Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 84 Gradually Enriched Combat Skills

Han Yuan naturally guessed the thoughts of these core disciples, and defeated him while he was still up, so that he would have bragging rights when he went out in the future.

Han Yuan naturally didn't care about this. If he attacked with all his strength, few of the foundation-building elders present would be his opponents.

Originally, he came here just for a formality.

Of course, if these people really wanted to fight with him when they had nothing to do, and wanted to ride him to the top, he would not be used to it. After all, he was also the acting peak master and a true disciple, so he still wanted to save face.

Anyway, defeating these people will at most reveal his invincible strength in the Qi Refining Realm. If any enemy regards this strength as his true level, tsk tsk.

Han Yuan waited quietly.

Suddenly, he felt a spiritual consciousness coming toward him and spinning around in his hand!


Han Yuan frowned and looked in a certain direction.

There was a disciple over there who turned his head away as if nothing happened and looked in another direction.

Han Yuan raised his eyebrows. Sure enough, someone was coming towards him, and they were quite courageous!

"Master?" Qin Feng noticed Han Yuan's expression.

"Who is that person over there?" Han Yuan pointed out the location of the disciple just now.

Qin Feng looked at it and immediately replied: "That person is Yu Baier. He has reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi refining. He is also a commoner, but he is not a core disciple yet. He originally had a chance to become a core disciple, but he failed in the election and was Liu Xinghe squeezed down, his strength is not weak, he has already reached the core disciple level."

Han Yuan smiled and nodded, thinking to himself: "It seems that you want to step on me, or are you not convinced by me?"

Sure enough, after a round of competition.

When it was his turn to end, that Yu Boer also ended up!

When the two men walked to the same ring, the disciples watching the battle started talking.

"Hiss, Senior Brother Yu actually won the Han Zhen Zhuan! What a blessing!"

"I heard that Han Zhenzhuan was only at the fourth level of Qi refining six months ago. Even if he reaches the seventh or eighth level of Qi refining now, he is definitely no match for Senior Brother Yu!"

"This is going to be fun. If a true disciple loses to an inner disciple, he will lose all his face!"

"How long has Han Zhenzhuan been practicing? It's normal to lose! He is already practicing very fast!"

"Hehe, that's true, but if Senior Brother Yu really defeats Peak Master Dai, he will have bragging rights for the rest of his life!"

"I'm really curious, what kind of strength does Han Zhenzhuan have? He can actually become a disciple of Zhenzhuan right after becoming an inner sect!"

Many disciples saw Han Yuan for the first time and were naturally very curious about Han Yuan's strength. When they had the opportunity to see Han Yuan's performance, they all looked over with wide eyes.

In the corner, Yue Daoyuan came to supervise in person and said to the two people who walked onto the ring: "Get ready, the competition will start in ten breaths!"

Yu Baier bowed his hands towards Yue Daoyuan, and then showed an apology to Han Yuan: "I'm sorry, on behalf of the peak master, I want to learn your methods, please don't take offense!"

Han Yuan smiled and said: "Since you want to see it, I will naturally go all out!"

When the time reaches the beginning.

Han Yuan was not polite and immediately activated a spell!

"Pu Ying Shenfa!"

His body immediately became erratic like a dandelion.

Yu Baier's expression condensed, and his original relaxed expression gradually became serious.

Yu Boer patted his waist, and a flying sword came out of its sheath, like a sharp arrow, shooting towards Han Yuan.

However, Han Yuan's speed suddenly increased a lot and he easily dodged the attack of the flying sword.

This is using the flying talent shared by Wangcai, and applying a little bit of it to Pu Ying's body skills to make his movements more erratic.

"How is this possible! How can you be so fast!" Yu Boer was shocked!

That's a flying sword!

The speed of flying swords is not something that a monk can easily dodge. They usually use attack to attack or use defensive means to block, but Han Yuan's dodge made him feel confused for a moment.

Not only him, but also the disciples watching the battle were shocked!

