Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 97: The Strongest Super Saiyan In The Universe! Above Gods

Ten seconds later...

The figures of Sun Wukong and the other four suddenly flashed.

They appeared in a huge room!!

"Where... is this?!"

Sun Wukong looked at the strange space around him in astonishment. They were suddenly teleported here during the descent.

But there was no one in the room!

"Dad, there seems to be a door there!!"

Sun Wuhan pointed to one end of the room, where a door was tightly closed, and the style was very similar to the entrance of a spaceship.



A vibration!!!

And there was a noise above.

The Kaioshin looked extremely ugly.

"Once this spaceship comes in, there is no way to get out, unless we can defeat the magician Babidi."

This is also the reason why he wanted to stop Sun Wukong and the others from rushing into the spaceship.

Because the spaceship can be said to be the lair of the magician Babidi, if they rashly enter the opponent's base, they will definitely be at a disadvantage.


Sun Wukong and the others are really too impatient. In simple terms, they have no brains and are easily influenced by emotions.

Now, they have no way out.

After hearing what King Kai said, Sun Wukong and others did not feel uneasy. Sun Wukong even looked up at the ceiling and said:

"Then as long as we can defeat the magician Babidi, it will be fine?"

After hearing what King Kai said, King Kai was speechless. Sun Wukong said it simply, but how could it be so easy to defeat the magician Babidi?

Not to mention the magician Babidi's spell that makes people hard to defend against, the demon king Dapura who was controlled by him could already cause a lot of trouble to Sun Wukong and others.

Vegeta sneered: "If it doesn't work, I will just dismantle this spaceship!"

After hearing what Vegeta said, King Kai panicked.

After all, he knew that Vegeta's "180" words were not just talk, this guy could really do such irrational things.

"Absolutely not!!! If he is too stimulated, Majin Buu will definitely be resurrected!!"

Vegeta looked at King Kai coldly. In his eyes, King Kai was a little too cowardly, which made the proud Saiyan prince very contemptuous.

Feeling Vegeta's contempt, King Kai said angrily: "You guys really underestimated the power of Babidi and Majin Buu!!"

"Although Majin Buu has not absorbed the energy to fully support his resurrection, he can still kill us!! Moreover, he should have the power to destroy the entire earth in a short time!!!"


Vegeta was choked by King Kai's extremely serious attitude. He turned his head away proudly and tsk in annoyance.

But he still did not choose to destroy the entire spaceship. After all, King Kai's words still had enough reference value.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't actually came in...Since you are in, don't go out!!!"

A voice sounded in the room.

The next moment!

A figure suddenly appeared in the room!

A white armor and a wide sausage mouth indicated his identity.

One of Babidi's subordinates, bah!

It was also the cold-blooded alien who killed Yamu.

"Not bad, you can actually reach the first floor." Hearing what Pei Pei said, Son Gohan frowned: "First floor?" "Now Lord Babidi is waiting for you on the bottom floor, but even if you can leave this floor, you still have to pass through several floors before you can face Lord Babidi!" "And the way you pass through each floor is to defeat all the warriors on each floor!!!" "As for the opponent on the first floor, I am you, which means that if you want to pass this floor, you must defeat me!!! But... your lives will end here soon!!!" As he said that, he laughed arrogantly. Hearing what Pei Pei said, the three Saiyans present were stunned. They looked at each other, and Son Goku laughed: "Really!? I don't think this result should happen!" After all, the aura emanating from Pei Pei was too weak in their eyes, and they couldn't even think of fighting with all their strength.

But Pei Pei didn't know the strength of the three people in front of him. After hearing what Sun Wukong said, Pei Pei's face was extremely gloomy.

He thought he was underestimated!!

The most outrageous thing was that Sun Wukong, Vegeta and Son Gohan suddenly gathered together!

They started to decide who would go on stage to deal with this very weak guy in front of him!!

And the way they decided who would go on stage was also very simple!

That is...




Countless people who watched the video were stunned by the three people playing rock-paper-scissors in the picture, their mouths opened wide and their eyes were dull!


How much do you look down on that guy called Pei Pei!!

Pirate World.

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku opened his mouth wide, and his whole person stared at the three people playing rock-paper-scissors in the picture with a dull look.

He was stunned.

But he felt that these three people seemed to underestimate the enemy!?

