Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1506: Joint action (in)

Most people choose to sit down in the nearest restaurant and have a few glasses of wine. The journey on the train is absolutely boring. Isha, who has some requirements for food, still hope that they can eat something tasteful. Cassia separated from them at the entrance of the restaurant. After going around the street, he found a small bookstore in the corner.

It mainly sells newspapers and impurities. There are not many books, and even fewer of the three major national languages, accounting for only a small part of them. Cassia picked a few books of interest, and several sonic pulses also roughly ascertained the location of other members around. Finding a quieter corner in the small space of the bookstore, Cassia finally contacted Hessley.

It has been several days since the departure from Larsa, and two full days have passed since the last photo was taken. There is indeed no suitable opportunity on the train. Only at this time can Cassia understand the current situation of Manoma.

Hesley's voice made Cassia feel nostalgic. I can only sit on the train, there is no fresh information in my head, endless dreams can never let anything go forward, and the feeling of turning in circles makes Cassia extremely uncomfortable. When he understood that the time on the train would eventually be wasted and there was no possibility of being used by him, Cassia could only calm his mood with a sigh.

The communication went smoothly. Cassia briefly contacted Hesley before leaving and told him what the situation would be in the next ten days. In the short contact time, Hesley briefly explained several recent events, focusing on the incident about McDonald that had only been spread not long ago.

"We seem to have been in contact with it, Commander." Perhaps it happened not long ago, and Hesley has not yet investigated it clearly. Some factories around Manoma used to have some, but recently, they were all sold out after Delya emptied the machines and production lines. It can be regarded as a single person fighting alone, and the several auxiliary members brought from the Tussini area are not well adapted to Manoma's complex intelligence network.

"Kill Kingdom’s mine base?" Hearing the familiar place names, Cassia could easily think of the scene when he was surrounded by a group of surgeons and a few experimental subjects that night. "Could it be that from then on, because of the existence of the experimental subjects, My traces have been exposed?"

"I have sent Delya to Manoma with a group of people from Tussini, and I will know the details of that time soon."

"Yes, be careful. Manoma is definitely not a good place right now. I don't think I need to go into the McDonald's matter. I remember that it ended with the deaths of several of his men. Those who died. It is deduced from the strength of the person that MacDonald can become a knight attendant. There is more than 90% chance that it is because of the zero number in the Astus family team at that time. Originally it was just a dispensable character. What needs to be concerned about is the changes caused by the exit of a knight attendant, especially the Imperial Council and the Knights of the Round Table. They will definitely show their attitude. Before the next contact, you need to prepare these information at all times. In addition, in addition to identifying the enemy's core characters The information on Ye Jielin’s allies, and the information on Ye Jielin’s allies, needs to be investigated in the black market. If you and Delya can get a way to contact them, it’s the best case.” Cassia simply said her request, no When it was too late to say anything, the communication was immediately cut off.

At this moment, the wrist was bent back, and when Cassia turned around, the communicator entered into the trouser pocket quietly.

"It's too boring on the train. It might be better to buy some books." Isha didn't know when she was standing behind her, and Cassia turned around and said.

"Oh,,, is it?" He looked at Cassia several times in a row like an invisible detection machine. I want to see that it’s impossible to see from Cassia that I’ve noticed a long time ago. Knowing that it will be the result, Isha also pretended to go around in the bookstore, but when she finally followed Cassia out, it was still a copy. The book was not bought either.

"I will lend it to you after reading it." I don't know if it is out of kindness or other reasons. On the way back to the train, Cassia motioned to the books in his hand and said to Isha who was not far away.

On the train half an hour earlier, Cassia put the book on the long narrow table in front of him. The other passengers went to their seats one after another. The flight attendant outside the carriage used a loud horn to remind the rest of the passengers to hurry up and get on the bus. General Adolf and Pullman had not yet appeared.

"While still in the restaurant, the two adults suddenly left. They said there was something. Let us leave first and they will catch up." In the sound of the train closing the air valve, the woman Nighthawk raised her head and pushed her glasses to explain Then, "They say, I don't think we have anything to worry about." After saying that, the head that lost its strength was buried in his bag before one of them, and Nighthawk once again entered the best leisure time by train. Mode.

The scenery outside the window began to move slowly, and layers of milky white steam emerged from the gap between the bottom of the car and the platform, and quickly accumulated a heavy layer on the ground. There was the sound of a siren in front, and with strength, the steam floating on the ground also raised a small wave, causing the sound to spread far away.

Familiar fricative sounds sounded in the ears, and the voices of other passengers became less and lesser and smaller over time. Until the end, except for Cassia and others, most people fell into sleep again and began the cycle of a long journey.

For some reason, Cassia's mood at this time seemed relaxed and happy because of Adolf and the others. Opening a book, Cassia found a comfortable position and opened it to look.

At the same time, two men who looked close to middle-aged were running along the rails on the track where the train was walking.

"Let's be careful. We have received uncertain news. The promoters behind the scenes are not internal forces in the empire, but most likely from other continents. Perhaps the other two giant countries will also send members to participate in this event."

"Hey..." General Pullman's answer didn't know how long it started, but it turned into a sigh. He was speechless and contacted Li Suman on the way, but the other party did not answer at all. Obviously knowing that this was intentional, because Li Suman was sure that she did not dare to leave halfway. But General Pullman also knew that he really had nothing to do with Li Suman, he couldn't escape or fight.

"What do you think of the situation just now?" Adolf came to General Pullman and asked, "The other party has a very wide range of perception, as if it has undergone a special surgery ability. When chasing it out, there is no trace of the enemy."

"It must be those people above who have released our location information, otherwise what do you think the photos taken two days ago are for? First draw out some enemies and encircle and clear them." Pullman said without thinking. During the war, deliberately allowing the enemy country to detect the traces of some teams, attracting the opponent into the encirclement, and carrying out a flanking attack is the most common method of combat It will not be better in the next few days. "Adolf also sighed like General Pullman.

"A few days in the future? Don't be too optimistic! All the time afterwards!" I didn't want to say this sentence to break Adolf's beautiful illusions. I just thought that I would worry about it all by myself, and the words came from my throat unconsciously. come out.

Sure enough, General Pullman felt a little more comfortable in his heart when he saw Adolf who was obviously startled and helpless. Although in the end it will still be uncomfortable to occupy the majority. Unhappy things will be much better if you say it. General Pullman suddenly understood this truth.


In a corner of the city, an empty alley was filled with all kinds of garbage, and the ground looked dark and damp. I don't know how long, in the shadow, a figure walked out of it and let out a long breath. He closed his eyes, as if feeling the changes in the surrounding environment. Two minutes later, he opened his eyes and took out the communicator.

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