Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 89 Quasi Talisman Master Han Yuan

For the three skills of alchemy, weapon refining, and talisman making, at the initial stage, you only need to follow the gourd's instructions. As the proficiency increases, the quality and level will naturally improve.

But at a high level, you will find that you will fall into a bottleneck.

In alchemy, there is a saying about elixir patterns. The more elixir patterns there are, the higher the quality of the elixir. The elixir patterns can be generated naturally. This is the pinnacle of the alchemist's skills. However, not every alchemist can naturally generate elixir patterns. This is It’s time to use the inscription pattern!

Alchemists who don't know how to imprint can still make alchemy, but it will be very difficult to enter. If they master the imprint, they can easily refine the best elixirs with alchemy patterns and become a master of alchemy!

There are restrictions when it comes to refining weapons. The more restrictions there are, the more powerful the magic weapon will be. There may be thousands of small restrictions inside a magic weapon, and they can be combined into one large restriction, which can burst out with unimaginable power.

Ordinary weapon refiners can make perfect through practice, and can imitate a magic weapon with multiple restrictions through blueprints. However, if you know it but don't know why, it will be useless without the blueprints, and you will not be able to become a master of weapon refinement at all. Therefore, you must master the restrictions, and prohibitions It is a part of the formation itself, and the combination prohibition requires a deep understanding of the formation to understand.

Talisman making is also called runes. In the early stage, you can draw a simple talisman just by following the trajectory of the talisman. Practice makes perfect, and you can even achieve a success rate of more than 90%, but they still don't know why. Drawing symbols.

In the later stages, the talisman maker will understand that every complete complex talisman is composed of small runes. Some of these runes are different, but some are very similar. The rules among them need to be Only those who master spiritual texts can understand!

Of course, in reality, formations, inscriptions and spiritual inscriptions are not simply used in one field. Spiritual inscriptions can be used to make talismans, as well as to refine weapons, even control beasts, etc.

Similarly, weapon refining can also use formation methods, inscriptions, spiritual inscriptions, etc. at the same time.

However, the three pairs of combinations, alchemy and inscriptions, weapon refining and formations, talisman making and spiritual inscriptions, have the most consistent relationship, and can basically be regarded as a combination of appearance and essence.

Han Yuan unexpectedly obtained eight spiritual enlightenments and reached the proficiency level, which is the spiritual enlightenment at the golden elixir level. At this time, he learned to refine the talismans, and the efficiency was naturally very high.

He came to his assigned room.

There is a set of tools for making talismans on the table, including a first-level (yellow level) high-grade talisman pen, talisman ink of various attributes, and a stack of blank talisman paper beside it, plus the complete collection of talismans in his hand. The preparation work is complete.

Han Yuan opened a page in the encyclopedia.

"The lower-grade yellow talisman, the Speed ​​Talisman, is a talisman that is attached to the feet and increases running speed. It can make a mortal become a master of flying over walls and flying over walls. Well, mortals should not use it. It will be bad if they hit the wall."

Han Yuan has never learned this spell, and he has no way to directly understand this spell through the traces on the Talisman Collection. However, he can refine it into a wind talisman as long as he draws the exact same trace according to the drawing method above.

Lowering his head to memorize the entire contents of the wind talisman, he picked up the pen, dipped it in the talisman ink, and then poured the spiritual power in his body into the talisman pen.

The effect of the talisman pen was immediately apparent, softening his spiritual power and making it easier to control. The accuracy of his spiritual power control was also slightly improved.

When the spiritual power reaches the hair of the pen tip, the stained rune ink also lights up brightly.

However, before he could start to draw the talisman.

A dice has appeared first.


Han Yuan was surprised that he actually activated a random double!

The dice spun rapidly and soon stopped.

A "3" appears on the front.

[Random gain multiplier: 3]

[Porcupine Talisman Pen Spiritual Power Amplification Effect*300%]

Han Yuan soon felt that after the spiritual power was input into the talisman pen, it became smoother and more comfortable, the transmission speed became faster, the control of the spiritual power became more convenient, and the accuracy also improved a lot.

This was an unexpected surprise. As a result, for him, the amplification effect of this talisman pen was equivalent to that of a second-level talisman pen, but the conditions for use remained unchanged.

Han Yuan held his breath and calmed down, raised the pen and pressed it down. According to the talisman's trajectory of the wind technique, the pen was moved like the wind. According to the talisman encyclopedia, sometimes the pen was heavy, sometimes light, sometimes gentle, sometimes sharp. In just three breaths, a stroke The slightly tortuous path of the talisman is completed.

When the tracks were connected end to end, the heaven and earth sensed that the tracks on the talisman paper glowed brightly from beginning to end, and actually absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on their own. After absorbing the spiritual energy, the light quickly dimmed, and the tracks turned into a talisman—— Wind Technique!

"It actually worked right the first time!"

Although Han Yuan had expected it, he still felt emotional after experiencing it personally.

This is a wind-attribute spell, and it is not within the scope of his understanding of spiritual texts, but his conditions are indeed very good. A mere low-grade yellow-level talisman is naturally within his reach.

Han Yuan casually cast a talisman encapsulation technique on the wind talisman, which was considered to have completely ended the production of this talisman.

The Talisman Encapsulation Technique is not necessary, but it has many advantages. It is convenient to use, can prevent others from prying into the secrets of the Talisman, and can also add personal marks.

Talismans are not as easy to identify as good or bad like elixirs and magic weapons, and they are also disposable items. At this time, a special mark is needed to facilitate buyers' selection.

Generally, when a talisman is used, it is a life-or-death battle. If the talisman is found to be rubbish, there may not even be a chance for negative reviews. Therefore, monks are very cautious when purchasing talismans, and only those with famous packaging logos will be purchased.

Otherwise, even if it is sold in a big store, you will still feel guilty.

Han Yuan didn't think much about it. He used the talisman encapsulation technique in the "Encyclopedia of Earthly Talisman Talismans" to encapsulate it, and drew the appearance of an apricot tree. He practiced on the big apricot tree for two years and used the memory of a monk to Here, I have already memorized every detail, and now I draw it casually, making it look lifelike.

He dipped the ink on the talisman again, and waved his hand to create two wind talismans. The production time was reduced from three breaths to two breaths, and the last breath was completed in one wave.

Only then did he put the three talismans aside with satisfaction, then picked up the talismans and looked through the method of making the next talisman.

He knew the importance of the basics, so he decided to make all the first-level (yellow-level) low-level talismans first.

The number of types of these talismans was more than he imagined, there were more than 10,000 types!

It is worthy of being the sect's talisman encyclopedia, which basically covers most of the lower-grade yellow-level spells, as well as all kinds of side spells.

Han Yuan also refused to accept anyone who came, and he had nothing to do anyway.

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