This is a very bad mentality for someone who is about to fight.

After all, a lion will use all its strength to fight a rabbit, but these three people actually used rock-paper-scissors to decide who will go on the field!?

And they naturally felt that the strength of that Bobo was very strong.

Although the opponent only showed a little bit of skill at the beginning and killed the guy named Yamu, that one move was enough to prove that the opponent's strength was extremely terrifying.


What's wrong with these three people??

Is this arrogance?

Or are their strength really strong enough to ignore such a guy??

"These three people are too naive!! The consequences will definitely be very miserable!"

Garp snorted coldly. He didn't like this kind of childish behavior. Although he was not very serious, he would not hesitate to use all his strength when facing the enemy, even if the opponent was really weak.

"Haha, after all, it's Sun Wukong who has the title of 'the strongest Saiyan', and the other two don't look easy to mess with." Aokiji said with a sneer.

Kizaru and Akainu didn't say anything, but the expressions on their faces were also extremely playful. They were ready to watch the embarrassing scene of the arrogant three people in the video.

Tsuru Vice Admiral tapped the table lightly with his fingers. She had a different opinion. The muscles of the three people in the picture were all the result of rigorous training. They didn't look like the kind of people who would underestimate their enemies and fall into trouble... However, the scene in front of them was still very funny to many people, and it was hard to tell at first glance. "..." Tsuru shook her head, looked at Sengoku, and sighed deeply. Isn't Marine so conceited? Hokage world. Jiraiya was speechless, looking at the three Sun Wukongs who were constantly playing rock-paper-scissors in the picture, his mouth twitching wildly. He never expected such a funny scene to appear in the video. "Jiraiya! Where's Danzo!!!" Bang!!! The door of the Hokage's office was suddenly kicked open violently, and then a cold voice that seemed to be forcibly restrained anger came into Jiraiya's ears. "Danzo... has been imprisoned in the prison."

Jiraiya was startled by the sudden kick on the door, and when he saw the person coming, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"That bastard!! How dare he study my grandfather's cells!!!"

The person who came was Tsunade, and she didn't know when she had returned to Konoha.

So when he saw Tsunade, Jiraiya was extremely astonished.

After all, the national player had said that he would never return to this village that made her heartbroken!

But after hearing what Tsunade said, Jiraiya also understood why the other party came back.

Because Danzo...

There was no way, this old guy not only studied Sharingan, but also manipulated the extermination of the Uchiha clan, and also conducted cell research on Senju Hashirama, which was strictly prohibited in the village.

This undoubtedly caused public outrage.

The elders unanimously decided to deprive Danzo of his seat on the elders, disband the root organization on the spot, and seal Danzo's whole body chakra and put him in the Leaf Prison.

The sealing team also worked non-stop to remove the seals on every member of the root organization in this short period of time.

It can be said that Konoha still looks as stable and peaceful as ever, but behind the scenes, the ninjas are already busy.


There are still many people in the root organization who are Danzo's diehards!

There is no way to deal with these people, and Jiraiya also showed his decisive side.

Treat them all as traitors!

Behead them immediately!!!

There is no way, even if these guys are released back to Konoha, they are still unstable factors that affect the stability of Konoha Village.

So even if they are also part of Konoha, when it comes to taking action, Jiraiya does not hesitate.


No matter in his eyes or in the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, nothing is more important than the stability of Konoha.

"I'm going to find him!!!"

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Tsunade was about to go out angrily.

"Wait wait!! Tsunade, you finally came back once, don't rush to leave, Danzo has been punished, he has no Chakra now, he is just an ordinary person, ordinary people can't stand your punch."

Jiraiya hurriedly pulled Tsunade, and said with a smile: "Why don't we watch the video together and wait for the leader of the Third Generation to come back and deal with it?"

"No! Drink! Go or not!"

"Go go go!!"

The video continues.

In the picture, Bo Bo looked at Sun Wukong and the other two with anger on his face, and even the King of the Kai was looking at the three Saiyans who were playing rock-paper-scissors with a confused face.

He glanced at the extremely angry Bo Bo, and inexplicably, he felt a little pity for this unappreciated guy.

Even if... the other party is an enemy.

"I won!"

Vegeta raised the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at Sun Wukong provocatively.

Even if he won the rock-paper-scissors game against Sun Wukong, it made Vegeta very happy.

