Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 37 The Amazing Effect Of Wisteria Wood Heart Liquid, The Transformation Of Spiritual Roots

In the training room, the spiritual energy is as abundant as ever.

Multiple amounts of spiritual energy formed clouds and mist, covering Han Yuan's body.

Han Yuan took out the jade bottle from the storage bag and looked at it carefully.

This jade bottle is not a simple item, it is actually a second-level magic weapon!

The magic weapon is divided into levels, the first level corresponds to Qi refining, the second level corresponds to foundation building, the third level corresponds to golden elixir, the fourth level corresponds to Nascent Soul, and so on.

Spiritual weapons are also divided into levels, but the initial level is the second level, and the subsequent levels are similar to magic weapons.

Magic weapons are also divided into levels. The lowest level is level three, which corresponds to the golden elixir!

Lingbao, the lowest level is the fourth level, corresponding to the Nascent Soul!

Within the same level, there are types and qualities. In terms of type, spiritual treasures are greater than magic weapons, spiritual weapons are greater than magic weapons, but when it comes to higher levels, it depends on the situation. Generally speaking, fourth-level magic weapons are better than third-level magic weapons. The magic weapon is powerful!

As for how to distinguish between magical weapons and spiritual weapons, I will not explain them one by one here.

Han Yuan poured his magic power into the jade bottle, and the jade bottle opened automatically.

A refreshing fragrance hits your nostrils.

Turn the bottle upside down, and a drop of crystal purple-green liquid slowly falls.

Han Yuan raised his head and swallowed the next drop of Wisteria Wood Heart Liquid.

He resealed the jade bottle, and then began to refine the Mu Xin Liquid he swallowed.

A large amount of cool breath spreads from the belly to the whole body.

Han Yuan carefully sensed the situation inside his body.

He was curious, what exactly was the so-called spiritual root?

Spiritual roots are the most important thing in the early stage of cultivation. Without spiritual roots, even spiritual energy cannot be absorbed.

And since spiritual roots can detect it, the monks themselves should also be able to sense it.

Han Yuan followed these purple-green energies and saw them rushing towards the vertebrae!

Ran into the bones!

Han Yuan was shocked!

His spiritual consciousness followed, but he only saw the purple-green energy disappearing inexplicably, and he couldn't see anything at all!

At this time, his wood spirit heart beat slightly.

In the dark, Han Yuan seemed to have entered a special artistic conception. Where there was nothing in his spiritual consciousness, a green luminous body suddenly appeared, embedded in the center of the spine, and appeared one by one. shape.

He saw that there were ten small sections at the bottom, forming a complete large section, but on the second large section, there were only three small sections of green luminous body!

Spiritual roots!

Is this actually the spiritual root?

Han Yuan clearly saw that the purple-green energy falling into the fourth section of the second section was accelerating the growth of the spiritual roots in this section!

"The spiritual root actually looks like this... If one large section is a low-grade spiritual root, then two large sections are a middle-grade spiritual root! And my spiritual root only has one large and three small sections, and the middle-grade spiritual root can only be considered a low-grade spiritual root. "

Han Yuan was also very excited to see the condition of his spiritual roots so intuitively.

Under his gaze, purple-green energy filled the fourth section to a full... one-tenth!

"It's a bit less! This is the most effective effect of the first drop. It is estimated that if you drink a hundred drops normally, it will fill up the fourth section at most. Even so, it is worth more than one million spiritual stones, and there is no market price. "

Han Yuan felt that this kind of treasure was best used by geniuses who were just a short step away from being promoted to a higher level. After taking it, they would have a chance to reach higher levels.

But obviously Han Yuan is much more important to Ancestor Ziyun than a top-grade or even top-grade spiritual root!

"But I have a golden finger, and the effect it exerts is extraordinary!"

Han Yuan opened his eyes at this time and looked forward.

Sure enough, a dice was spinning.

The moment he glanced over, the dice stopped spinning.


As soon as the number seven appeared, the dice disappeared and were replaced by a few lines of explanatory text.

[Random gain multiplier: 7]

[The effect of Wisteria Wood Heart Liquid is increased by *700%]

The purple-green energy that had been consumed appeared out of thin air in the Dantian, and the amount was much greater than before!

The purple-green energy slowly poured into his wood spirit roots as before.

The wood spirit roots are growing at an extremely fast speed.

Han Yuan looked at this scene in surprise.

When the purple-green energy disappeared, eight-tenths of the fourth section of the second section of Muling Root was filled!

This is the charm of seven times the efficiency!

So scary!

Han Yuan had to sigh again at the power of Golden Finger.

This method of increasing energy out of thin air is simply unbelievable!

