Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1316: Unexpectedly simple process (part 1)

Winifre remained silent, and Cassia sighed: "You know that the other party not only wants to get the information, but also hopes that all the people who knew it at the time will die and disappear. You are nothing in their eyes, the important thing is forever It's all those materials. You know it clearly in your heart, Winifre, don't be disrupted by Miss April's news."

"As long as the information is still in your hands, and only you know it, then we and the other party will still maintain a balance. It's just because Miss April has lost the initiative. But if you take it back, things will be fine. Too much. And I hope you are clear, Mr. Winifre. When the information is not in their hands, do something extraordinary, they definitely won't. I believe the other party has a brain, and this kind of offending people will not happen. Among their many options.

"What do I need to do." Winifre spoke, and the power in his body seemed to have leaked out with the words, "I am willing to cooperate with you, but I understand each other. They are never normal people. The people sent to chase me are even more No. I will definitely try my best to get me to voluntarily hand over the information. As for April, I admit that they have found the right weakness. I can't help it."

"I can understand, but I have to endure it until I get some clues. I haven't figured out a specific method yet, but there is one thing I need Mr. Winifre to help me realize immediately." Cassia said half comforted, half thinking, " A detection device with a little technical content. You should understand that you can let the other party see these small machines, and then they can subconsciously react-oh, this is a detection machine made by Winifre. This effect needs to be achieved. In Waterspie Before the investigators who went out had no clear clues, the delivery location mentioned in the information was the most worthwhile point to follow."

Feeling the worry and hesitation of Winifred, Cassia continued: "Mr. Winifre, there is still a week left. After this, if there is still no way, I will not prevent you from exchanging data with Miss April. This week , I hope you can stay quiet, or follow our arrangements and help us."


"Mr. Stella, things are done already?"

Hearing this voice, Stella spoke to the newsletter. After the next chat, she turned her head and looked behind her. The man of ordinary build drank a hot hot drink, and his gaze returned to Stella's face after turning around the communicator.

"It's been two days. No matter how slow the other party’s intelligence personnel are, they still haven’t got any information. It’s just that the response is really slow. In addition to showing that the information has indeed disrupted the other’s plan, it may also indicate that the other party is very stable. There was no panic because of April's affairs." Stella replied, yawning, he hadn't rested much in the past two days. As the person in charge of the family's pursuit of Winifre in a small country, collecting and summarizing information, it took him a lot of time to connect with the support team in the past two days.

The original plan was to add people from his own family, totaling less than thirty. But when the other party arrived in Qi'er Kingdom and saw the 60 or so people in front of him, nearly half of the number of members made his original plan of residence and arrangements all messed up. After contacting the family, I learned that the upper family had temporarily changed their minds when they set off, and this information had never been intended to be communicated to Stella.

"Mr. Gilbert, do you remember what we said when we first met three days ago?" After answering, Stella immediately changed the subject. He thought it was a good time to talk to Gilbert, the captain of the upper family team.

"Take care of your subordinates, especially those who came with the team to visit. I know, and I know it." Gilbert replied, but didn't care much, "Mr. Stella, you know my binding force on them. Not big, the relationship within the family. It can only be reminded."

Stella did not answer positively: "At least about April, I don't think this can happen anyway. In addition, this is a country called the Kingdom of Chil, not a common country in the distant sea. The domestic one is here. It may not work, Mr. Gilbert, this is an important experience I have gained after living in a small country for a few years."

"Then, thank you for your reminder." Gilbert nodded, "We can do our own things separately." It seems to be clear of relationship, but it is to remind Stella not to interfere with their internal affairs.

Feeling helpless, Stella stopped talking, turned her head and seemed to take a breath, then turned around and took the communicator back to her room. But more than an hour later, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Stella came out of the room, Gilbert's speed almost synchronized with it. The two looked at each other and went straight downstairs together.

Half an hour later, on a road, two limousine cars that were driving opposite each other stopped on the side of the road for a few seconds and then drove in different directions.

"Venifer made things." In the limousine, Stella was sitting in the co-pilot, and another person who had just gotten into the car behind Gilbert was in the back. They held a bunch of broken machines in their hands, and a few spiral fans showed that it was a simple flying machine. There is also a well-preserved camera, the film has been taken out, and a storage card is also packed in the bag.

"On the matter an hour ago, according to Mr. Stella's order, we rotated personnel to investigate in the vicinity of the predetermined location every half an hour. This machine is said to have appeared in the corners of some buildings since the morning, but it had not yet caused doubt."

"The signal generator and the transmission components of the radio signal have been destroyed?" Gilbert asked at this time, taking a closer look at what he was holding.

"The technician on Mr. Stella's side immediately checked and processed it generator and the original delivery are here." A bag was taken out, and Gilbert was handy. I took it, opened it and looked at it, but it was a square thing the size of two thumbs.

"The energy is not connected, and the core is destroyed, so don't worry that the other party will track us down. On the way, the communication technicians also checked these things." The member continued to explain, because he saw Gilbert The face is not very good.

"Mr. Gilbert, don't think about catching the traces of Winifre by tracking these machines. I will definitely use the intermediate information exchange. I have dealt with him more than once in the past few years. I am very careful. Besides, these Gadgets in Winifre’s eyes are all used up and scrapped. It is said that the machine appeared here, but it may be hundreds of kilometers away from the machine. He is an excellent machine in the dark world. Division, before was the main designer of information interaction on kinetic armor."

"I will increase the search personnel in and around the city. Now that these things have appeared, then April's position in Winifred's heart can also be determined at this time."

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