Starting human body

Chapter 674 A city with only monsters

Utsumi family.

The boy with glasses moved the bed to make room for Natsuki.

"Don't move things."

"You like monsters?"

Natsuki took a tokusatsu magazine from the bookshelf and flipped through it. The cover showed Zero and Ultraman Parvat, and inside the color picture was a huge close-up of King Red.

There are also many monster models in the cabinet near the corner of the room.

It's like a monster museum.

"Don't you like Ultraman?"

"You can't say that," the boy with glasses snatched the magazine and said with a somewhat uneasy expression, "I like them all, but I prefer studying monsters... Okay, go to bed quickly, we have to go to school tomorrow."


Natsuki scanned the bookshelf with telekinesis, but could not find any information about the new generation of Ultra Warriors, and instantly lost interest.

It's rare to encounter such a place with special photography materials. If possible, he would also like to know some information about the future, but unfortunately it seems to be just a luxury hope.

"Um, Yuta..."

The boy with glasses turned over on the bed and couldn't help asking Natsuki.

"Do you also like tokusatsu? Do you want to watch the latest tokusatsu series? I just bought it a few days ago."

Natsuki leaned on her arms and looked out the window at the night sky. She shook her head and responded, "No, I've long passed that age and am no longer a child."


The boy with glasses looked embarrassed.

"Actually, I just like collecting, so..."

"What's your name?" Xia Shu turned around and asked.


"Haha, it's so interesting. Ultraman actually exists!"

Under the moonlit night sky, the purple-haired girl leaned lazily on the rooftop guardrail, looking at the peaceful city with excitement that made her shoulders tremble.

"I really want to find him quickly!"

"Would you like to give it a try, Xiaoqian?" A bewitching voice sounded in the girl's earphones, "The new monster will be ready soon, right?"

"No," the girl refused, "I want to make one again. How about King Red?"

"It's a very good idea, but I think we should make a more powerful monster..."

"Then King Red, hee hee."


In Utsumi's bedroom, Natsuki suddenly opened her eyes and looked out the window. The next moment she saw a white light flashing in the distance.


In the silent night, the sound of a booming explosion suddenly spread, the ground tore apart, and a strong shaking feeling soon reached the Utsumi family.

"hold head high--!"

"What's going on? Earthquake?!"

The boy with glasses rolled over and jumped out of bed as if frightened, and rushed to the window to check the situation.

"Monster... beast... incredible! How could a monster appear? I must be dreaming!"

After seeing the figure of King Red's monster in the distance, the boy with glasses suddenly opened his eyes. He didn't even bother to put on his clothes. He pulled Natsuki and was about to run outside, but he reached out and grabbed nothing.

" Where is Yuta?"

"King Red..."

Natsuki stood downstairs in the apartment, looking at the monsters running rampant among the tall buildings.

Like King Red, but slightly different.


It should be said that it is a different monster at all, just using the image of King Red.

The feeling given to him is somewhat similar to that of the physical Spark Doll.

"Bang bang bang!"

Flame bombs were ejected from King Red's mouth, and the latest one even passed directly over Natsuki's head, instantly destroying a tall building behind him.

Cars parked on the roadside were thrown away one after another, and the ground quickly exploded, revealing a huge crater.

Natsuki touched her slightly curly hair and turned around to feel the overwhelming heat of the flames around her.

Even though it's just a virtual world, this sense of reality is too strong.

But what is going on with this monster?

Natsuki looked at the monsters in the thick fog around the city, and then returned to the modified Red King who was holding the building high.


The boy with glasses mixed in with the fleeing crowd and was surprised to see Natsuki's figure shrouded in the flames of the explosion. When he wanted to shout, he was horrified to see King Red moving this way.

"Damn it! Why are there monsters? There is no Ultraman in this world!"

"Who on earth is going to... deal with this monster!"


Natsuki turned her head slightly following the shout, her eyes calm and unmoved.

This virtual world has nothing to do with him, and he has no obligation to destroy monsters.

To him, everything here is just data.

The only thing worth caring about is the existence behind the scenes.

How would the other party view him as an "intruder"?

Natsuki turned around and followed the crowd away from the scene.

one way or another.

The remaining black mist will definitely find the mastermind behind this world.

The dark clan takes the devouring route, and the only person in this world who can provide sufficient energy is the character who controls the monster behind them.

It's barely a good bait.


"At 2 o'clock in the morning today, an unknown creature similar to the monster Red King was discovered in Azalea Terrace, Nerima City, Tokyo..."

"The monster is currently heading towards Heshan, please don't run away in the direction of the monster's movement!"

"Monster activity caused a large-scale fire. This is the Nerima City Hall building. Reporters on the scene are reporting for everyone..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

In a dark room filled with black garbage bags, a black alien with a head wrapped in flames like Hades was active on the computer screen.

"It seems that our guest didn't show up, Xiaoqian."


The purple-haired girl curled up on the seat with her head buried in her arms, and the statue of King Red's monster in her hand was crushed into pieces.

"What kind of Ultraman is this?"

"Obviously something serious happened, yet I still have to go to school today."


The boy with glasses yawned, raised his eyelids without energy, dressed like a puppet, got up, washed and brushed his teeth.

The sudden appearance of a monster incident suddenly shattered his understanding of the world, and it was his favorite King Red who brought disaster.

"I don't know what happened to the monster yesterday. Just don't come back again."

The boy with glasses took out a piece of bread from the refrigerator, and his jaw dropped when he saw that Natsuki had returned from her morning run.

"When did you learn to run in the morning? By the can you still be in the mood to run at this time? Aren't you afraid of monsters at all?"

"got used to."

Natsuki followed and took a piece of bread.

"And there are no monsters outside, it's just the same as usual."

"How can it be the same as usual?"

The boy with glasses hummed and questioned.

"It's not just the monster problem, the fire and the nearby supermarket were also destroyed..."


Opening the curtains, the boy with glasses was suddenly shocked by the scene outside.

There were no monsters, no fires, and even the streets were unrecognizable in the early hours of the morning.

"How, how is it possible?"

The bespectacled boy stuck his head out in disbelief and looked at the building and supermarket that were hit by fire bombs.

It was like an hallucination, completely different from the ruins scene in the early morning.

"Strange? Is it just my dream?"

Still in Cavan, this world is temporarily transitioning

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