Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1363: Ending, walking away and screening (middle)

   The systematic approach is more useful than Cassia's own exploration. The guidance materials describe each process in great detail, and what should be paid attention to at each stage and how to do it are also introduced. Follow the above process, even if some processes have been completed and Cassia has reached another higher level, there are many places that have not been paid attention to.

It’s like filling in a little bit of his own deficiencies. It has been less than one and a half weeks since getting the materials and potions. Cassia has completed most of the process on the guidance materials. The rest will take some time to slowly change and can be quickly resolved. None of these caused any hindrance to Cassia.

   The effect of the experiment during the patrol is more obvious. There is a cavity dedicated to practice provided by Professor Mosir in the laboratory base. Regarding the use of sound waves, Cassia can clearly feel the improvement.

   Recently, Cassia has also emptied his head, not thinking about other things, and devoted all of his energy to the development of the throat surgery project. By assisting in the long-term practice during the experiment, Cassia's effect when controlling high-frequency sound waves was able to reach his expectations extremely quickly.

   High-frequency sound beam with a diameter of ten centimeters. Although Cassia saw that there is still a lot of room for improvement on this basis, he wanted to maximize the energy contained before solving this problem. The opportunity to stay in the laboratory base is very difficult. Through the relationship with Professor Mosier, Cassia has almost out of thin air a few more professor-level teachers in the direction of sonic waves, and can also get a lot of information that is impossible outside, so some Only after the things that have been done here are done, will they consider other things.

   After all, Cassia understands that it has been almost a month and a half since he came to the warehouse, and soon he will end this mission. Ask Adolf to help extend the time here. Cassia has carefully considered this matter. However, the benefits of the laboratory base will eventually decline rapidly after a period of time. This is not the military school period, and I don't want to survive as long as I go out. There are bound to be more and more things to consider over time.

The life in the task suddenly becomes a set process. Patrol, study, training, assist in experimentation, thinking, ..., Cassia cycle this process every day. It can not be said to be pleasant, but there is definitely a sense of relaxation. From the past. After the assisting experiment is completed, Professor Mosier, Bennett and others will rest in the cavity for a while and talk about things that have nothing to do with the laboratory base.

  Which laboratory base of the organization started the research and development of a new project problem, where did it get new progress, and how long will it take to organize and review the internal technical information, etc.? It is all information that has nothing to do with him, but Cassia can really feel the gap between his power and the huge structure of his organization.

  Naturally, it is not just a high wall that cannot be crossed. At least, Cassia can find the route he should take more accurately in the gap.

   "Perhaps I can only go to the ultimate position of power like Nuoer." The formation of the power is to facilitate some things later and reduce the burden on myself. Cassia became more aware that if she wanted to help Nuoer, or simply for something she wanted to protect, there was only one route she could choose, and there was only such a route.


   A large number of low buildings gather on the edge of a small city. Because the New Year has not been long since, it has not yet returned to its original liveliness, and it has a rather deserted taste. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there are definitely not many pedestrians passing by on the street.

   An ordinary limousine car followed the road and turned a lot of bends on the street before reaching a clean road. Driving forward less than a hundred meters away, the limo stopped in front of an iron gate. The iron gate is surrounded by a wooden fence covered with green-yellow moss. A large group of thorny vines of rose plants are bare, entwined to form a natural protection. However, through some of the exposed gaps, one could see a piece of evergreen grass in front of the house, as well as a piece of rough stone slabs embedded in the ground to form a unique road.

   "There is no protection, it seems to be just a temporary residence." The man in the driver's seat was holding the steering wheel, and he had already observed it carefully when he approached, from all aspects.

"Inevitably, without Li Suman in the middle to help us connect with it, a lot of information has been exposed between our two parties. It is just an ordinary cooperative relationship, whether there is a next step or a problem, these have to be considered." In the limousine, during the long journey, it seems that there are only two people who don't have time to say a few words, and other people occasionally add one.

   While talking, the iron door opened, the ceremonial car turned his head and drove in, stopped in the small carport already prepared by the house, and a group of five people walked out of it.

   "The long journey is finally over." The sighed voice, "I haven't stayed in the car for a long time. I can't adapt to it after a long time."

   "I'm afraid there will be more things that I can't adapt to later. I reminded that this is not a good job."

"After all, if the news goes out, it is probably that the few of us have broken the first restriction for this special period. But it is quite exciting to think about it. I have not participated in this kind of task for such a long time. I can collect some data and analyze it. After making a model, it may play some role."

   "Miss Li Suman hasn't come?" A pleasant voice sounded from the side at the right time.

"I have led the team and set off. I have to stay there for about half a year and I can't take off." McGerry replied, observing the tall woman who came and stood in front of him, and nodded with a smile to show politeness." Miss Admiral?"

   Admiral nodded, "Go to the lobby first."

   The lobby is not very spacious, and the space reveals a sense of compactness. Several people sat down at the round table in the middle, and then Edmila spread the small cups on the table. The glass is light red liquid, like high-end red wine, but it exudes a clear fragrance. "It's a peculiar thing here, a kind of plant that grows on the rocks, soaked with its flowers."

   "It doesn't taste much, but the wine is better." The man beside McGerry said.

"Indeed, Mr. Soroat, compared to alcohol, it really has no taste." Edmila sat down with a smile, but Soroat looked at him with surprise, "It looks like yours The intelligence system is much higher than I guessed when I came here. Um,,, do you have a news connection with a certain force in the empire? I think about it, the people who know me, except the people in the company, seem to be brutal A lot." In a completely meaningless sentence, Soroat didn't know whether he wanted to praise himself, or to bring some vitality to the less lively atmosphere in the hall.

