
Eye of the Arcane.

Look at this Divine Emperor.

【The Emperor of Gods: A magic ship of the original creator class, which can sail in the Chaos Sea of the Chaos God Realm, can carry one billion troops, and can block the prying eyes of the original gods! The firepower system of the Emperor of Gods has been permanently sealed, and even the Destroyer cannot unseal it! 】


Carrying one billion troops!

This is a bit exaggerated!

Chen Ge currently has three magic ships. The Holy Angel can carry one hundred troops, and the Apostle can carry one thousand troops. This Emperor of Gods can actually carry one billion troops.

It is such a huge leap.

Chen Ge thought he had seen it wrong at first glance.

And from the various intelligence currently obtained, if you want to explore a special place, you must have a magic ship, unless you are powerful enough to be a creator or above the creator.


When the angel army expands to 100 million.

At that time, a Emperor of Gods.

Hold the entire angel army.

Throw it somewhere.

For example, throw it to the lair of the Lord of Gray Mist.

A hundred million angel armies are airborne.

The Lord of Gray Mist will have to stare blankly.


"When I woke up, I found that the Fourth Wall had been conquered by the Mysterious Emperor. Has the Mysterious Emperor been promoted to the Supreme God?"

"Lucifer, the king of the fallen, could this mysterious emperor be the reincarnation of Satan? Have you, the demons of the abyss, received any intelligence?"

Just when the Lord of Gray Mist was mentioned, the Lord of Gray Mist's information floated over in the chat group of the gods.

Chen Ge smiled.

In fact, he himself did not expect that he had tricked a destroyer into airborne territory.

The fog dissipated by itself.

It just dispelled the nightmare of the fourth wall.

Now the angel army has crossed the fourth wall.

Continue to capture the fog.

Oh, right!

After capturing the fourth wall!

Got the title of the worldly emperor!

The worldly emperor!

Enjoy the protection of the master level!

Now the road to promotion!

The key to the master godhood is missing!

"Satan? Lord of the Gray Mist, I, Lucifer, can tell you clearly that Satan is dead. Unless the Supreme Will has mercy, Satan cannot be resurrected."

Chat group of gods.

Lucifer's message floated over

""Don't fight, big guys. I, the Sea God, will finally break free from the seal of the deep sea clan! The Sea God returns to his position and takes charge of the seven seas again! I will hold a Sea God Festival and invite the lords of the mortal world. The mysterious emperor will definitely come. At that time, I, the Sea God, will reveal the true identity of the mysterious emperor."

Suddenly, the Sea God said," Kill the gods!" Two words suddenly appeared in front of Chen Ge's eyes! Finally! There is a chance to kill the gods! My angel army has long wanted to drink the blood of the true gods!

""My Lord, it's getting dark. Come into the temple. We have prepared a nice new set of clothes. This set of clothes is very nice!" The

Goddess of Light gave Chen Ge a look and flew into the Seraph Temple.


New clothes?

What clothes?

Chen Ge was curious.

Flying into the Seraph Temple

""My Lord, I've changed my clothes!"

A moment later, the Goddess of Light changed her clothes in front of Chen Ge.

Originally, the Goddess of Light was wearing a divine robe. But at this moment, she actually changed into a Christmas outfit.

Christmas outfit?

Does the weird world also celebrate Christmas?

""My Lord, do I look pretty?"

The Goddess of Light turned around and winked at Chen Ge. Her beautiful face was full of confidence.


The Elf Goddess entered the temple and saw this scene. She gritted her teeth. She didn't expect the Goddess of Light to play such a trick! This woman had talked to her privately before, saying that she would compete fairly in the future and not play tricks, but this woman played tricks first!

This woman!

She is so despicable!

She is still called the Goddess of Light!

She was born from the glorious day!

Don't call her the Goddess of Light!

Change her name to the Goddess of Fall!

""My Lord, am I pretty?"

The Goddess of Light said to Chen Ge in a coquettish tone.


Chen Ge stood up!

He decided to take down this naughty woman on the spot!

Over the night


【Your angel army has discovered the City of Silver!】

【Your angel army begins to attack the Silver City!】

【Your territory has expanded to a radius of 1,500 miles!】


【You have received an invitation to the Poseidon Festival!】

【Accept the invitation and you will be teleported to the sacrificial sea area! 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Chen Ge opened his eyes.

A series of information appeared.

【Poseidon Festival?】

【Did you receive an invitation?】

【The original race of the beautiful lady Bo is mermaid, and mermaids are sea creatures. The beautiful lady Bo is about to take off!】

【The Undead Princess gave me an icy magic bead and asked me to offer it to the Sea God! This is my only chance to rise, and I will never miss it!】

【Poseidon...Excuse me everyone, I am a believer of Poseidon, I feel like I am rising! Remember my name, my name is Medivh, my original race is Naga! Today is my first time to speak in the Lord Channel, I am from Blue Star God Academy!】

【Humph! Poseidon? Just a third-rate god! The Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Life that I, Luo Guangming, believe in are both first-rate gods at the level of the Creator!】

【Oh? Sea God Festival? Have all lords received invitations, or do they have to meet certain conditions to receive an invitation?】

【Chen Ge, you must have received an invitation as well. You should bring your Royal Griffin Knights Legion with you. I, Xerxes, want to see your Griffin Knights Legion! 】

Lord Channel.

Various messages are displayed.


【Would you like to participate in the Sea God Festival? 】


How could I miss the opportunity to kill a god!

Chen Ge flew out of the Seraph Temple and boarded the God Emperor directly. He called Avril, Emile, and Ymir, and after a little thought, he recalled the two hundred true god angels from the angel army.


Two hundred true god angels!

They were originally attacking the Silver City!

They were about to break through the Silver City!

At this moment, they were instantly teleported to the God Emperor!

".The mysterious emperor!"

"You are still afraid of the Silver City taboos!"

"Stop it, Mysterious Emperor. The waters of this world are too deep, you can’t control it!"

From the direction of Silver City, there were low roars!

Chen Ge ignored them directly, and scanned the configuration personnel on the Emperor of God. Suddenly, he thought of one person. How could he forget the mermaid princess Ajani!

The old god fell!

The new god took the throne!

This Poseidon Festival!

Just in time to promote the mermaid princess to the throne of the Poseidon!


Although he is only a true god!

He has the power to rule the seven seas!


Chen Ge called the mermaid princess!

""My Lord!"

The mermaid princess boarded the God Emperor!


The personnel configuration is basically complete!


Chen Ge was just about to teleport!

The statue of the Valkyrie King also flew onto the God Emperor!


Accept the invitation to the Sea God Festival!

Chen Ge's thought came to his mind (damn it)!


A flash of white light!

The God Emperor teleported!




This is a blue sea!




Almost at the same time!

Magic ships landed in this sea area!

They were all magic ships of the major lords!

The Lord Channel!

It became lively all of a sudden!

【Are all of them here?】

【The top ten students in the first wave must have arrived!】

【My magic ship, Luo Guangming, has been upgraded to a legendary magic ship, and with the blessing of the Temple of Light, it is not too much to claim that my magic ship is number one!】

【My magic ship, Andre, is twenty meters long. It’s no problem that my magic ship is the biggest!】

【Sorry, my magic ship, Messi, is more than fifty meters long!】

【A 50-meter-long magic ship? My Medivh's magic ship is over 100 meters long! I think I can claim the first place! 】


The next second!

A 10,000-meter-long ship landed in this sea area!

Lord Channel!

It was quiet all of a sudden!.

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