【Did you encounter Chen Ge?】

【Ten thousand Royal Griffin Knights?】

【All of them have fair skin, beautiful looks and long legs?】

【Damn! Chen Gezhen has 10,000 soldiers!】

【Ten thousand fair-skinned and beautiful female griffin knights? Tsk tsk tsk! You must have seen women riding horses, right? Everyone knows that women wear special riding pants when riding horses, right? Those pants are similar to yoga pants! Fuck! If I had ten thousand royal female griffin knights, I would not go anywhere. I would change one every day and ride a griffin with her!】

【Is Chen Ge riding a griffin with a female griffin rider?】

【Why would I ride a griffin? If I had 10,000 fair-skinned and beautiful female knights, I would lie down and act like a griffin myself!】

【I don't want to be a griffin, I want to treat 10,000 female knights as griffins! 】

Lord channel.

Various old perverts speak

"Lord...These two angels are so weak, they are legendary, which is a disgrace to the name of angels."

Beside Chen Ge, the Swan Princess Sophia glanced at the two legendary angels and made a casual comment.


The two legendary angels frowned.���Head.


Among them, Xerxes' legendary angel!

A holy light shone!

It became huge!

The angel's body suddenly expanded to a hundred meters!

It seemed to show her strength!


Another death angel!

Black light shone on his body!

It also suddenly expanded to a hundred meters!


He had the fighting power of a demigod!

"Hmm? My angel seems to have raised his combat power to that of a demigod? Not bad! Really good! My angel was inspired by the words of this beautiful lady beside you! Chen Ge, your 10,000 female griffin knights, my angel wants to fight them!"

Xerxes of the God Academy's eyes lit up.

If the combat power of his original race of angels remained at the legendary stage, he would definitely not fight with Chen Ge's 10,000 female griffin knights.

Now, with the combat power of demigods, they should be able to fight.

Angel soldiers!

The natural rank is definitely stronger than the female griffin knights! A demigod combat power angel!

It shouldn't be too much for one to fight against 10,000 female griffin knights!

【Cough cough!】

【My angel's combat power has been raised to that of a demigod. I have a monarch talent that can boost the morale of my angels for a short period of time! My angel's morale has doubled, and I'm ready to challenge him.

【Let’s all bear witness today!】

【To be honest, in the first wave of the ranking of students, Chen Ge ranked first and I ranked first. I was actually a little dissatisfied! Since we met today, let's see whose troops are more powerful! 】

Xerxes was full of confidence.

Announced in the Lord Channel


【Can I start live streaming?】

【It seems that I can’t start the live broadcast, and I can only take screenshots and post them on the Lord’s Channel!】

【Come on Xerxes, I'll give you a kick! No! Not a kick! I'll give you a ca11!】

【I am a student of God's Academy, and I have been annoyed with Chen Ge for a long time! Xerxes, use your angels to defeat Chen Ge's 10,000 Griffin Knights alone. You can do it!】

【Let's make a bet! If you win, Xerxes, Chen Ge's 10,000 female griffin knights will be yours! If you lose, your original angel will belong to Chen Ge!】

【Oh my god! Is the bet so big?】

Instantly, various familiar faces appeared.

【Come on, Xerxes, take all the gold coins from Chen Ge! If I, Luo Guangming, wasn't busy attacking a ruined kingdom of God, I would come to witness this battle between you with my own eyes! 】

Luo Guangming sneered

【Damn it! My frost dragon died in the Lord's Cemetery! Died at the hands of Chen Ge's Royal Griffin Knights! Xerxes, avenge me! When I am first embraced by Lady Hulina of the God Blood Castle, when I become a vampire marquis, I will give you some good things! 】

Ma Cang Ye sneered

"Come on, Chen Ge, let my angels test the value of your Royal Griffin Knights!"

Ruins of the Kingdom of God.

Xerxes took the initiative to challenge

"Lord, I can also become huge. Our clan has the blood of the Crown Amethyst Swan, so we can become a Crown Amethyst Swan. It may not be in line with your aesthetic taste, so please don't laugh at me."

Chen Ge did not respond.

The Swan Princess Sophia took the initiative to ask for a fight.


The Swan Princess Sophia took a step forward!


A flash of purple light!

Sophia disappeared!

At this moment!

In front of everyone!

A thousand-meter Crown Crystal Swan appeared!

"What a nice view!"

"my God!"

"The Swan Princess is so beautiful even when she turns into a swan. My Lord, I am moved!"

"How can it be so beautiful!"