Han Yuan carefully sensed the wood spiritual energy around him, and it was indeed easier to sense than before. He even felt that the difficulty of controlling the wood spiritual energy had dropped a bit.

Spiritual root is undoubtedly the most important qualification in the early stage of a monk. For high-grade spiritual root disciples, joining the sect directly means being treated as an inner sect disciple. Entering the sect with top-grade spiritual roots means being treated as a core disciple. Han Yuan's middle-grade spiritual root also has benefits, and he directly has the outer sect's treatment. Disciple treatment.

With high-grade spiritual roots, there is a hope that one can break through to the Golden Elixir, and with top-grade spiritual roots, there is a hope that one can break through to the Nascent Soul! And above the Nascent Soul, we don’t just look at the spiritual roots, but it is enough to illustrate the importance of the spiritual roots!

Han Yuan no longer hesitated, took out the jade bottle again, and poured a drop of spiritual liquid into his mouth.

The second time I swallowed the Mu Xin Liquid, the dice immediately started spinning.

He also discovered that, generally speaking, for the same item, the dice will appear late for the first time, but will activate quickly the second time it is used.

[Random gain multiplier: 6]

Six times random gain multiplier!

Han Yuan quickly digested the extra Mu Xin Ye energy in his belly.

His wood spirit root began to rise again.

This time, Mu Xin Ye directly filled up the fourth quarter and began to attack the fifth quarter.

Time passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the tenth drop of Mu Xin Ye was swallowed.

In his surprised eyes, Mu Linggen successfully filled in all ten subsections of the second section!

The middle-grade spiritual root is perfect!

And there is a trace of energy that begins to grow in the first section of the third section!

Han Yuan's originally surprised look suddenly turned into a bit of shock: "Wait a minute, does the wood spirit root in the third section consume so much energy?"

The drop of wood heart liquid just consumed only a small part of the energy, and a large part should fill up five-tenths of the first subsection of the third section.

But now, it is only less than one-tenth full. If you look carefully, it is only one-twentieth!

Han Yuan suddenly said: "No wonder, no wonder such an amazing treasure is still ranked on the first level of the treasure house. It turns out that the effect on high-grade spiritual roots is so low! This is still with the blessing of random gain multipliers. It seems that before I’m overthinking it!”

Think about it, this kind of wood heart liquid is taken from a Wisteria Demon in the golden elixir stage. If it can have such a powerful effect on high-grade spiritual roots, it is estimated that the Wisteria Demon will be exterminated...

"But to me, it doesn't matter if it's weakened ten times. I just used ten drops!"

Han Yuan thought about it and found that even if the average randomness was ten times, it seemed that ninety drops would not be enough for him to fill the third quarter.

"I hope you have better luck! It will be great if you can explode a few high-magnification ones!"

Han Yuan was still a little stressed.

But he didn't panic too much, because with so many ninety drops, there was always a chance to get a large multiplier. He had already experimented with the effect of the spirit gathering array before, and every time he tried it about fifty times, there would be one. Great magnification!

Sure enough, when he swallowed the forty-eighth drop of Wisteria Wood Spiritual Liquid, a huge digital prompt appeared in front of him.

[Random gain multiplier: 24]

[Wisteria wood spirit liquid effect*24]

The effect is increased by 24 times!

Originally, the fifth section was only one-third full, but it suddenly reached the point where the fifth section was almost full!

This increased value is more than 60 times the normal value. Obviously, the 24-fold improvement effect is not simply the superposition of quantity, and the quality must also have improved a lot.

And the more times you take it, the more times you will see large magnifications, with magnifications of 13 and 15 often appearing!

Han Yuan silently took the purple vine spirit liquid.

Until he swallowed the 99th drop of Wisteria Wood Heart Liquid.

An astonishing number appeared in front of us.

[Random gain multiplier: 32]

32 times is the maximum magnification that Han Yuan has seen for the first time.

Originally, he had reached nine-tenths of the tenth section. After swallowing this drop of Mu Xin Ye, he quickly reached perfection and powerfully occupied part of the first section of the fourth section!

At this moment, his wood spiritual root transformed again, from a high-grade spiritual root to a top-grade spiritual root!

He swallowed the last drop of Mu Xin Ye, only to find that the 10x Mu Xin Ye was completely ineffective and had no effect on the spiritual roots in the first section of the fourth quarter.

Han Yuan was a little lucky. It seemed that he could really break into the ranks of top-grade spiritual roots by relying on the 32-fold random gain effect. Otherwise, he would only be able to reach the perfection of high-grade spiritual roots, but would not be able to surpass them by even half a step!

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