"Speak." Qin Ge gritted his teeth.

"First, you must go to bed before 1 a.m. every night."

"Second, it is forbidden to over-visualize and overdraw mental power. Every overdraw of mental power will bring a great burden to the body. Haven't you seen many dream makers suffer from mental depression, accelerated aging, anorexia and other problems due to excessive visualization?"

"Third, it is forbidden to drink Coke every morning when you get up, and it is forbidden to eat salty and spicy food before going to bed at night."


Jiang Li counted on his fingers and said a dozen or so. Every time he said one, the expression on Qin Ge's face became more painful. Each one of them was specifically aimed at him.

"Where are dream makers who don't stay up late? Where are dream makers who don't overdraw mental power? And can you eat spicy food without eating it?"

"Refuse to bargain." Jiang Li raised his hand and made a cross in front of his chest, and smiled: "If you agree, I will join."

Bai Lu also held her cheek, holding a class lollipop, looking like she was watching a good show.

Qin Ge weighed it up. It seemed that if he didn't agree, she would still nag him on weekdays. Moreover, in the next dream, Yan Qin's role would also occupy a considerable weight. He really couldn't do without her. He could only grab his hair and said, "I agree."

"What if I break the agreement?"

"I'll be single until I'm old, and I won't be able to find a wife in my life." Qin Ge swore directly on the happiness of the second half of his life. Anyway, finding a wife was not in his life plan, so it's over.

Is the dream of love not fragrant anymore? Or is he too idle to do anything?

"Change it." Jiang Li smiled.

Qin Ge was silent for a long time, and then he said weakly, "Then what do you say we should do?"

"Every time you break it, delete a love game in your game library."

"I think it's better not to get a wife..."


"I agree." Qin Ge said angrily. At most, he would download it back and play it again.

"Great!" Bai Lu raised her right hand and shouted: "Then our team is established, dream maker Qin Ge, dream intruder Jiang Li, Jixiang... ah, dream toucher Bai Lu."

Qin Ge looked at her cheering and jumping for joy. He had clearly achieved his goal, but he didn't win at all. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He simply grabbed her hair and rubbed it hard. He felt a little better after it was messed up. He added: "I won't pay you a salary. For every dream you participate in creating, each of you will get 10% of the profit. You can change it as you like in the future if you are not satisfied."

What he gave was really not a small amount. You should know that the cards used in the previous two dreams were all visualized by himself or drawn by the system, and were not purchased on the market. Every dream sold can be said to be pure profit.

The sales of "Sadako" and "Friends", which are priced at 108 yuan, are very impressive. Although the sales of "Sadako" have slowed down now, it is still close to 400,000 copies.

Because "Friends" was recommended on the homepage, although the sales volume was only 100,000, the increase was far greater than that of Sadako. It would not be a problem to catch up with or even exceed it in time.

Although half of these sales need to be distributed to Xinghai and various taxes and fees need to be paid, many ordinary people will never make money in their lifetime.

Jiang Li and Bai Lu shrugged their shoulders and did not ask about the details of profit distribution. They completely trusted and handed it over to Qin Ge.

"The name will continue to be named according to the "weird words" we used when we participated in the competition. Since everyone is free now, let's have a meeting." Qin Ge has always done what he thought of. Since the studio has been determined, he will talk to them about his next plan. "I want to create a city called Jingling City. This will be a large dream composed of several medium-sized dreams, divided into five districts: east, west, south, north and center."

"And the next thing we are going to develop is the East District. There will be a key building here, the Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital. At the same time, the two small dreams I made before will also be integrated into it, and then slowly filled in."

" These two dreams will exist as similar copies. Players have a chance to get props, cameras and malicious pendants in them after clearing the level. You all know the functions, so I won't talk about them. "

"Ask a question." Bai Lu raised her hand like a good baby, and continued after getting a signal: "What about the players who have cleared the dream and obtained props before?"

"Take them all back, and clear the level again to get them. I will also add many different props to reduce the difficulty and try to make it easier for players to collapse." Qin Ge thought of the Jigsaw card he had drawn, and even he couldn't help but worry about the player's future.

Qin Ge has evolved this card. This card is very different. It has its own emotions, and its thinking is more than one level higher than that of Sadako and Pen Fairy. He has proposed many fun and unforgettable mini-games.

There is only one problem that has not been solved yet, that is, when Jigsaw learned that the player would be resurrected after death, it seemed to lose motivation. It is said that the game that cannot make players understand the preciousness of life has no meaning.

So Qin Ge has to find a way to find a punishment measure that makes players dare not die easily, and then go and talk to him.

"Is Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital very big? Otherwise, the integration of it and two small dreams alone may not be able to support the complete content of a medium-sized dream." Jiang Li pondered.

"It probably occupies nearly one-tenth of the area." Qin Ge was also worried about this thing, rubbing his eyebrows and said: "So we still need enough side quests to fill the East District so that players will not feel bored."

"Players?" Jiang Li caught the word keenly.

"Well, the online function and career system will be opened, and I will improve the panel. In addition to the health value, a SAN value setting will be added. If the SAN value is zero, the player will die or fall into a worse state." Qin Ge handed the settings and plots written in the past few days to the two and explained.

"At present, I have thought of four professions, detective, doctor, security guard, and thief. If I have better ideas later, I will add or delete them."

"This is a big project." Jiang Li felt the arduousness of the development task and worriedly asked: "How long is the development cycle?"

Because there are not only huge scenes to build, a large number of characters to visualize, and the professions must be balanced, not to mention the design of various side quests, and all of these need to be completed by Qin Ge, the dream maker, alone.

Even if they want to help, they are powerless, because even if they understand accurately, they will always deviate from the dream maker's inner ideas, and one of them may be more harmful than helpful.

"It's expected to be two months." Qin Ge also understood how difficult it was, so he was eager for these two people to join. However, if "As Long as There Is Love, Urban Tales Are Okay" can get a lot of good reviews when it goes online, then he will have enough points to exchange for cards to shorten the development time.

It seems that it will be online tonight, right?

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