"The Swan Princess’ neck is even more slender and beautiful than the necks of the goddesses!"

The Griffin Queen exclaimed!

Ten thousand Royal Female Griffin Knights exclaimed!

Wow! A thousand-meter-high Crown Crystal Swan!

A glance at the two angels!


Two hundred-meter-high angels!

Blood sprayed on the spot!

They fell to the ground from the air!

The two angels knelt!

"The Angel of Death Jasmine surrendered!"

The Angel of Death prostrated himself!


【The Angel of Death Jasmine surrenders to you!】

A prompt message appeared in front of Chen Ge. He nodded calmly and accepted the other party's surrender.

"Angel Lina...Surrender!"

The next second,

Xerxes' angel also prostrated himself.


【Angel Lina surrenders to you!]


Angels of other lords?

Can they surrender to me?


It seems there is no problem!

Although this angel is the original race of Xerxes!

But he is also an independent individual!

""A man who knows the times is a hero."

Chen Ge smiled slightly, accepted the submission of the Angel Xerxes, and transformed into the Swan Princess, a thousand-meter-high crown crystal swan. With a mysterious glow, she regained her human form.


Two angels on the ground!

Flying towards Chen Ge!

Landing on the left and right of the Griffin Knights!

"Lord...Don't laugh at me!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Swan Princess Sophia blushed slightly and lowered her head.

"The Crown Crystal Swan is also a very beautiful creature, how could I laugh at you?"

Chen Ge responded with a smile


The Swan Princess Sophia responded softly

【Damn it!】

【My angel!】

【She turned against us!】

【She recognized Chen Ge as her master!】

【There is a demigod beside Chen Ge who can transform into a kilometer-long crystal swan. He killed my angel in an instant, and then my angel rebelled!】

【Damn it! How could this happen! Where is my angel! Where is my original race of angels!】


At this moment, he suddenly came to his senses!

He frantically sent voice messages in the Lord Channel!


【Your angel ran away?】

【No! They didn't run away! They turned against us! The initial troops can actually turn against us! I've opened my eyes today!】

【Chen Ge has a demigod who can turn into a swan? Is she a woman or a man? Oh my god! If she is a woman! That would be perfect for my taste!】

【swan...Are human women more...Perfect! I think you all know what I mean!】

【Xerxes, why don't you run away? Your angel is gone, why don't you teleport back to the territory immediately? I have a feeling Chen Ge is going to kill you! 】

Lord Channel.

An uproar

【I choose suicide!]

Xerxes gritted his teeth!

He slashed his own neck in front of Chen Ge!


A flash of white light!

He disappeared!


This guy?

Slashing his own neck?

Does this guy have a substitute doll?

Chen Ge was stunned for a moment.

【I am Xerxes from the God Academy. I used a semi-artifact called a substitute doll. I have returned to the territory! I didn't expect that I would lose so badly in my first direct challenge to Chen Ge! The original race of angels is gone. Let me cry for a few days! 】

The next second.

Lord channel.

Xerxes' message floated by.

Sure enough.

This guy has a substitute doll.

Chen Ge smiled.

He scanned the misty ruins of the Kingdom of God with the Eye of Arcane. He quickly locked the location of the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

Then, with a thought, he directly imprinted the location of the ruins of the Kingdom of God in the minds of the Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Female Knights.

""I obey your orders!"

The Griffin Queen and ten thousand royal female knights came out in full force!




The forbidden spell bombardment began!


When the two newly recruited angels saw ten thousand female griffin knights, instantly casting forbidden spells as if they were free, and instantly killed the guardian spirit of the ruins of the Kingdom of God!

Angel Lina!

Angel of Death Jasmine!

These two legendary angels were dumbfounded!



Griffin Knights!

How can they be so terrifying!

Since when!

Griffin Knights can cast forbidden spells infinitely!

There is something wrong with the Lord's Griffin Knights!


【You captured the ruins of a divine kingdom!】

【You have captured the second ruins of the Kingdom of God!】


【You have captured the tenth ruins of the Kingdom of God!】

【You have been given a chance to challenge special forces!】

【Complete the challenge to get a special unit building tower! 】

When the Griffin Knights took down the tenth ruins of the Kingdom of God!

A special prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge!


The bright holy light lit up!

A void arena took shape!


An angel dressed in an extremely gorgeous robe descended!



The special unit is an angel?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly!


The next second!

Enemy information appeared!


【You have encountered the angel of destiny, Ariel!】

【The angel of destiny is good at predicting! Do it.

Posted by AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 16:33

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