Han Yuan finally took a firm hand.

You can’t start practicing with all your might at once. What if it explodes?

He first started to slowly increase his training speed according to the previous one. When he reached four times the original training speed, he felt that his meridians could no longer bear it.

So Han Yuan only kept practicing at four times speed and did not act too hastily.

Four times the speed can compress ten months into two and a half months, which is already very short.

"Fortunately, I didn't get carried away by the joy. If I accelerated to the limit as soon as I started, my meridians would be squeezed!" Han Yuan said with lingering fear.

I practiced like this for more than an hour.

After the spiritual power in his body increased by about fifty points, he stopped practicing.

The meridians reached their carrying limit, and slowly recovered under the slowing down of spiritual power, becoming stronger and tougher.

In the process of cultivation, spiritual consciousness is also consumed a lot, and it is also slowly recovering by absorbing spiritual power into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hey, I seem to have ignored the issue of my own growth. The upper limit of the meridians and the upper limit of spiritual consciousness will be slightly improved after each practice. In this way, maybe only two months will be enough in the end!"

Han Yuan was in a good mood.

He glanced at Wangcai in the corner again.

The aura on Wangcai's body increased significantly.

Wangcai is a fire spirit beast, and it mainly absorbs fire spirit energy. Because he only absorbs wood spirit energy in his cultivation, he inadvertently helped Wangcai eliminate the wood spirit energy. In the remaining spirit energy, the content of fire spirit energy increased, which accelerated Wangcai's speed. The speed of cultivation.

As if sensing that Han Yuan had stopped practicing, Wangcai quickly calmed down the fluctuations in practice, opened his eyes, and flew over with his tail wagging.

"Oh, you have such a bad temperament for practicing!"

"Forget it, after I go out, you won't be able to enjoy the double spiritual energy, so just stop!"

Wangcai is his contracted spirit beast, and he can also enjoy the random buffing effect of his spirit gathering array. This was tested before he started practicing.

In this way, the speed of Wangcai's breakthrough is definitely not slow.

Wangcai's strength has improved, and his flying and purple flame abilities can also be improved.

Han Yuan walked out of Cangming Tower.

Chang Chun was already waiting outside.

"Master, this is the Pulse Protection Pill!"

Chang Chun handed over a porcelain vase.

Han Yuan took it, scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, and nodded with satisfaction.

Chang Chun looked hesitant.

Han Yuan asked: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Chang Chun said: "Master, I heard from the disciples of the Welfare Hall that it is best not to waste elixirs like the Pulse Protecting Pill in normal times, because after taking three Pulse Protecting Pills, the efficacy of the drug will be only half of the initial value. Generally, They are only used when trying to pass the test.”

"Oh, that's it. I understand. I have other uses for the Pulse Protection Pill, so you don't have to worry." Han Yuan said casually.

Drug resistance is completely ineffective for him.

As if he thought of something, Han Yuan suddenly said: "Chang Chun, go check and find out which pills or treasures can permanently improve various qualifications. No matter how weak the effect is, even if the second pill is useless, you can give it to me." Find them out and make a list for me.”

Hearing this, Chang Chun nodded and said: "I understand, Palace Master, but what I can usually find are very common things, and some of the effects are too insignificant!"

"Don't worry, as long as it has a little effect, I'll be useful!" Han Yuan paused slightly. "This matter is very important. You try to find everything. The benefits of the task will not be less for you. The more comprehensive the investigation, the more I will give you." The more rewards you will get from the mission, and remember, don’t do anything under my banner after you go out, and keep a low profile.”


Chang Chun said excitedly: "I understand!"

Chang Chun hurriedly left Cangming Cave Mansion again to work for Han Yuan.

Han Yuan was very satisfied with Chang Chun's attitude towards doing things, and he would not mind providing more resources in the future.

"Heavenly materials and earthly treasures can greatly improve your cultivation qualifications, but heavenly materials and earthly treasures are too rare. However, it is not uncommon for treasures in the world to have only one thousandth of the effect of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Although most of them are It will be ineffective if taken multiple times, but my random buff seems to be able to ignore the resistance problem. If it can be superimposed...then I can take off!"

Han Yuan discovered another way to open Golden Finger.

He is a fake genius now, but if the speculation comes true, sooner or later he will become a real genius, even a peerless genius that surpasses everything in the world!

"However, no matter how weak the effect of these treasures is, they can still improve the qualifications. They must be expensive, and I am very poor now."

Han Yuan finally set his sights on farming.

The biggest asset in Cangming Cave Mansion, apart from the training rooms, is the hundreds of acres of spiritual fields within the mansion.

If all of them are used, the annual income will be enough to reach the level of hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones!

Not a small amount.