They have watched a lot of battles and already know that body skills or speed are extremely important in battles. With fast speed, you can attack when you advance, and you can escape when you retreat!

Han Yuan's explosive speed has probably reached the average level of the tenth level of Qi refining. Why is it not amazing?

Feijian crossed Han Yuan's position, and it would take a breath or two to turn around.

And it's too late to attack again!

Because at this time, Han Yuan, after avoiding the flying sword, came directly and accelerated again!

"Sword Step!"

This is a spell formed by combining swordsmanship and footwork.

It has a strong advantage in straight-line pursuit.

With the blessing of Han Yuan's sword's spiritual text and sword intention, the sword steps at the entry level were suddenly exerted to an almost perfect level of power. The speed soared instantly, and he could cross hundreds of meters in just one breath and get closer to Yu. Burr.

Yu Baier never expected that Han Yuan would be so fast!

At this time, he knew that the attack just now was sloppy. Now he couldn't avoid Han Yuan's attack by hiding, he could only block it!

He immediately activated the ring-shaped magic weapon on his finger, immediately put a layer of defensive light on his body, and then waved three talismans.

The talisman ignited without fire in mid-air, and then condensed into three fire snakes, twining towards Han Yuan from three directions.

"This is a fire-attribute spell, designed to defeat wood-attribute practitioners like you!" Yu Boer looked expectant.

Han Yuan raised his eyebrows, and there were also three fire snakes in his backhand!

This is the fire snake condensed by Han Yuan's fire control technique. It is more flexible and faster than the fire snake summoned by the opponent's talisman.

The fire snakes on both sides met in mid-air and began to fight naked, biting each other's bodies.

However, Han Yuan's control effect was naturally stronger than Yu Boer's, and the Fire Snake was soon defeated.

But more importantly, Han Yuan had already passed over the fighting fire snakes and came to Yu Boer's side to slash out with a sword!

The sword, with its sharp sword energy, struck at Yu Baier's shield. Just one slash made the shield tremble.

Before Yu Baier could take a few steps back, Han Yuan struck out with several swords in succession, easily breaking the shield!

The tip of the sword was pressed between Yu Baier's eyebrows.

Yu Baier's eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

"Han Yuan wins!" Yue Daoyuan made a timely judgment.

Han Yuan put away his sword, cupped his hand and said, "I accept it!"

At this time, Yu Boer's flying sword had not yet flown back. In two breaths, Yu Boer was defeated!

This scene shocked everyone, and the whole place was in an uproar.

"Is Han Zhenzhuan so strong?"

"I didn't even see what happened!"

"Han Zhen's transmission speed is too fast. He must have practiced some top-level speed skills. It's so fast!"

"That should be the sword step. I also practice it, but the sword step taught by Han Zhen feels a little different from mine..."

On the edge of the outfield.

Liu Xinghe and Yue Feifan happened to be standing together.

Yue Feifan commented: "Quick! So fast! Whether it's body skills, footwork or sword skills, they are all very fast!"

Liu Xinghe's pupils also shrank, and he said with an incredulous look on his face: "I didn't expect that he is already so strong! How long has it been? I thought that the talent gap between him and me was not big, but it turns out there is such a big difference, no wonder the Peak Master directly included him in the True Legend , I am indeed not as good as him, but he is still too young, I might be able to beat him this time!”

"Oh? How do you deal with it?" Yue Feifan asked with interest.

"Yu Boer was careless just now and threw all his weapons away, causing chaos. However, although Han Zhen's transmission speed is fast, his defense is not necessarily so strong, and the power of his swordsmanship is only at the peak level of Qi refining, not too much. Exaggeration, I have already refined a spiritual weapon, and I have a great chance of winning!" Liu Xinghe said firmly.

"Then I wish you success!" Yue Feifan smiled.

"Oh? Don't you give it a try?" Liu Xinghe said unexpectedly.

Yue Feifan laughed: "I didn't plan to fight him in the first place, otherwise eldest sister would tear me apart. Originally, I was here to stop you from fighting him, but now, I feel like I was wasting my time!"

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