
The Tower of Babel runs through the heaven and earth?

It goes directly from the strange world to the Chaos Realm?

Even above the Chaos Realm?

Why did the God of Tongtian create such a wonder?

"Tongtian Tree...Tianzhu..."

Chen Ge whispered a few words


【Your Eye of Arcane resonates again! 】

Suddenly, another message appeared.


Resonate again?

What can I see this time?

As Chen Ge was curious, the mysterious picture that the Eye of Arcane resonated suddenly changed and turned into an empire.

The Arcane Empire!

Although he had never seen the Arcane Empire before!

But Chen Ge was sure at a glance that what he saw at this moment was the Arcane Empire!

Magic towers were suspended in the air!

Magic ships were lined up!

Guarding a palace that was more magnificent than the Seraph Temple!


The perspective changed!

Entered a magic tower!

A man and a woman in Western-style court clothes were kneeling on the ground!

Both of them lowered their heads!

And the man and woman were kneeling to a mage wearing a bronze mask!

"Emperor Offa!"

"Queen Offa!"

"The all-knowing god!"

""Huh? Why is the God of Law so thin?"

The goddesses opened their mouths subconsciously.


The scene changed.

Only the mage wearing a bronze mask was left in the magic tower.

The mage suddenly took off the mask.

His golden hair fell down.

A delicate western face was revealed.



Chen Ge was stunned.


"Was the mysterious god of magic in the history of the Offa Empire a woman?"


"In the eyes of the gods, the god of heaven is a man...He is a mysterious annihilator in the chaotic divine realm....How could she be a woman?...."

The goddesses were stunned

"Adam was wrong again."

Eve, the Queen of Gods, sighed.

""Bo Saixi."

Chen Ge whispered.


The goddesses looked over.

Bo Saixi?

Who is Bo Saixi?

Is it the real name of the God of All-Night? Does the Lord have a special relationship with this God of All-Night?


The mysterious picture disappeared.

The Eye of the Arcane ended the resonance.

Everything returned to normal.

Chen Ge did not explain. He was also very surprised at this moment.

Originally, from some details, it was inferred that the God of All-Night of the Arcane Empire was very likely a small account of a mythical boss, but the Eye of the Arcane resonated and saw the true appearance of the God of Law. The God of Law turned out to be a woman, and she looked the same as the beautiful Bo Saixi, his classmate at Yanlong Academy.

Coincidence ?

I'm afraid it's not just a coincidence.

The beautiful lady Bo has spoken several times in the Lord's Channel.

It is very likely misleading information.

Oh, there is one more thing.

At first, I thought the Eye of Arcane was also made by the God of Law.

Now it seems that the Eye of Arcane was not made by the God of Law.

If the God of Law is a female slayer from the Chaos God Realm, the mysterious existence that made the Eye of Arcane should be higher than the slayer.

A strange world?

There is an extraordinary level above the slayer?

Is it called the original slayer?

Chen Ge pondered.


A white light flashed.

He and a group of goddesses and three angels were teleported back to the territory.


"The god of the sky, who is regarded as the greatest enemy by the gods, is actually a woman...A female exterminator"

"At first, the Goddess of Night, Tyrant Adam, and the Lord of Time all guessed that the God of Heaven was a powerful god from the Eastern world. Unexpectedly, the God of Heaven was a blond, blue-eyed, and handsome man...."

"Since the Rebellion of the Eight Kings and the Darkest Night, most of the gods have been hiding in the strange world, not even going to the Chaos Realm, and they have all become corrupted! Of course, this includes me, I have also become corrupted!"

"Female exterminator...There is not a single Destroyer in our strange world. The Goddess of Night, the Lord of Time, and the Tyrant Adam are only close to the level of Destroyer, but have not really reached it yet!"

The goddesses whispered.

Chen Ge glanced at the three semi-artifacts he got from the Tower of Babel.

After a little thought, he gave the Sun-Destroying Bow to Avril.

The Demon-Slaying Sword to Emile. The

Blade of the Gods to Ymir.

He had the things to kill the gods.

Then he just needed to trick a god to come over and get the first kill of the God-Slayer.


Chen Ge looked at the Goddess of Light.

Just as he was about to ask the Goddess of Light to send private messages to the Eagle God, the Sea God, Hercules, the God of War and other cattle and horse gods, he suddenly received a message reminding him


【Queen of Gods chat group!】

【The Queen of Chaos is online!】

【You received a private message from the Queen of Chaos!】


【This Queen of Gods wants you to whip this Queen of Gods severely with the Whip of Divine Punishment!】

【Come to the Kingdom of Chaos immediately!】

【This queen can't wait! 】

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