Sure enough, nothing could make Vegeta happier than winning against Sun Wukong..……………………

Sun Wukong didn't feel that Vegeta's eyes were provocative. He scratched his head and said, "Ah~~ Vegeta, you are really lucky."

"Hehe, let me start the first game."

Vegeta's mouth corners slightly raised, turned around and walked towards Pei Pei.

Hearing Vegeta's words, King Kai was confused again.

" mean, you go to deal with that guy alone!?"

Kai was horrified.

He couldn't understand the brain circuits of these Saiyans at all.

It's obvious that they can solve the opponent more easily together, why do they insist on fighting one on one!?

Hearing King Kai's doubts, Vegeta crossed his arms, looked at Pei Pei in the distance with disdain, and sneered:

"Of course, I am enough to deal with that kind of stuff alone! "

And Pei Pei was also confused. He never expected Vegeta to say such a thing. Of course, this made him even more angry.

"You don't respect me!!! I'm angry!!!"

"Lord Babidi just said that you have powerful energy and asked me to be careful! Now in my eyes, you guys are just a few idiots!


Vegeta looked at Pei Pei with contempt.

"I think the real idiot should be the guy named Babidi? He hasn't investigated the results clearly yet, and he will definitely regret it next."

"He doesn't know that the most powerful person in the world is on Earth!!"

Hearing Vegeta's words, Pei Pei widened his eyes, and then laughed: The strongest hahahahahahaha!!!"

The next second, Pei Pei's eyes became extremely sharp, and his figure disappeared instantly!!

"I'm sure! You are really an idiot!!!"

Kai Wangshen looked at Pei Pei moving at high speed in the room, his face full of tension.

"Babidi has specially found these powerful warriors from all over the universe to serve as his strong backing!"

Sun Wukong looked at the nervous Kaioshin, sighed, patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Lord Kaioshin, don't worry! There will be no problem for Vegeta here!"

And Pei Pei suddenly appeared behind Sun Wukong and others, posing in a fancy way.

He shouted: "Now, even if you want to escape, you can't escape from here!! You will all die here today!!!"

"And the damage to your body will be absorbed by this room as energy!! All will be absorbed into the dome of Majin Buu!!!!"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Vegeta looked at Pei Pei with a cold face, looking at the same clown.


Pah Pah could no longer bear it, so he jumped up and kicked Vegeta!!!


This powerful kick was easily blocked by Vegeta!!

Pah Pah widened his eyes, looking at Vegeta who blocked his attack in disbelief, but he quickly came to his senses and adjusted his body's center of gravity [another heavy ten-hit blow with great force



Still, Vegeta easily caught his fist!

"It's more powerful than I thought, it seems you still have some strength !"

"But that's all!!!"

Accompanied by Pei Pei's roar, he started 3.1 with a crazy attack!!


Pei Pei laughed and punched wildly, hitting dozens of heavy punches in just a few seconds!!


Swish swish swish!!!

Swish swish swish!!!

All his attacks were dodged by Vegeta calmly, and he couldn't touch Vegeta's body at all!!

Then, Vegeta casually raised his hand and actually grabbed Pei Pei's ankle directly.


Pei Pei was stunned, and his attack was forced to stop.


Instantly, Vegeta made a move.

A simple side kick directly kicked Pei Pei out!!


Pei Pei hit the ceiling directly, making a huge hole in the ceiling.

Countless fragments fell from above, and it was unknown whether they were fragments of the ceiling or fragments of the armor on Pei Pei's body.

King Kai was stunned.

He never expected that Vegeta's strength was so strong.

Pei Pei struggled to stand up and looked at Vegeta with horror.

He was stunned!!

When did such a terrifying guy appear on Earth!?

Not only was Pei Pei stunned, but even Dabura of Babidi who was secretly watching the battle was stunned.

They had no idea when such a terrifying monster appeared on Earth!!

Son Goku and Son Gohan looked calm.

Sun Wukong patted King Kai on the shoulder and said: "See, what did I say? Just leave this to Vegeta." Babidi, who was watching the battle, looked at Laputa with an unpleasant expression, then he sighed and raised his hands. The next moment! A special energy instantly appeared on the crystal ball in front of him! TO... The place where Vegeta and others were suddenly turned into another environment!! It was a desolate planet!!!

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