Starting human body

Chapter 732 Damn Tiga

"Order in Kongzhou City has returned to normal..."

"A petrified beast appeared in Qingfeng Mountain, and the mystery of the petrified climbers..."

"It is said that Dark Diga defeated the monster, and we found the villagers at the scene to interview."

"Is Dark Diga an enemy or a friend..."

"I don't think we can just look at the surface," a commentator on the news program interrupted. "He is the same kind of existence as those dark giants. It is really too random to say that he is on the side of mankind just through some actions. How can humans know their thoughts?”

"Does the professor think it's just a coincidence?"

"I think this is a battle within the dark giant, but it has been over-interpreted by some people!"

See you tomorrow.

The open store entrance is filled with pancakes and various fried beans. The store looks very old, and there is an ordinary TV set next to it. It is not out of place to say that it is a store in the Showa era.

But this is also the norm in this area.

It is not as full of technology as the urban area, but it is the most suitable neighborhood for living and retirement.

"5 bags of pancakes, please."

There was only the owner's grandson in the store, a child about 10 years old who was glued to the TV. Seeing this, Natsuki could only shout.

"Uncle," the child seemed not to have heard, but turned around blankly and asked, "Is Dark Diga really a bad guy?"

"What do you think?"

Natsuki glanced at the TV casually.

Although he was commenting on him, he felt that the commentator was right.

It is true that human beings cannot analyze another life form with their own thinking model.

"I think Dark Diga is a good person." The child thought for a while, and his eyes gradually confirmed.


"Because of the eyes. Dark Diga's eyes are different from other dark giants. They are very warm."

"Where do you see the warmth?"

Natsuki couldn't help laughing, shook her head and asked again.

"Where are your adults?"

"Grandpa went to the space port to purchase goods, and mom and dad returned to the countryside." The child quickly wrapped up 5 bags of pancakes with his hands and feet, "a total of 2,500 yen."

"2500 yen?"

Natsuki reached into his pocket and was startled when he encountered the ID card.

Libut was shopping during this time, and he forgot that he didn't have any change on his hand.

Looking around, there is no cash register at all in the small store.

"Wait a moment."

After taking out several monster cards in succession, and finally finding only 1,000 yen, Natsuki smiled awkwardly.

"Bring me 2 bags."

"It's okay," the child could see clearly with his little eyes. He laughed and pushed the packed pancakes in front of Xia Shu, "I'll treat the others. My pancakes are very delicious. I wish my uncle would come to visit more often in the future. "

"Children have a future."

Xia Shu raised her eyebrows slightly, looking at the bright and sunny boy in front of her with interest.

"What's your name?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sonata. Looking forward to the future, it means playing your dream," the child said with a grin, "Where are you, uncle?"

"Gao Shuling, it doesn't mean anything special."


At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, Carmilla beat Dagon hard in anger.

"Trash! You dare not go there! Trash, trash, trash!"

"Bang bang bang!"

One whip after another fell on Dagon, who was silent. However, Carmilla's anger did not subside at all, but became even more angry.

"stand up!"

"There's nothing we can do about it, Carmila," Hitram said helpfully from the side. "Who knew that You Lian would actually run to the scene? If Dagon followed, he would definitely be discovered."

"Damn Tiga!"

Carmilla put away the light whip, and her whole body could only be helpless and furious.

She is the only one who has not taken action now, but in fact, she had already suffered a big loss when she was on Mars.

He can defeat her without transforming, she is simply a monster.

"No, we can't go on like this!"

Camilla thought for a while and suddenly turned back to Dagon and Hitram.

"No matter what method is used, Teliga must be brought back, otherwise even if the eternal core appears, it will not belong to us!"

"Is Carmilla ready to take action herself?" Hitram smiled excitedly, "If it is Carmilla, even that guy will definitely not be arrogant."


Camilla paused slightly, turned her head and continued.

"I'm going to use the legendary dark spell to temporarily restrain that guy, and you guys are here to help!"

"The legendary dark spell?" Dagon, who had been silent, stood up, his voice full of fear, "No one has ever used that kind of thing, right? No one knows what the consequences will be..."

"Is there any other way?" Carmilla said coldly, "Don't worry, I haven't done anything these days. It's just a short-term restriction. There will be no problem. If he is really not from this time and space, the spell It will even be easier to perform, and maybe you won’t have to pay any price.”

Humph, if you bring these two guys with you, even if there is a price, these two guys will bear it.

Yoshii Shimbun.

When Natsuki walked into the office, she happened to bump into Onoda.

The young reporter seemed to have seen a ghost. He couldn't even hold the water glass in his hand, and it shattered on the ground.


Onoda suddenly trembled.

"You're not dead?!"

"Why should I die?"

"But at that time..."

"I ducked."

Natsuki patted Onoda's shoulder and was about to return to his work station when he found Manaka Kengo clearing away the table with a sad look on his face.


After seeing Natsuki, Manaka Kengo was obviously shocked.

After suddenly receiving the news of Natsuki's death, he couldn't believe it. He finally accepted the fact and was worried about how to explain it to Martian's mother. He didn't expect to meet Natsuki again in just half a day.

"What on earth is this..."

"Ahem," President Yoshii reacted first, "Um, Takashu... we thought something happened to you, and you were not on the list of survivors at TPU, so we had to notify Kengo."


"Okay, okay, it's okay. We have a day off today. Let's all take a good rest and relax," Yoshii pretended to be generous and said to ease the embarrassment, "Gao Shu, you haven't seen Kengo for a long time, right? It just so happens that you two uncles and nephews are getting together. Get together."

Natsuki wanted to say that he was not in the office in the first place, and his relationship with Manaka Kengo was not uncle-nephew, but in the end he left the office with Manaka Kengo.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you stay in the news agency or not. I just don't want to be too bored, so I need a job.

He is indeed very interested in the profession of photojournalism.

"Sorry, uncle."

After walking out of the news agency, Kengo Manaka rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"I wanted to come see you some time ago, but I've been busy... By the way, I also have a friend who said he wanted to meet you. Is it convenient now?"




"Ah? It's not the one you thought," Kengo Manaka explained anxiously after seeing Natsuki's reaction, "It's a...comrade, yes, my comrade!"

"What can I see?"

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