Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 47, The Final Battle!! What Is Saitama's True Strength? (Please Give Me Flowers, Monthl

The video suddenly split into two, one side was Saitama returning to Earth from the moon, and the other side was Boros on Earth.

Boros on Earth looked at the circular cloud in the sky formed by Saitama after he blasted him away, and a faint smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

The final result of this battle seemed to be that he won...


Boros just said this to himself in his heart, and suddenly, he seemed to have felt something and looked up at the sky.

A glittering thing suddenly appeared in the sky, and it seemed to be constantly falling towards where he was!

Boros looked closely, and his face was suddenly filled with astonishment.

He saw a scene that made him feel incredible.

Saitama, who should have been defeated by him...

Actually flew back again! ?

This guy can still fly! ?

All kinds of doubts flashed through his mind, but soon, he had to face this reality.

Because the bald caped man who fell from the sky looked determinedly at his position and was getting closer and closer.

Boom! ! ! !

Saitama landed! ! !

The terrible impact force splashed huge smoke and dust! ! !

Boros was already stunned.

He was extremely shocked. He never thought that under his full-strength punch, Saitama not only did not die...


He looked uninjured! ?

Before he could think about it, the footsteps coming from the smoke and dust made Boros nervous.

Countless people listened to the footsteps coming from the video in a daze, and they were all confused.

One Punch Man...

So this is what Superman means...

Why is it called One Punch Man? ?

Countless people suppressed their doubts and opened their eyes wide, not wanting to miss every frame of the video! !

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

With the vibration of the ground, Saitama's figure gradually emerged from the smoke and dust.

"Eh? Here we are!"

After Saitama walked out of the huge pit that he had smashed, he looked at the familiar scene around him, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

Actually, Saitama found that he suddenly appeared in outer space just now, and the feeling of being unable to breathe really scared him.

But fortunately, he finally returned to Earth! ! !

Opposite him, Boros's eyes were dull.

He looked at Saitama who came out after the smoke and dust dispersed, and looked at his indifferent face. Suddenly, Boros's eyes became extremely unfriendly, and anger instantly filled his brain! ! !

Saitama also found Boros, but at this time he was stunned.


He saw anger towards himself in Boros' eyes.


What was he angry about? ? ?

And the next moment, he saw that Boros on the opposite side suddenly moved! ! !

"This man... I am willing to go all out!!"

Boros thought in his heart, and his body ran quickly!

Countless people watched the video with their eyes wide open, and saw that after Boros ran a short distance, his figure disappeared again! ! !

Then, Saitama was greeted by Boros's fast and powerful continuous attack! ! ! ! !

In the video, Saitama's posture is as solid as a rock!!!

He just stood there, with his hands raised casually, and his motionless appearance made people feel the strong sarcasm that came with him. Then, Saitama, who seemed to be casual, actually resisted all the attacks of Boros! ?

This scene stunned countless people.

They felt it.

The huge gap between Saitama and Boros in strength!!!

Why! ?

Why did Saitama look like he was being beaten by Boros before! ?

“He wasn’t being beaten, but he had never thought of attacking before!!”

Sun Wukong looked at Saitama in the picture, and he knew exactly what the other party was thinking.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Sun Wukong always felt that Saitama was the same kind of person as himself!

They all yearn for the strong!

They all yearn for a hearty fight! ! !

This also made Sun Wukong excited, because Saitama’s strength was very strong!

How strong is Saitama, who has not yet fully demonstrated, makes Sun Wukong a little confused.

“Why don’t you want to attack!?”

Xiao Lin was stunned. He really couldn’t understand the brain circuits of martial arts idiots like Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong didn’t answer. He was carefully observing Saitama’s muscle movements.

In an instant!

Sun Wukong’s eyes condensed, and he saw that the muscle force points on Saitama’s body suddenly changed! !

Saitama is going to fight back! ! !

Bang! ! ! !

Sudden attack!

Countless people watching the video didn't react.


In the picture!

Saitama swung a punch straight ahead! !

The hand wrapped in a red suit landed on Boros's abdomen.

Boros was stunned, and then a look of astonishment appeared on his face! !

Blood instantly covered the white of Boros's eye, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably! !

Bang! ! ! !

Boros, who was caught off guard and didn't expect Saitama to suddenly attack, was directly knocked out by Saitama's punch! !

The terrifying impact force actually formed a series of air vibration waves in the air! ! ! !

In the picture, Boros flew hundreds of meters away in an instant like a flash of lightning! ! ! !

The camera followed Boros, and countless people watched Boros being knocked out and quickly adjusted their center of gravity.

Bang! ! !

Both feet landed! ! !

But after he fell, he still couldn't resist the follow-up power of Saitama's punch. He stepped hard on the ground with his feet, but still retreated dozens of meters, leaving two terrifying marks on the ground with his feet! !

However, what people didn't expect was that even though Boros was spitting blood and looked extremely embarrassed, he still had an excited smile on his face! ! !

"That's right!!! That's it, Saitama! You are worthy of me defeating you!!!!"

Boros laughed loudly. This battle was really too exciting for him! ! !

And the next moment, Saitama appeared in front of him! ! !

"Continuous ordinary punches!"

Saitama's extremely calm voice sounded from the video screen!

Then everyone saw that Saitama's fists hit Boros, who had no time to react, at a speed faster than the speed of sound!

One second! ! !

Hundreds of punches! ! ! !

Puff! ! !

Boros's body burst like a piece of tofu! ! ! !

Exploded into brilliant fireworks in the sky!!!


Is One Punch Man! ? ! ?

Countless people watched the video in amazement, and the following sentence emerged in their minds at the same time!!

This is Saitama's strength! ! !

How terrible is it! ! ! !

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