Operations beyond their understanding?

And that very confident tone of voice!

At this moment, Ouyang Luo couldn't help but look at Ace with surprise on his face.

To be honest, Ouyang Luo didn't believe that Ace could defeat the boss of the fourth level.

Because he has already determined that the core of this snowman brother is to cooperate!

Even the teammates are gone, so what cooperation is there to talk about?

Without the cover of teammates to attract the hatred of monsters, how can Ace eat props?

However, when Ouyang Luo heard what Ace said just now, his heart was already shaken.

Maybe Ace really has a way?

Otherwise, with Ace's arrogance, he would never say such a remark that would obviously be slapped in the face.

With this thought in mind, Ouyang Luo could only stand quietly beside Ace, waiting for Ace's next expression.

At the same time, various barrages were flying in the live broadcast room.

Some are repeating the difficulty of this boss, and some are discussing whether Ace can pass this level as he said.

What's more, they are still quietly following the rhythm with the mentality of watching the excitement.

Fortunately, at this time, Ace was not affected by the barrage at all. At the moment when the fortieth level started, he operated his blue snowman and jumped towards the upper right.

The speed was extremely fast, and when he jumped onto the second highest platform, the boss had just spit out the first wave of mobs.

Now, facing the mob rushing forward, Ace could only turn his head quickly to avoid hitting him head-on.

Afterwards, he took the mobs and used the scattered platforms to start fleeing.

After the previous demonstration by the little wild boar, everyone should understand that the boss and mobs in this level have a very strong desire to attack.

They will only judge the position of the snowman brothers, and continue to charge towards the one that is closer to them.

Because there is only Ace left in the game now, their goals are very consistent.

And as time went by, the two bosses couldn't catch up with Ace because of their slow speed.

But the number of mobs they spit out is increasing.

Until now, there have been at least four waves of mobs behind Ace's ass.

Also, there is a bad news.

Maybe it was because there were too many mobs and the speed was too fast, Ace's escape was already in a panic.

Many times, he not only has to face the chasing of mobs behind him, but there are always mobs rushing in front of him.

The danger level has been raised to a higher level.

Seeing this, Ouyang Luo felt a little strange.

Because in his opinion, Ace's operation is really strong.

However, that was only to allow him to survive the pursuit of many mobs.

And with the increasing number of mobs, his death is only a matter of time.

So, why did Ace say those bold words so confidently in front of him?

Of course, there are many people in the live broadcast room who have the same opinion as Ouyang Luo.

However, compared to Ouyang Luo, they prefer to tell everything to show themselves.

"God Ace, what's the matter? Only running for his life?"

"I thought it was only us ordinary people who could say big things, but it turned out that Ace could too."

"Where is the operation that I can't understand? Wait online, it's very urgent."

"What do you think you said those words just now? Are you turning a corner to find someone?"

"Now, I don't even want to spray you."


Of course, these people are only part of the water friends in the live broadcast room.

There are still some normal people who are rationally analyzing Ace's operations.

"What do you think Ace is doing now?"

"I guess, he may want to change the composition of the mobs behind him by constantly moving."

"If he can keep operating, so that when he is going to eat ice items, the red mobs will follow behind him, wouldn't that be fine?"

"Of course, there is another prerequisite. He must ensure that he has time to turn around and fight back before he eats the props. Don't be like the little wild boars just now, just die the moment they eat the props."


Ouyang Luo saw all these barrages.

Ouyang Luo had already gone through these guesses in his mind.

The conclusion is that it is impossible!

The positions of the two bosses, the positions of the two props, and the terrain of the entire game scene seem to have been deliberately designed by the melancholy handsome guy.

And the speed of those mobs is also within the limit range.

No matter what Ouyang Luo thinks or how he imitates, he can't achieve what Shuiyou mentioned just now.

That is, when Ace is asked to eat the ice props, the red mobs are following behind him, and he must ensure that the mobs behind him do not chase so closely that there is no time to fight back.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Luo couldn't help looking at Ace's face again.

However, at this time, Ace's face was not as frustrated and flustered as he imagined, but as confident as ever.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Luo was stunned again.

There must be something else that I didn't think of, but what is it?

While Ouyang Luo was thinking hard, Ace's movements seemed to have changed.

He was still being chased by more and more mobs, and kept running away.

But his escape route gradually moves from the bottom of the game scene to the top.

Obviously, he is slowly approaching the props above the game scene.

Whether it's the flame in the upper left corner or the ice in the upper right corner, he is always approaching.

And at this time, the closest thing behind him was a blue mob representing ice.

According to common sense, he should go to the upper left corner of the game scene, eat the flame props and fight back.

However, just as he jumped back to the second highest platform, there were two bosses blocking the way on the left.

In an instant, the two bosses opened their mouths again, and spit out three mobs respectively.

Now, not only is there a boss blocking the way, but also six mobs are added.

At this moment, it is impossible for Ace to pass through those monsters, reach the upper left corner, and eat the flame props.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Luo frowned slightly.

This kind of scene is actually in his calculation.

Even in Ouyang Luo's several simulations, this was considered a very bad scenario.

Because at this time, Ace has no way out.

There are mobs blocking the way in front, and soldiers chasing behind, and they can't even escape.

The only way to survive is to jump directly to the platform in the upper right corner.

But, so what if you jump on it, so what if you eat the ice props on it?

Following Ace is a blue mob, it is not afraid of Ace who ate ice props!

At this moment, Ace's operation still did not exceed Ouyang Luo's expectations.

Seeing that there was a dead end before and after, Ace jumped onto the platform decisively and ran towards the ice prop.

And in the end, I really got the ice item.

But at this moment, the little blue monster behind him was already approaching.

And just half a second later, it will kill him!

At this moment, Ace manipulated the blue snowman and jumped angrily.

While jumping, while heading towards the direction of the mobs, "PuffPuffPuff" fired three bullets...

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