Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1106: Outsider (21)

Li Suman also picked up her coffee, as if silently clinking glasses, celebrating that another person had joined in, and drank it herself.

Soon afterwards, seeing that the time was almost the same, Li Suman stood up and paid the two of them, and picked up the clothes on the table and chairs: "Is there anything I need to provide?"

"Weapons, these things, you should always prepare them for me. Do you want me to take the ones I bought from the dark world to deal with these people? They are the leaders of a party, and there are more than 100 people around. "Pulman looked a little helpless, he stood up to help Li Suman clean up, "I have to be busy gathering my own people these days, I don't know how many can be used to make up the number. During this period, you let people put them together. Things are delivered here.” With that, Pullman tore off the paper, wrote down the address and handed it to Li Suman, “It’s better to have forty people and have more bullets.”

In the evening, Li Suman returned to the hotel with the newly bought clothes. The adjutants and subordinates with them didn't seem to go out, all of them stuffed in the room sorting out and analyzing the next mission information.


Sitting in the car, Cassia told the driver the name of the destination he was going to, and leaned on the soft seat. Outside the window is a construction site-like place that was cut off due to funding problems. Some houses were completely abandoned after only half of their construction. Although there was a fence outside, it didn't work, and a large skeleton was driven out. These buildings are now the residence of a large group of homeless people.

This was already the sixteenth position. After walking down at a leisurely pace, Cassia still failed to find an air defense base. But relying on money, Cassia got some news from the group of wanderers.

A group of people who like to wander around, sometimes they can still see some unusual things. Some people say that there was a major cleaning of the surrounding area. The vagrants he knew better were killed in that purge. According to the description, Cassia immediately drew a brief map on the ground. Based on the points pointed out by the wanderers, it was judged that the twenty-first position should be the place where the wanderers said.

There was still an hour or two until 6 pm, so after leaving the construction site, Cassia called a limo to go here.

All sixteen locations were empty, which caused Cassia to re-examine whether there were any key factors that were missed in the original judgment. Turning his head around, Cassia got nothing. "Speaking of it, I still don't know much about these things." He thought, if it only refers to personal infiltration and hiding, Cassia might have a great say. But this kind of base involving the strategic position of war, according to the theory written in the book, has only a few reference functions in actual situations.

After an hour and a half, Cassia paid the money, got out of the car and walked on the avenue with good green belts. This is a newly built road, very wide, about 50 meters. It was supposed to be a road through the entire Kingdom of Chil, but the construction was broken at that time due to internal war.

It is a large-size road for the transportation of large parts. There are not many vehicles at this moment. You can already see the end of one end full of weeds in front of you. The fifty-meter-wide road is reduced to less than one or twenty meters wide, and then it turned an angle and was led to another. direction.

There are more than 20 factories sparsely located around, all of which do parts processing. Business is sluggish. Through the iron fence, you can see that the interiors of some factories have been evacuated long ago and have become places for parking trucks. Some unused raw materials were placed next to the factory building, and a layer of dark yellow moss climbed on the rust. The surrounding ground was also a mixture of rust and soil. Some vigorous and tough plants took root on it.

The sound wave detection hits the surroundings over and over again in the form of regular pulses. Below the ground is the place that Cassia focuses on. The feedback image shows all scenes within a radius of three kilometers in Cassia's head. His speed is about the same as that of ordinary people walking, and he walks step by step.

When it stopped, the afterglow of the sun dragged Cassia's shadow very long. Looking around, his eyes finally fixed on the factory beside him. The processing of precision parts is one of several factories on this street that is still alive. It occupies a large area and it is now off work time, but there are no staff members outside the factory. The only ones are the security guards patrolling in a convertible.

They looked very similar, but under the sound wave pulse, the alloy blocks embedded in their bodies clearly appeared in Cassia's eyes. Pretending to be passing by, the sound waves also concentrated on the floor of the factory building. Things there changed from blurring to clear. When the sky dimmed and the street lights around were lonely, Cassia had already hidden in the inventory area inside the factory.

With reworked parts, Cassia even saw specific customer names on some lists. But this only shows that the rebel forces have done a very good job of camouflaging the air defense base. Inside the plant, Cassia found the detection instruments used to monitor the air field, and several elevators connected to the underground buildings were also located.

Acoustic detection followed the movement of Cassia, making everything in the surroundings concrete little by little. Three hours later, Cassia completed the entire map of this place in his head without being noticed.

After confirming that this was the air defense base, Cassia was relieved. He called up the map in his head to concretize the location. But did not leave immediately, Cassia chose to stay. Because at eight o'clock in the evening, he happened to meet a "security guard" handover. In the crowd, there were two or three people that caught Cassia's attention. That should be the manpower sent by the rebel forces to ensure safety here.

Cassia wanted to do his best in the exploration work, so he stayed here until the next morning. During the period, Cassia found out the number of armed personnel here, and their approximate strength also had a preliminary estimate. As for the specific location of the launch platform for those anti-aircraft weapons, it is no longer a secret in Cassia's head.

"It’s almost time. Tonight is the fastest time for the King’s reinforcements to reach Hesley." Looking at the illuminated factory building in the night, Cassia said to herself, "I hope Waters’ Work can remind the king of something."

But the premise of these reminders is that the reinforcements of the king's forces are a group of strong Otherwise, facing the imperial surgeons on the side of the rebel forces, Cassia cannot make a reasonable judgment at present.

He knew that he and Hesley would definitely help them secretly, that was for sure. But what Cassia hopes is that when he does it himself, the king's side and the rebel forces have already begun to fight. Only in that way can one hide oneself against the curtain of war, without letting more notice of oneself, and without arousing the vigilance of the rebel forces.

Otherwise, when these people are all killed by themselves, the king's forces will not do anything. The consequences will not only cause a high degree of vigilance on the side of the rebel forces, but also the possibility that the imperial surgeon will report the situation. At that time, not only will it attract more powerful enemies, it will also attract more imperial surgeons, which is very detrimental to the king's side.

"End the war within a month, without giving the rebel forces a chance to breathe." This is the ideal state of Cassia's heart. And within this month, he started to help the king's forces, remove some obstacles that are difficult to handle, and make the victory more smooth.

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