Starting to make a ghost story game from Sadako

Chapter 95 I beg you to do something anthropomorphic

The dream ended with Mo Lang's joyful screams. Qin Ge took off the dream helmet on his head and slowly let out a long breath. He had to say that he didn't expect that the four reckless men would find out the truth in the end. He originally thought that the anchor team would be able to make it to the end.

Perhaps this is also because the group of reckless men didn't think about the rules at all, so they were not affected by the complex rules during the game. Is this the case of a random punch killing a master? Or is it that a fool has a fool's luck?

It's a pity that they didn't survive in the end and didn't analyze the only way out hidden in the rules, otherwise they would have passed the level.

Next time, I must consider killing the reckless man first. The idea of ​​a fool having a fool's luck doesn't work for him.

Qin Ge lay on the bed with his eyes closed, thinking about the shortcomings in the dream, relieving his mental fatigue, and then he couldn't wait to log in to the backstage. The news had already exploded during his dream, "I think this dream should be well received by the fans, right?"

The first one was a person he didn't expect. It was just released not long ago, but it was immediately pushed to the top.

[Steady and Don't Reckless]: "I beg you to do something anthropomorphic, okay? (sliding on your knees.GIF)"

[Qinhui-Zhang Dong]: "(The Kabuda Giant shoveled your ancestral grave with one shovel.JPG)"

[Blue and White]: "Be careful when walking at night."

[Sanjiu Tianxia Diyi]: "Coke Sugar Adder! I curse you to always buy sugar-free cola, the price of buying vegetables will increase, and the four teammates playing games will be AFK!"

[People in the underworld don't speak the language of the living]: "This test question is beyond the scope of the underworld..."

[Zuan Level 18 Pianist]: "You \u0026Y\u0026!\u0026 # !GE( # ! Die!* # ! ! ! ! ! ”

[Kobe dunks Conan]: “Didn’t I buy a travel dream? Why is there a strong man with a chainsaw on the road? Can anyone explain it?”


From the enthusiastic comments of fans, it can be seen that everyone is very satisfied with this dream.

Qin Ge also nodded with satisfaction, silently opened Taobao and ordered a safety helmet. As a dream maker, he was satisfied that the fans had fun.

So he had to ensure his own safety to prevent someone from hitting him on the back of the head with a hammer while walking on the road one day. If he got into trouble, there would be fewer and fewer conscientious dream makers like him who care about the players. He is a dream maker in this world. Big loss.

It seems that he spent a long time in "Undying", but in reality, only nearly three hours have passed. He adjusted the time in the game to one day equals two hours in reality.

But in just three hours, the sales of "Undying" have reached an exaggerated level, breaking one million copies!

Most of this is definitely related to the heat caused by the conflict with Tianlan Studio, so as soon as it was released, many players who were just watching the game came in to know what kind of dreams the dream maker who could play against the big studio could create.

And the rating is also full of five stars, which depends on the excellent quality of the dream itself.

Horror rating: five stars (Mom, save me! 99% of players give this rating.)

Plot rating: five stars (deeply touching, ups and downs! 99% of players give this rating.)

Gameplay: five stars (you won’t get tired of playing for 10,000 hours! 99% of players give this rating.)

Scene rating: five stars (Is this the real world? 99% of players give this rating.)

NPC rating: five stars (Who says paper people can’t be wives? 99% of players give this rating.)

It’s undoubtedly a big failure that 100% of players can’t feel horror.

Qin Ge sighed sadly, deeply feeling that his ability still had a lot to do. Insufficient, the next dream needs to be continued. For a horror dream maker, the screams of players are the best praise.

He opened the background again and found that most of the players were still online. It seems that the true evaluation of this game will have to wait for a while before it can be judged.

At the moment, he ignored it and opened the rankings to judge the possibility of completing this task.

What came into view was "Urban Tales-Undead", which firmly occupied the first place with a sales volume of one million copies and full of five-star reviews.

The second one was "Curse-Death Hospital" by Tianlan Studio, with sales just exceeding 400,000, and the comprehensive score was only three and a half stars.

Not to mention the third one, the dream game was released at the same time as the two parties who were already hot, and the sales volume was not even 50,000 copies, which looked pitiful.

"Why is it so few?" Qin Ge frowned in confusion. This is a bit unreasonable. After all, the popularity is shared by both parties, and as a large studio, players should be more inclined to choose them.

Fortunately, there are anchors live streaming under "Curse - Death Hospital", and we can judge by their playing situation, which saves me from contributing to the sales of "Death Hospital".

Click in and you will see the female anchor in revealing clothes screaming. She is hiding from the evil spirits in the dark and damp hospital. The pale evil spirits are chasing her like a thorn in the bone.

When she hid under the bed, she found a corpse tightly attached to the back of the bed board, and screamed again.

The scene modeling is detailed, and the NPC looks smart. It should be played by a dream master. The scares are arranged well. It can be seen that Tianlan Studio is also attentive. This rating and sales volume should not be.

"It's still the same boring old thing, and it's gone. The rules-based horror next door is more interesting."

"I regret it. If I had known better, I would have paid more to buy "Immortality". I will refund the money first. See you in Jinling City, brothers."

"I'm going to talk to Dean Jigsaw too, bye."


The answer that flew by quickly gave Qin Ge the answer. If "Immortal" had not come out, this dream would indeed be called excellent, but it would pale in comparison.

The market is very picky. After players have experienced novel rules-based horror dreams, they feel like they are used to delicacies. It is difficult for them to accept the same ordinary dreams. Therefore, many players who purchased "Death Hospital" initiated refunds.

After Qin Ge understood it, he no longer worried. The number one ranking this time was already within his grasp. It was also time to say goodbye to Chen Wansheng and Tianlan Studio. There were only seven days left to receive the task rewards. has been distributed.

What should I exchange for it then? So much to want.

Just when he was still immersed in conceiving the next dream, the rapid ringing pulled him out of his fantasy. He picked it up and found that it was Wang Chenshi from Baihua. He answered the call: "Hello? What's the matter?"

"I thought you were still dreaming, Qin Da Dream Maker, you are so awesome this time, you know?" Wang Chenshi's excited voice came from the other end.

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