Starting human body

Chapter 715 Tiga

The command room of the Nastis.

Jingjian Guangguo's pupils dilated, and his eyes were filled with the dark figure of Tiga among the tall buildings. He didn't even notice that Tiga disappeared in the rapid flash of red lights.

The memory seems to be pulled back to the past, to my youth.

As a traveler from the world of Tiga, it is difficult for anyone in this world to understand his feelings for Tiga, especially when he discovers that there are monsters, dark giants and even giants of light in this world.

But why Dark Tiga?


Jingjian Guangguo suddenly groaned and pressed his forehead, and some blurry pictures flashed through his mind uncontrollably.

"This memory is..."


Everyone in the Elite Victory Team noticed something unusual and gathered around one after another.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm fine."

Jingjian Guangguo endured his headache and stretched out his hand to stop everyone.

"First, don't attack the newly emerged giant..."

"But this giant must also be a dark giant, right?" Captain Tatsumi Cheng also frowned and looked doubtfully at the gray-black giant shrouded in clouds and thunder and lightning in the video.

"No, he is not the dark giant recorded on the stone tablet," Jingjian Guangguo regained his composure and suppressed the confusion in his heart and said, "Let's see what the situation is."


Urban battlefield.

Xia Shu grabbed Dark Diga's hands. Before he could carefully judge the situation, Dagon, who had lost his target, rushed over like a bull.

"How dare you meddle in your own business!"


Natsuki's conditioned reflex stopped Dagon's Iron Fist. Sparks flew everywhere, and invisible power erupted in the streets on the ground, spreading countless cracks in an instant.

"I seem...not Ultraman."

Faced with Dagon's angry roars, Xia Shu didn't pay attention at all, just murmuring and immersed in his own world.

"However, the colors are different. If I get your power, I should be able to become a giant of light, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

Dagon took a step back with his heavy body, shook his painful arm, and gathered all his strength to step forward and charge again.


The clouds in the sky became darker and darker, and suddenly a thunder and lightning exploded, as if there were only two dark giants left in the entire world.

Everyone in the victory team was stunned, and in a daze they saw Dagonli flying backwards like an arrow.



"what happened?"

"what happens?"

The group of people stared as the Dagon giant crashed into the bay and splashed a huge wave of more than ten meters.

"This is too weak. Is the Dark Giant as good as this?"

Natsuki followed him to the bay and stopped when he felt that Dagon's figure collapsed and disappeared into black mist.

It looked quite oppressive, but it couldn't even bear his punch. It was completely different from the vague memory in his mind.

In his memory, darkness gradually turned into light after the battle, but he didn't feel anything now.


Looking back at the TPU surveillance camera, Xia Shu's giant figure also turned into black mist and disappeared into the ruins of the battlefield, leaving only streaks of dark lightning in place.

"That giant..."

Tatsumi Cheng also shivered and came to his senses, staring at the empty video screen, his fingers still couldn't help but tremble.

They are both dark giants, but there is such a big gap in strength.

"He is a super ancient warrior from other time and space," Shizama Mitsukuni explained hesitantly. "The legendary strongest dark giant Tiga is just..."


"Uh, nothing."

Jingjian Guangguo faced everyone's gaze and shook his head in thought.

There were some inexplicably more memories in his mind, some memories that were different in his cognition.

Originally, he didn't know the existence of Dark Tiga at all, but the extra memory showed a lot of information about the Dark Giant.

Dark Tiga, and a dark giant who once protected humans and sacrificed for them, Dark Agur.


The clouds dispersed and the sky became clear again.

Natsuki returned to the rooftop of the building and touched her cheek with a subtle expression.

In the flash of light, the face that was originally wrinkled instantly became more than ten years younger, suddenly turning from middle-aged back to young, and the memory became a little clearer.

Only the vicissitudes of wisdom in his eyes remain.

If they stood in front of Zhenzhong and his son now, it would be difficult to recognize them.

After a short pause, Natsuki picked up the suitcase on the rooftop and left the scene.

No matter what the truth is, he will never give up on getting his memory back.

He has been having the same dream for the past six years. If he doesn't retrieve his memory quickly, he will think that something bad will happen.

"Hey, dark giant..."

The cordon was pulled up outside the ruins of the battlefield.

Wearing a brown trench coat, the Lithurian star stood in the crowd and quietly looked at the ruins. Feeling the dark atmosphere remaining at the scene, he frowned in hatred, and black lines appeared on his face again unconsciously.



The Lysuria star narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly turned back to look at Natsuki who was walking away with a suitcase behind the crowd.

"Human? Illusion?"

"What kind of third-rate play is that of yours?!"

Nastis infirmary.

Elite member Sheng Akira rushed to the ward full of anger and grabbed the confused Kengo Manaka.

"Why is it that a guy like you inherits the light?"


"Why is that you?"

The holy man clenched his fists and grabbed the victory light stick on Manaka Kengo's body with red eyes.

"I did this to protect my name! I should be the one who wants to become the light!"

"Did you make it?" Manaka Kengo looked surprised.


Shizuma Mitsukuni appeared outside the medical room.

"Some things are destined. Even if you can't become a giant of light, you can still protect your name."


Sheng Zhang was slightly shaken, gritted his teeth, grabbed the Victory Light Stick and ran out of the infirmary.

"I will prove myself!"

"Senior Akira!"

Manaka Kengo struggled to sit up, but was held down by Shizuma Mitsukuni.

"Let him go, he will understand."

Jingjian Guangguo sighed softly.

"You never know when the next crisis will come. You need to take good care of yourself as soon as possible. You may not be so lucky every time."

Sheng Zhangren was a genius engineer whom he took in. He almost watched him grow up, and he knew very well what he was thinking.

"Don't blame him. I commissioned him to analyze and develop the Victory Light Stick. The purpose is to wait for you to appear. I will let him assist you well."

"President Shizuma," Kengo Manaka said silently for a while, "can you let me talk to him myself?"

"Huh? That's fine. You young people are indeed a little easier to talk to."

Jingjian Guangguo looked slightly stunned, smiled and agreed, and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered to ask.

"By the way, Jianwu, I heard that your uncle has also come to Earth?"

"Uh, that's right," Kengo Manaka said absently, "I said he wanted to work in a news agency."

"News agency?"

At the same time, another city.

"The giants that appeared on Mars defeated the monsters in Kongzhou City, and then two other giants appeared..."

"Senior! It must be senior!"

dance class.

After hearing the news report, Libut ran out of the classroom immediately. After seeing the live broadcast, especially the scene of the Dark Tiga battle, he almost jumped up with excitement. Even the students couldn't care less and ran away in a hurry. Go back to your room and pack your luggage.

After 6 years, he finally waited.

"Teacher," the students wondered, "are there no classes anymore?"


Libut's smile froze.

"Teacher is in a hurry. This week... this month, everyone will practice by themselves. If I don't come back within a month, I will ask the finance department to refund you."

Although there is great hope to return to the Kingdom of Light after finding Lucifer, it is not impossible. It is possible to find the wrong person or Lucifer does not help.

He couldn't say much about this kind of senior who was both good and evil.

"I hope everything goes well," Libut prayed secretly, "If it is really a senior, he will definitely help me!"

He really didn't want to die of old age in this time and space, and now he could only place all his hopes on Lucifer.

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