Starting human body

Chapter 688 The Armory is Disbanded


A painful female voice echoed in the darkness.


Light space.

Natsuki suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.


It seems that because of his transcendent mind cultivation and entering the deep space of consciousness, he actually had auditory hallucinations coming from Tiga time and space.

Thinking of the first time he came into contact with the dark world, Xia Shu looked slightly dazed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, a burst of explosion woke up Xia Shu.

The urban area outside has become a mess. A large number of Cherubim eggs fell in the state of meteorites near the armory base, as spectacular as a large meteor shower.


Natsuki exited the space of light and looked up at the sky at the entrance of the dojo when a meteorite passed above with a long tail flame, glided briefly and then crashed into the city with a bang.


Thunderous explosions occurred one after another, and stone eggs continued to hatch and take shape under the chain action of gravity waves.

Two, three...

Zeta and Jin Guqiao fought side by side to eliminate the new Kerubim. However, the number of meteorite eggs falling from the sky did not decrease at all, but became more and more like dumplings.

Seemingly sensing something was wrong, Zeta flew out of the atmosphere alone in her Delta Claw form to face the giant Cherubim matrix hiding in space. .

"Zizi! A large number of monsters are currently invading...Tokyo area...urgent evacuation..."

The broadcast signals during the bombing became extremely messy, but people in the surrounding streets began to evacuate spontaneously without being reminded, and many people moved to the suburbs with large and small bags.

Perhaps because it had been attacked by a monster, the street where the dojo was located had long been deserted. There was no one in the streets and alleys. Only the main road leaving the city on the other side was blocked.

"The armory seems to be in trouble."

Natsuki walked onto the street, quietly watching the Cherubim appearing in groups in the distance, with no intention of evacuating.

Although the attack this time was particularly fierce and the damage area was not expected to be too small, in his prediction, the Chengnan Dojo would not be affected in any way.

It's over at the armory.

A trace of doubt flashed in Natsuki's eyes.

In the vague premonition picture, he saw the ending of the armory being disbanded.

He was ready to leave this time and space, but the development of the situation became somewhat unexpected.

After Celebolo was transferred to "Kuriyama", his trouble-making ability has obviously improved by more than one level.

It's D4 ray again and it's mecha Lucifer.



In the field of vision, Jin Guqiao, which was besieged by a group of Cherubim monsters, suddenly launched D4 rays during the explosion, and the entire battlefield space suddenly shattered like glass on a large scale.


The terrifying collapse caused many Kerubim to be annihilated like bubbles, but the dimensional collapse caused by the chain reaction also quickly spread to the surroundings.

Unlike the uninhabited island test site in the Pacific, the follow-up reaction this time was significantly stronger, and the dimensional collapse could no longer be controlled after it began.

As the initiator of the D4 ray, Jin Guqiao was not directly involved in the dimensional collapse like Cherubim, but the subsequent chain reaction was unavoidable.

"The degree of damage is 80%! The whole body drive system has been severely damaged!"

"Please evacuate immediately!"


The overload-damaged Jingu Bridge collapsed into rubble, and Nakajima Yoko, who was panting violently inside, could only watch as the dimensional collapse enveloped her.





Natsuki shuttled through space and entered the Kaneko Bridge cockpit, looked at the communicator where shouts were coming from intermittently, grabbed the unconscious Nakajima Yoko and teleported away.

"Lord Zeta..."

Nakajima Yoko opened her eyes drowsily, feeling like she was being held up by someone on her shoulders.

In the blurred vision, the dimensional collapse energy spreading in the distance was blocked and neutralized by a Z-shaped light wave in the sky, and finally turned into a huge explosion shock wave.


The super energy tide covering most of the city roared past, but no matter how strong the energy was, it disappeared in front of them. It seemed that there was an invisible barrier protecting the surroundings.

In her final blur of consciousness, Nakajima Yoko only had time to see a pair of leather shoes.


After preventing the collapse of the dimension, Natsukawa Haruki anxiously returned to the ground to find someone.

But there is no trace in the dilapidated Jingu Bridge.

There are nothing but ruins in front of us.

"I failed to save senior, if I had been faster..."

Thinking of the last scream heard from Yoko Nakajima, Natsukawa Haruki felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

If he hadn't let Nakajima Yoko resist the monster swarm alone...

"Calm down, Haruki!"


Natsukawa Haruki scolded himself and looked around. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly saw Yoko Nakajima standing up unsteadily in the flying dust and mist on the other side.


Natsukawa Haruki stared blankly at Nakajima Yoko approaching.

"Senior, how did you survive?"

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Yoko Nakajima's body was almost in a state of overdraft, and she felt like she might faint again at any time.

The subsequent explosion impact was okay and did not cause any damage to her, but the overload impact caused by the D4 ray was obviously beyond the endurance of ordinary people.


Yoko Nakajima looked at the wreckage of the Jingu Bridge with mixed emotions, then silently looked back into the depths of the dust and mist.

"During the last battle, the combat squad and the maintenance squad failed to comply with the orders of the headquarters, which was a very serious disciplinary violation. This is an extremely serious hidden danger for the implementation of defense plans in the future..."

At the impromptu press conference held by the Japanese Defense Forces Japan Branch, "Kuriyama" spoke solemnly in front of the podium in front of many reporters.

"Based on the above reasons, we decided to disband the armory and reorganize a new team. This new team is named the First Special Airborne Mecha Group. From now on, this team will use monsters to deal with mechas..."

"Sir Kuriyama!"

A reporter in the audience raised his hand and asked.

"Last month, the D4 ray, an extra-dimensional destruction weapon, was put into actual combat ahead of schedule, causing huge damage to the city center. Do you have any countermeasures in the future?"

"Let me explain it to everyone next."

Yuki Mayi walked up to the podium at the signal of "Kuriyama".

"I am the Chief of Operations Yuuki Mayi. We have thoroughly analyzed the combat data of the Ultra Warriors and successfully developed the most powerful special air machine so far... It should be said that there will never be one in the future, Mecha Lucifer. Far beyond the power of Ultra Warriors..."


Chengnan Dojo.

Natsuki picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, and glanced at Yoko Nakajima who was eating and drinking.

"I heard from Yaohui that you were seriously injured in the operation last month. It seems that you have fully recovered, right?"


Nakajima Yoko nodded.

"Actually, it's not a serious problem. It will be almost healed after a week of training."

"Since everything is fine, why do you come to me every day? Don't you have to work?" Natsuki looked at Yoko Nakajima's laziness speechlessly.

"You saw it too."

Yoko Nakajima shrugged towards the TV.

"The armory was disbanded. Before the transfer order came down, the superiors asked me to continue training for a while. I had nowhere to go, so I had to come here..."

"Come on—!"

Suddenly, Haruki Natsukawa shouted in the training room, and even Yoko Nakajima couldn't help but tremble in fear.

"Isn't it? Yaohui is still working so hard now?"

"It's because I'm not strong enough," Natsuki said as he put away the dishes. "Maybe he was stimulated by the disbandment of the armory."


Nakajima Yoko listened for a while and then suddenly suggested to Natsuki.

"Director, you have nothing to do anyway. Come train with me. I haven't been active for a long time and I can't find an opponent."

Natsuki glanced at Nakajima Yoko, then turned and walked into the kitchen.

"Not interested in."

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