. He looked down at Natsuki, stretched out a finger and ordered with a loud sound.

"Give this woman to me and I will spare your life!"

"Can you still talk?"

Natsuki stopped in front of Sasaki, raised his hand and pulled out the Divine Light Sword out of thin air, calmly mobilizing all his power.


A crescent blade of light flashed between the thunder and lightning, expanding dozens of meters in mid-air. After a brief stalemate, it broke through the body of the beast god in one fell swoop, and the blade light disappeared into the clouds that split into two.

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