Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1501: Photos, advent and contradictions (below)

The man Satker looked at the person standing next to the lift after the cold fog dispersed. He squatted with his body, his hair was snow-white, but there was no wrinkle on that face, a youthful and healthy face full of vitality. A cane with a strong metal texture is in his hand. The lower end is very sharp, shaped like a spear, and the upper end is a twisted shape, like a human brain, the size of a fist, which is held by this man who does not know his age. live.

"Time will not disappear, it will record everything. What happened more than two decades ago has been in progress, in your heads, it is over. But in me, there is no suitable result." Satrik's face was full of smiles, and his slightly squinted eyes looked at the man with the cane, "Otto, fortunately you didn't participate in it. Otherwise, as an old friend, it would be really regrettable. "

"But for so many years, you have survived the last war and became a priest of Far Borders. You were recalled to Manoma a few years ago, and now you have finally entered the main brain system of the Holy Emperor Hall. This is considered to be your longest goal. Huh? I remember that there were five priests from the Far Frontier who came back, and in the end only you were qualified to come in." The protective door of the lift closed at this time and silently returned to the ground. Ilix was like an ornament at the moment, standing by silent. .

"Aren't you the same, Satrik." Otto sneered. "It's just that you can get a lot of benefits by joining Tovelest now. However, you should understand his situation." Asked to make a request, and invited Satker to walk and talk.

"Crazy girl Eleanor? Who doesn't know in the empire now, she will be taken the lead by your Holy Emperor Hall to solve it, and restore the balance that belongs to the major forces. If you don't believe you, I won't be here at this moment. "The echo of the conversation between the two gradually appeared in the corridor. Except for the metal floor underneath, the two sides of the passage are carefully excavated rocks. Some red copper pipes are attached to them, and they go to the end of different passages. "I thought I would welcome you today. Mine will be another person, I really didn't expect it to be you, Otto."

"You want to talk about Li Suman?" Otto responded, "Actually, Li Suman is indeed an excellent candidate. To be honest, she is a little stronger than me at the peak of her age, and she has various abilities. There is indeed not much to fault. However, this is the so-called regret. Personality determines that the main brain system centered on the Fathers will not accept or absorb potential threats like her. Besides, young Probably the main reason. Li Suman still has a long life span, and she can't realize that period of life slowly moving towards the senescence stage. Only after experiencing it can she understand the tremendous physical and psychological pressure that death brings to people. "

"It is indeed a pity for me." Satrik said, the emotions in the words were complicated. "When I went to the tundra alone, it was like the best gift given to her by a god, but received a lot of care. ."

"Hey..." Otto's laughter was like the empty noise of the wind blowing into the dead bones in the dark, "Who would have thought that the unintentional act of the Holy Emperor's Hall at that time would bring out a person like her. The red star is coming. During the war, she massacred a large number of noble members within the empire, and the impact was indeed huge. But those who died did have various reasons for dying. It can be regarded as another unconstrained way to maintain normality in a huge range Order. The Holy Emperor's Hall helped her at that time because it took a fancy to the so-called'spiritual envoy' potential in her that would be recognized by many ordinary people."

"Strength is also one aspect."

"Of course, that was the case at that time. Now Li Suman's surgery has gone to the late stage of the fifth stage. Just like us, it has stopped at the final stage of assimilation and fusion, and has not been able to take a crucial step. In addition to age, and staying in the tundra all the year round, There is no specific information on the development of surgical ability, etc. She may need to consider more carefully where her strength range is. But it must be better than you and me. I think neither of us has any opinion on this." While they were talking, Otto and Satkerri had come to the end of the corridor, and a metal gate with a height of about thirty meters stood before them.

"No objection, I am still impressed by Lisuman's power in the tundra." Satkrri's words were absorbed by the heavy cold air floating under his feet, and the metal door slowly opened a gap that could allow two people to pass through.

Behind the metal door is a dark space, a spherical dome building, the only light source comes from the huge night pearl above the dome, emitting a pale blue bleak light. Directly opposite the metal door, there are eight exquisite stone chairs that only appear in history and symbolize royal power, arranged in an arc. Eight old people with crouched bodies and full of aging sit in the seats in turn on. Beside, nearly a dozen five-stage surgeons were standing quietly, looking at Satker and Otto who walked in, and Ilix who followed them with his head slightly lowered.

"Holy Father!" Satkrree saluted in the most standard posture, expressing his respectful greetings and blessings. "This time, in the name of Patriarch Tovelest, accept your invitation and come to discuss the zero number. The new technology on him, and the thing about that boy!"


Noroska and Chilman both had a few photos in their hands, which were delivered to them two hours ago. Hilary Riley sat across from the two of them, held up the photo, and compared it with the portrait on the wall.

"How do you look, the other party's'Kasiya' seems to be The actor we have been following is not the actor they temporarily found?" Noticed the dark smile on the photo. , Not only Hilary Li, but even Nonoska and the others at this moment are also suspicious.

"Wait for the experimental body exploration mentioned on the other side with peace of mind. It will take two days to catch up with the target. Whether we are guessing or skeptical here, there is no other effect except to upset ourselves." As if giving up. , Nonoska sighed.

"Instead of doubting the authenticity of the target, at present, our focus should be that these photos circulate in the hands of black market intelligence merchants one step ahead of us. For some time, the target has also grasped the focus of this incident and started Set out to create information confusion. In addition, we must carefully consider the purpose of actively releasing this information. In the future, there will be more and more contradictions. We will find a correct route from it, and we will continue to formulate and modify plans around goals. This is the point where we should lay down most of our energy." Chilman said, like a summary, "However, I think that collecting more information about the target before is the action that can give us a great help."

"Target Cassia, should this boy... or, in reality, what kind of person is he?"

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