"After all, it is not easy to survive in this crack." Admiral replied, "Kingsley is coming here. It will take a few minutes. But the discussion can start now, as we all know. data."

"Then start with what we care about most." McGerry continued, "As for the "green tree" in your mouth, Miss Admiral, in the information that you sent over, from when he joined your power to become One of the senior staff, during the decades, there were several doubts. I think we have to analyze it carefully for some time."


   came here for a little more than two months, and Cassia returned from a patrol today, only to realize that the temperature had already warmed up unknowingly. Thinking about the time, the season has officially entered spring. Although there are still more winter flavors around, the continuous sunny days also show something.

   Recently, the number of visits to the laboratory base has decreased. But Professor Mosier said not long ago that this is the nature of the experiment. The organization doesn't care what method you use. As long as the results are verified and proved to be useful, the rest is to write an application for machinery and equipment, plus the display of the test results. As for how the organization thinks of ways to get the corresponding machines, it is not within their consideration. Because at the beginning, the organization never thought of finding a machine to experiment, or finding someone like Cassia who could use sound waves to help.

"It's not that difficult, because the testing machine shows that the power requirements for high-frequency sound waves are not high, and what is needed is long-term stability." But Professor Mosier seemed very confident about this, and Cassia had no reason after hearing this sentence. Feeling relaxed.

   More time is allocated to theoretical study, and there is not much time left before I am a warehouse protection and management staff. Whether I have information or answering questions, the next ten days will be the last chance. Cassia did not know whether his connection with the laboratory base would still exist after the mission was over. The only thing he could be sure of was that he used the group of old professors in the military school as a comparison to simulate himself and Professor Komosir. The situation between.

   Maybe at some point, I will come back here to find Professor Ke Mosier and ask for some help. "It should be a long time later." Cassia thought. Although it has been said that the uranium bomb is still far away from him, at a certain time in the future, when he has the strength to master this kind of thing, the organization may be here. The only feasible way I thought of.

   While thinking, Cassia once again remembered "destiny". Uranium gold, a special structure formed unknowingly in one's own body, and an organization that knows theories and is studying. These things will meet together on the huge plate of the post-phase continent, which seems abnormal.

  Or, simply because you think too much? Cassia didn't know and stopped thinking about this issue.

   The work of collecting the upper and lower limits of high-frequency sound waves was completed a few days later, and it was then that Professor Mosier informed Cassia to assist in the trial officially ended. But it is still possible to come to the laboratory base. From Professor Ke Mosier's words, Cassia could hear some other meanings. It is probably because I am worried that the organization will not be too concerned about the machinery and equipment. When assisting in the experiment, I can often hear news about the laboratory base.

   The opening of laboratory bases in different regions is not very smooth. It is an urgent order and plan. So far, there are still many laboratory bases in many regions that have not yet entered the formal working stage.

   Most of the manpower is used on this, and many things that should be followed up with the laboratory operation are still in the planning stage. For a while, many laboratory bases were not so well, but Professor Mosier said that he knew the reason for this situation, so he had no complaints or other feelings in his heart.

   "It won’t be long before there will be a notice to call you back for help, but it’s not necessarily." Cheerful laughter, "However, I hope this kind of thing will not happen."

   One day three weeks later, Cassia finished his last patrol and returned to his residence. Number One was already waiting in the hall, looking at it with a document in his hand. On the 1st, I saw Cassia come back and handed over a copy, stating that he could return at his own time in the next three days.

   said thank you, watching the number one go back to her room, Cassia only went upstairs and opened the file. Simply a few pieces of printing paper, with a lot of dense text written on it, the meaning is the same as what Professor Mosir said for the first time, to be able to contact the laboratory base and know what some information means. It's just that the file in Cassia's hand had a little more at the end, and it was written by Professor Mosier himself from the handwriting.

   roughly means that the recommended document has been handed over to the Thank you for your help, allowing me to complete and successfully verify a long-term guess. In fact, Bennett and I, as well as other researchers in the laboratory, are working on the development of the throat, but the difficulty and time span are indeed a bit longer. Very lucky to meet you. The recommendation letter has been given to the organization. I don’t guarantee that it will play a big role, but I’m sure it can bring you some help. I look forward to seeing you on other occasions in the future. "

   There is no signature, but it is three lines of numbers, very neat. It is a one-line combination of radio communication frequencies. Cassia recognizes this format and requires a more fully functional communication device to connect and send.

   Compared with the recommendation letter, Cassia believes that this line of radio frequency is the best reward for Professor Mosier.

  Without the idea of ​​going to the laboratory base to say goodbye, Cassia returned to the room, sorted things out, and carefully erased all traces of herself here, and then quietly left in the evening as the second one.

   "It is indeed a leisurely task." On the way, Cassia muttered to herself in the dark while driving a car. At the same time, he understands the purpose and benefits of such a process-oriented task in the organization, "maybe you can learn from it and use it on your own power."

   On the way back, Cassia calculated the date, and then contacted Hessley, "Should the preparations be completed?"

"Roughly done, wait for you to come back and start the formal implementation of the plan. I think the process will be very wonderful." Hesley laughed when he thought of something. "To you and me, it looks like adults running into children. The way it goes in."



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