Starting human body

Chapter 634 The disappearing light


The sky and the ground simultaneously erupted with a fatal light, and the light and darkness intertwined and collided head-on.

Xia Shu's body sank slightly, and cracks spread under her feet again. The already overwhelmed ground continued to sink. Only after Xia Shu withstood the impact and flew up into the air did it avoid large-scale collapse.

However, Igis and his party who were not far away were still affected.

Natsuki turned his head slightly and looked at the protective light curtain that was reaching its limit under the impact of several waves of battle aftermath, as well as Kudo Hiroyuki and others inside the light curtain who were shouting worriedly.

After a pause, while removing the protective light curtain, a burst of space fluctuation avoided the ground and trapped Natsuki and Tregear together.


The golden light stream enveloped Natsuki and Tregear and instantly disappeared in front of everyone on the ground.


Tregear did not dodge and allowed the phase of the surrounding space to change.

The field will indeed form a home field advantage, but it will also place a heavy burden on oneself. Doing this when there is insufficient energy is simply asking for death.

"What if you expand the field now? Lucifer, your biggest mistake is to believe in the light too much! How could you end up in this situation if you directly used the power of darkness?"


The impact of the special move of light and darkness was not affected by the space conversion. Even if they changed positions, they were still at odds with each other. Gradually, the power of darkness began to suppress the light, and the shock wave continued to move towards Natsuki.


Natsuki's whole body energy exploded, and the power of light quickly transformed into darkness as red and black thunder and lightning exploded.

The shock wave pushed back, but Tregear laughed heartily.

"Hey, don't you think it's too late now? I'm not standing still! Take a good look at my power!"

As Grimdor's power continues to spread, a pair of demonic purple energy wings unfold from behind to further enhance energy output.

Wings of the Evil God!

Natsuki below also completely switched to the original dark giant form at the same time, with red eyes looking directly at Tregear, whose energy had increased significantly.

Tregear was actually able to unleash Grimdor's power to such an extent.

If he were before Nexus' time and space, he would be really dangerous.

But now...

Grimdor indeed posed a great threat to him, but it was a pity that Tregear was not Grimdor, so no matter how much he performed, he could only perform like this.

"This is better, and the success rate is a bit higher." Natsuki looked directly at the Grimdor seal through Tregear's body.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, the seal cannot be completely broken.

According to the plan, only half of Grimdor can be released. If there is an accident, it can be dealt with in time.

"What's the success rate?"

Tregear's eyes were confused, but before he thought about it, he suddenly felt that the surrounding space became extremely heavy, and a terrible fatal crisis surged in his heart.

The original dark giant in his field of vision seemed to turn into a dark abyss, which seemed to take him vaguely back to the time when he first set foot in the ruins of Grimdor.

It was as if Grimdor had been resurrected from ancient Chaos.


The SS+ dark aura erupted violently and filled the area, and the shock wave also pushed straight towards the stunned Tregear.


Tregear shouted in horror, feeling the danger of death for the first time since sealing Grimdor.

Unlike last time, Natsuki seemed to be coming for the seal on him.

After losing the power of the demon god, he is equivalent to losing everything and will turn back into the weak blue giant.

"Go to hell!"

Remembering that Natsuki had swallowed part of Grimdor's power, Tregear desperately mobilized his power to infuse his arms with rays, and at the same time, bright blue flames ignited all over his body.

At the critical moment of life and death, Tregear subconsciously used the Ultra Bomb skill from Taro. By burning himself, his power instantly reached the extreme.

"Not just for strength, but also for skills, do you also rely on others?"

Natsuki calmly adjusted the energy output.

"It's really sad."

"Shut up!!"

Tregear's red eyes radiated greatly, and the giant's body was wrapped with blue flames and actively dived towards Natsuki. After a brief obstruction, he finally rushed to Natsuki.


Violent explosions resounded over the Tokyo Bay battlefield, and fire could even be seen pouring out from unknown space, and the air was distorted on a large scale.

"What's wrong?"

Kudo Hiroyuki and others, who had just led everyone to escape from the battlefield, watched nervously in the air.

That's where the two giants last disappeared.

"in the end……"

"Hoo ho!"

The domain space dissipates.

After a brief flow of air swept across, the Tregear giant's body re-condensed into shape in the purple mist. He staggered and held on to the tall building next to him. He panted and looked around. After confirming with lingering fear that there was no trace of Natsuki, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I'm still stronger, haha! I won! So what if that idiot is stronger? It's me who will survive in the end!"


On the ground, Kudo Hiroyuki was breathing heavily, staring at Tregear, who was laughing like crazy, with eyes wide open.

Ignoring the dissuasion of everyone in Iges behind him, Kudo Hiroyuki clenched his fist to summon the Taiga Spark, and took the initiative to lead a team of three people to leap forward and rush to the battlefield.


Taiga's giant body fell into the battlefield and immediately attacked Tregear. However, Tregear did not lose guard despite his madness, and easily blocked Taiga's angry kick.

"Taiga," Tregear put his hands behind his back and glanced at him with a chuckle. "There are no more troublemakers. I lost because I protected you. It was really scary. I was almost killed." ,Hahaha……"


Taiga was so angry that he almost lost his mind, but Hiroyuki Kudo in the mental space was surprisingly not impulsive. Except for the slight redness and swelling of his eyes, his eyes were calmer than ever before.


Taiga calmed down and felt worried about Kudo Hiroyuki's abnormal state.

"That guy is the legendary Lucifer. Maybe he can talk about it if he has nothing to do... maybe, it's just Tregear who said it now, right?"

"I'm fine."

Kudo Hiroyuki stared at Tregear opposite him, Natsuki's special training during this period kept flashing through his mind.

Although it was only a few days, it was a training experience that I had never experienced before.

It is different from the same practice as Zong Guyu.

Those dreams about the O50 planet, and the dreams of giant battles... seemed to be much more real after the special training.

"My power, my real power is..."

Kudo Hiroyuki's thoughts were racing, and his entire life experience seemed to be reviewed quickly, back to before he met Taiga when he was a child.

Another light?


Suddenly, a ball of light appeared and alarmed Taiga's three-man team. Under the rich light, even Kudo Hiroyuki was brought back from his thoughts.

"Yuyuki, what is this?" Feng Ma whispered, "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything."

Kudo Hiroyuki had to cover his eyes under the dazzling bright light. After the light subsided, he was surprised to find a new light bracelet appearing on his arm.

It is very similar to the light bracelet that condenses the power of Ultra Warriors such as Orb, but there is something different about it.

"It's Lucifer's power! This is the light that saved us last time, Yuki! He's still there!"

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