
Can't wear it?

Chen Ge was just about to put on the artifact black silk for the goddess of night in his arms, but found that the black silk was bounced away by a strange force before it touched the goddess of night's feet.

"Lord, I can try this thing."

The goddess of luck said shyly.

"This thing increases attack speed. The higher the god rank, the faster my soldiers attack."

Chen Ge explained.

""Ah? Increase the attack speed of the soldiers?"

The goddess of luck was stunned.

How could there be such a thing?

Which god has such a bad taste?

Isn't this the favorite thing for the Abyss Succubus to wear?

"Lord...Should we go back to the territory now? I’m afraid the goddess of night will run away!"

The goddess of luck sent a voice through her soul.

"This goddess of the night is sealed, so she can't escape. It's a rare opportunity to come to the Star Realm, so I should stay for three days to see if I can pick up more Star God Ore."

Chen Ge's soul responded

""Hmm, hmm!"

The goddess of luck nodded.

One day passed.

No harvest.

Two days passed.

No harvest.

The third day came.

There were still ten minutes before the French ship San Angel automatically returned to port.

【Damn it!】

【I have used up my three chances to go to sea!】

【I only picked up a silver treasure chest!】

【This time I also brought the Undead Princess with me. The Undead Princess gave me a look of disgust, and I couldn't rush to the Undead Princess even if I wanted to!】

【My original race, the Frost Dragon, has fallen to this level! 】

Lord Channel.

Ma Cang Ye Howl


【My luck was pretty good. During my five trips to the sea, I discovered a pirate treasure, earned a million gold coins, picked up three epic treasure chests, and a legendary treasure chest!】

【By the way, I found a summoning magic book in a shipwreck at sea, which can summon the phoenix!】

【Is Chen Ge here? You must have picked up a lot of good stuff when you went out to sea! 】

Selena's message from God's College floated by

【I have used up my six sea voyages and found three legendary treasure chests, which is a good harvest. I am going to take my initial angels into the Lord's Cemetery, looking forward to meeting Chen Ge in the Lord's Cemetery. 】

Xerxes from the God Academy said

【Humph! I, Luo Guangming, had five opportunities to go out to sea! I picked up three dragon cubs! With the support of the Goddess of Light and the Temple of Life, and with the three dragon cubs, I will definitely be able to sign a covenant with the dragon clan! The dragon clan is not inferior to angels! 】

Luo Guangming sneered

【I met a mermaid princess. She is so beautiful, but how can she be a demigod? Damn it! I remember you, Luo Guangming, said before that the mermaid princess ran away because of population restrictions! So you were just bragging before? 】

Andre complained

""My Lord, something is floating over here!"

On the deck of the Holy Angel, the eyes of the goddess of luck suddenly lit up, and she raised her hand and pointed forward.


An egg the size of a human head flew over to the Holy Angel!


【You picked up the Spacetime Silver Dragon Egg!】

【Hatching dragon eggs can give you a space-time silver dragon!】

【The Silver Dragon of Time and Space is superior to the giant dragon clan in the strange world!】

【The space-time silver dragon is also known as the space-time cutting clan!】

【The Space-Time Silver Dragon clan consists of only females!】

【The Spacetime Silver Dragons are unruly! 】

A row of information appeared.

Chen Ge couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, he thought of Li Yaoyang's original race, the Golden Crow.

This Spacetime Silver Dragon should be the same as the Golden Crow.

Both are powerful arms from the Chaos God Realm.

Spacetime Silver Dragon?


No matter how unruly!

You've reached my territory!

The Broken Taoist Temple can also force you to bind!

Holy Angel!


The thought came to him.

A flash of white light.

The magic ship Holy Angel returned.

The next second, people have returned to the territory.


As soon as I landed!

There was fog outside the territory!

I retreated fifty miles!

Chen Ge's territory instantly expanded fifty miles! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The angel army exploring the fog was all stunned!




The goddesses of light, elves, life, magic, etc. were startled and looked towards Chen Ge. When they saw the woman in Chen Ge's arms, they were stunned!

"The goddess of night?!!"

"What's going on! The Lord went to the astral world for the second time and brought back a goddess of the night!"

"Didn’t you start a live broadcast in the chat group of gods when the Goddess of Night was not around? Wasn’t the Goddess of Night in the Sea of Time? How could she be in the arms of the Lord!"

""My Lord, did you get the Goddess of Night for free?""


The Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Female Knights were stunned!


The Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Female Knights knelt!

The Goddess of Night!

Isn't that one of the original gods above the original creator? The

Goddess of Night!

Tyrant Adam!

The Lord of Time!

These three names!

Any one of them can shock the gods!

How did my Lord do it!

"Night Goddess...Split into two?"

The sixteen-winged angel thought thoughtfully.


The Goddess of Time seemed to recall some past events and lowered her voice.

"The goddess of night separated her kindness?"

Queen Eve gritted her teeth.


【Your broken Taoist temple is forcibly bound to the Goddess of Night!】

【You and your people gain the ability to instantly cast magic and martial arts!】

【You and your people are blessed with the power of darkness!】

【You and your people will always remain at your peak wherever darkness shrouds you!】

【Your territory population +1! 】

In front of Chen Ge, the information appeared.


Instant magic!

Instant martial arts!

This means there is no cooldown time!

Chen Ge's eyes lit up.

The goddess of magic, provides unlimited magic power.

803 love god, provides unlimited energy.

The goddess of death, provides unlimited rebirth power.

The goddess of night, provides the ability to instantly cast magic and martial arts.

Waiting for the angel���The group is fully formed!

What a powerful immortal army it will be!

What a golden crow, just smash it!

In fact!

The talents of these goddesses in the weird world are all very amazing!

It’s just that in the history of the weird world!

No one can force these goddesses to bind and gather together!

No god can fully guarantee the personal safety of these goddesses!

This broken Taoist temple in my territory!

On the one hand, it can force these goddesses to bind!

On the other hand, it can also protect these goddesses!

This broken Taoist temple!

What is the origin of it!


The woman of the night in Chen Ge’s arms broke free from Chen Ge’s arms and flew into the broken Taoist temple. The goddesses looked over and saw that the goddess of the night, like the witch of disaster, had sealed herself as a statue of a god. The goddesses looked thoughtful.

"Goddess of Light, put on this pair of black stockings."

Chen Ge also had an idea and took out the artifact black stockings he found in the Star Realm.

"Artifacts...Lord, you are so bad!"

The Goddess of Light was stunned for a moment, and then she glanced at the black silk with patterns, and put on the black silk in front of all the goddesses.

Instantly, a message appeared.


【The goddess of light put on the magical black stockings!】

【All troops in your territory gain attack speed boost!】

【The attack speed of all soldiers in your territory has been increased to the Creator level! 】.

Posted by AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 15:26

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