Han Yuan took a step forward and soon arrived at the spiritual field.

There were originally one hundred acres of Huangliang rice, but now there are only thirty-three acres of Huangliang rice left in the spiritual field. Qin Feng is cleaning the weeds among the rice in the spiritual field, working very hard.

Qin Feng noticed Han Yuan coming and walked over quickly: "Master of the Palace!"

Han Yuan sighed with emotion: "Old Qin, you have worked hard during this time!"

"It's okay, this is what I should do!" Qin Feng replied cheerfully.

Han Yuan looked at the faintly visible weed seedlings in the field and couldn't help but feel itchy hands.

"Let me try to use magic to clear the weeds!" Han Yuan said.

"Oh well."

Qin Feng stood outside Lingtian and looked at Han Yuan's movements curiously.

Han Yuan looked solemn and recalled the magic steps of [Qi Sword Cut].

Air Sword Slash is a metal-based spell. It is mostly used to deal with weeds, dead branches, pests and even loose soil in spiritual fields. It is very useful.

Han Yuan made a secret in his hand, and the magic mark of Qi Sword Slash in his Dantian became brighter.

There is an extra wisp of Qi Sword between the fingers.

His Qi Sword Slash is only at the entry level, and its power is very weak, but it is naturally more than enough to deal with weeds.

I saw that wisp of the air sword leaping out from the finger, shuttling between the spiritual rice plants. The air sword passed over the weeds and cut them off by the roots. Especially the gold in the air sword directly cut the weeds. The activity of the weeds is eliminated, eliminating the chance for weed roots to regenerate!

"Beat! Behead! Behead!"

When the spell dissipated, he had already cleared away the weeds between the two rows of spiritual rice!

Qin Feng said with envy: "Master, the effect of this spell is much faster than what I can do with my sword!"

Han Yuan glanced at the long sword in Qin Feng's hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Use the sword to weed? Something feels wrong.

"I will take care of it from now on in Lingtian. You go contact Chang Chun and complete the same mission with him!" Han Yuan said.

"Oh, okay!" Qin Feng smiled happily, it would be great not to have to farm!

He left happily, as if he didn't want to stay in the spiritual field for a moment.

Han Yuan has just emerged.

"Just after I performed the Qi Sword Slash, it seemed that the Golden Spiritual Text and the Sword Spiritual Text in the sea of ​​consciousness were vaguely stirred. My understanding of the Qi Sword Slash seemed to have deepened significantly!"

Han Yuan had just performed Qi Sword Slash once, and immediately felt obvious changes. When he was enlightened before, after practicing ten times, he still made little progress, and it was difficult to notice his progress.

However, I just used it once today, but I feel a smooth feeling!

Needless to say, the spiritual text must be working!

Although this effect did not alarm the random gain multiplier, it was enough to speed up his ability to comprehend the spell!

“We’ll know after a few more experiments!”

Han Yuan walked to the middle of another row of spiritual rice and used Qi Sword Cut again. A Qi Sword appeared between his fingers, and then under the control of spiritual consciousness, he chopped off the weeds in the middle of the row.

The gold in the Qi Sword can easily kill the vitality of weeds and chop the roots of weeds buried in the soil into useless roots!

If you weed like Qin Feng, one day later, the weeds will grow again in the strong spiritual energy, and you won't be able to get rid of all the weeds every day, but he can prevent the weeds from regenerating by using Qi Sword Slash.

This time he tried Qi Sword Slash, and when Han Yuan deliberately felt it, he did feel that his spiritual mind was active. Many doubts he had in the previous practice of Qi Sword Slash were easily solved!

He even had a weird feeling, how could he make such a mistake?

"Is this what it feels like to be a genius?"

Han Yuan didn't know what a real genius was and couldn't make a comparison, but compared to him before, it was a world of difference.

"Qi Sword Slash!"

"Qi Sword Slash!"

"Qi Sword Slash!"

The low-level Huang-level spells did not consume much spiritual energy, and Han Yuan's skills could recover on their own. He could recover in a blink of an eye after just consuming some spiritual energy, so Han Yuan kept using Qi Sword Slash.

After all the weeds in the thirty-three acres of spiritual fields were removed, Qi Sword Slash was already very proficient, and he entered the realm of Xiaocheng by running.

I saw Han Yuan point his finger, and three qi swords shot out from the fingertips, twisting and turning like spiritual snakes among the spiritual rice. Occasionally, he could turn back and look at the moon, vividly, much more flexible than the straight and straight appearance before!

"It's so cool! Is this the level of Xiaocheng?"

Han Yuan couldn't help but sigh, Lingyu Technique was still at the entry level in a year, but Qi Sword Slash was mastered in just one day!

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