Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 31 Changes in the Book of Magical Inheritance


With a scream, the puppeteer who was controlling several kunai with chakra lines was slashed in the neck by Asuma and fell to the ground.

The puppeteer who lost his puppet was like a tiger without teeth and claws. Facing the joint efforts of Asuma and Hong, he was killed despite his tenacious resistance.

The soul reserve in Uchiha Feiyu's hand increased by one. Asuma and Hong finally had the experience of fighting with ninjas. The life of this puppeteer finally provided these things.

After killing people, Asuma's face was red and he was out of breath-it was not because of too much physical consumption, but because he was too nervous after killing people.

The first time to kill the same kind will cause some shock to most people. Because of personal experience, Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much about this, but for Asuma, who was less than ten years old, the shock was relatively large.

Fortunately, the ninja training since childhood made Asuma and Hong come back to their senses quickly, but there were some changes in their temperament.

After killing this small group of ninjas, the rest of the journey was no problem. The Hyuga Hizashi team quickly delivered the storage scroll to the battlefield hospital and completed the task handover.

After returning to Konoha Ninja Village, Hyuga Hizashi submitted the task report and was called to the Hokage's office by the Third Hokage as expected.

"Hizashi, is everything you said in the report true? Uchiha Feiyu is so strong?"

After reading the report provided by Hyuga Hizashi, the Third Hokage knew that this elite of the Hyuga clan should not talk nonsense, but he still asked with some doubts.

It was really that the marginal person of Uchiha mentioned by Hyuga Hizashi showed too terrifying strength!

Although Hyuga Hizashi had just turned 20 years old, he could be called an elite jonin based on the blood of his Byakugan. He thought he was definitely not the opponent of Uchiha Feiyu, and Uchiha Feiyu was also an elite jonin at least.

For an elite jonin of 13 or 14 years old, it is almost impossible for an ordinary ninja without bloodline limit to do this. Only the top bloodline ninja can do this.

After hearing the question from the Third Hokage, Hizashi Hizashi spoke with certainty:

"Uchiha Feiyu's strength has definitely surpassed mine, and he is probably much stronger than ordinary elite jonin."

"The ordinary Chunin of the Sand Ninja basically kills in one move, and that special jonin only fought with Uchiha Feiyu for two moves."

"In my opinion, Uchiha Feiyu's strength should at least reach the level of elite jonin, and it is very likely that he has the strength of a quasi-kage."

After hearing this, the Third Hokage took two puffs of his pipe, frowned, and then asked:

"Then have you seen Uchiha Feiyu's Sharingan? To what level has he developed his Sharingan?"

Hizashi Hizashi was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Sharingan? Feiyu's Sharingan is only at the level of two magatama, and has not been developed to the level of three magatama."

"Is that so...Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work, Hizashi, go back and rest."

The Third Hokage secretly breathed a sigh of relief and sent Hizashi Hizashi away.

As a disciple of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, Sarutobi Hiruzen also knows the Uchiha clan's Sharingan very well.

Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan can maintain the level of three magatama, but there is no way to disguise it as a two-magatama Sharingan. In other words, the double magatama Sharingan is the real level of Uchiha Feiyu, and there is no possibility of hiding.

As long as the Mangekyō is not opened, the Third Hokage does not need to worry too much. Although Uchiha Feiyu's talent is indeed quite amazing, there is still a certain upper limit for ordinary ninjas.

Even if you can become a quasi-kage at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and become a kage in one or two years, it is just a faster growth in strength. It is almost impossible to break through the limit of the kage level without relying on blood limit.

And Uchiha Feiyu obviously does not have much talent in the development of Sharingan blood. The Third Hokage even thinks that the other party can open the two-magatama Sharingan because of his own strong ninja talent.

"I don't know how this kid suddenly opened his Sharingan when he was ten years old? Forget it... Anyway, it's a waste for such a genius to stay in an ordinary Genin team."

"Fortunately, his relationship with the Uchiha is not very good, so there is no need to worry about the influence of the Uchiha clan on him. Although Danzo didn't evoke the darkness in his heart, he finally created an irreparable rift between him and the Uchiha."

"But the kid's personality is very difficult to deal with... It is definitely impossible to let him join the Anbu and other departments. Let him join the front line directly... I don't know if he is willing?"

The Third Hokage has no doubt that if he is not satisfied with his arrangement for Uchiha Feiyu, then at best he will be a result of working without effort, and even if he directly defected, it is definitely not something that Uchiha Feiyu can't do.

The other party neither believed in the so-called will of fire nor had a deep bond with the Konoha Ninja Village, and even did not care about his reputation and other people's comments. In the eyes of the Third Hokage, Uchiha Feiyu was definitely not a qualified ninja, but it was precisely because of this that the Third Hokage could not use him as cannon fodder - after all, he really could defect.

If it was just an ordinary Genin and Chunin, who was so greedy for life and afraid of death, selfish and self-centered, the Third Hokage would have plenty of ways to crack down on him - of course, Chunin and Genin would not be in the eyes of the Third Hokage.

Having reached the level of Uchiha Feiyu, the tolerance of the Third Hokage will undoubtedly be much higher. It is even because of his disregard for the overall situation that the top leaders are more cautious in arranging him.

After thinking for a while, the Third Hokage, who was at a loss, was still ready to talk to Uchiha Feiyu. In terms of the talent shown by this young man, Konoha will have a second figure like White Fang in a few years at most.

Even if this young man will not enter the top management of Konoha due to his personality, it is impossible for anyone to ignore his opinion just by relying on his Kage-level strength.

Just when the Third Hokage was a little distressed about arranging Uchiha Feiyu, Uchiha Feiyu himself was also a little surprised to look at the black magic inheritance in his mind.

Below the book of magic inheritance, a small altar appeared, and three tiny black air swirled in it.

One of the black air looked a little stronger, and the remaining two black air were relatively weak. Obviously, this was the sacrifice to the book of magic inheritance.

As for the origin of the black energy, Uchiha Feiyu only recalled what he had done and knew it clearly - it was the three unlucky ninjas that he had killed.

The stronger black energy should come from the special jonin, and the remaining two came from the two chunins.

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