Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1572: Fortune Man (middle)

   The slender sword body reflects cold light, printing an abnormally pale face. Retracting the cane sword into the grey wooden scabbard, he got up and walked to the door. Lyle went to the corner of the room to get the top hat and handed it to Ji. Then the two walked out of the house rented in the corner of the city, boarded an ordinary modified limo, and approached the border belt mountain range.

   Soon after, a big fire rose behind him. He looked at the rising flame from the rearview mirror, his throat moved slightly, like saying goodbye to what he had left there. At this moment, Lyle turned his head, looking at Hae from the corner of his gaze, and asked softly "Master?"

   shook his head in horror, smiled, signaled that there is nothing wrong, just concentrate on driving. They don't need to hide like Cassia. The calculated route and time are extremely lively on the road, and the traffic flow has increased a little compared to yesterday. They are bounty hunters from a small country here and mercenaries from afar. They will not be the target, but a very inconspicuous member.

   When he arrived at the city closest to the belt-shaped mountain, he asked about Lyle's current situation. What I get is only small pieces of information, and can't point to any specific and important things.

"The wildfires have been extinguished. As long as the people in the belt-shaped mountains think, there are too many ways to make no sparks float. The power of the surgeon is incomparable to ordinary people." Lyle finished the general information in general. After that, I mainly explained a few key pieces of information, and wildfire is one of them.

"The team from the small country has already been in contact with the empire, and the offensive has its own back and forth, and the casualties are still more serious on the small country. Facing a disciplined team of surgeons, the number, equipment and logistics are not the same level. There are also areas where personnel losses are particularly serious, and it has been found that some powerful members are leading the team. Among them, the area that you set by the young master not long ago and we will pass next is the area where the loss is particularly serious. one."

"In the secret communication information given by Miss Violet, she stated that it is an elite family member of one of the five prince families, and Mousse is in charge of the monitoring range. And Violet also gave the real-time information shared by them. Public information, there is information provided by Mousse, saying that the loss in his area came from the strong member of the Chila Andi family, and the number of losses was close to 1,000. However, no information about the other party was given. It seems that there is no Recognize each other."

After a little horror and contemplation, I followed Lyle’s words: "Mousse was not wrong. Mr. Cassia had changed his name to Cassia Kira Andi when he was in the military school, and he was called the Kira Andi family. Strong members are not wrong. But Mousse has never seen Mr. Cassia, and the information is based on the family and this time sharing. If Mr. Cassia is willing, Mousse cannot judge his identity from his physical characteristics and breath. ."

   "However, Mr. Cassia's behavior this time is very strange, and it does not match what I imagined. Other things should have happened in the middle, which led to a change of direction."

"Mr. Cassia's purpose is to cross the belt-shaped mountains and cause the death of a thousand members of Mousse, which is contrary to his purpose. Continue to follow and enter the mountains. We may get the answer from some traces." Take the call by yourself.

"Master, do you inform Mr. Atohuan to let the team wait after the area of ​​Mousse. You can also attack in a small area to reduce the pressure on Mr. Cassia. Mr. Atohuan is waiting for the latest order, everything Not doing it makes them feel very uncomfortable." Lyle took advantage of the opportunity to continue with another topic.

"Atohuan did not learn Miss Ye Jielin's initiative well, otherwise I would not accept the agreement to come here." He said softly, not caring about the current situation of Atohuan and the others, "you know, He is now putting enough pressure on the team in the banded mountains. If they act, it will reduce this invisible pressure by several levels. In addition, as Miss Ye Jielin who has the deepest contact with Mr. Cassia, the action of Ato Ring In addition to receiving my orders, the more important thing is the remote communication from Miss Ye Jielin. So, do you understand Lyle?"

   "Their movements represent to a certain extent what Miss Ye Jielin meant, and Miss Ye Jielin heralded Mr. Cassia?"

"Correct, although the enemy will conduct a comprehensive analysis of its movements, they remain inactive, which is the best choice now. Once they act, Ato Ring will either go to meet Mr. Cassia or act as a decoy. , To reduce the pressure. It’s too early to act now. I’m not sure where Mr. Cassia will leave the band in the end. But he will stay in the mountains for a few days, Violet and Oveli Miss Ya’s request to me has not yet been resolved. If Mr. Cassia leaves the field at this time, honestly, if the opponent is only Mevis and they are still a bit simpler. However, many information shows that Mevis is not a dull person. , ”

   Take a break in a corner of the newly arrived city, get out of the car and enjoy the cool night air. Lyle contacted the teams that had gathered at another place in the limousine, and that was the guarantee for them to enter the belt of mountains with them.

   Soon after, the limousine set off again. The shadows of the mountains outside the car windows gradually turned black like textures, overlapping one piece, and approaching as the road bumped gradually. The horror in the back seat looked at the shadow, and then turned to the stars in the sky, and the meniscus that continued to become smaller every day-a few days later, there would be a night without obvious moonlight.

   "I feel something beckoning to me, Lyle." Suddenly said, "Maybe Mr. Cassia left me something that he couldn't solve well."

Lyle was puzzled and couldn't answer the conversation at all. I don't know how to answer I probably thought of why the area where Mousse is located is one of the areas with serious losses. I have already seen it, but I have overlooked something. . "Hae almost muttered to himself, ignoring Lyle's feelings, "The Goddess of Luck finally took care of me. "There was a smile on his face, "Get the team ready, Lyle. "


   "Is this an inductive force field?" Spreading out his hands and fanning the air, Li Suman behind McGree was like a little bee, with air currents in his hands, as if he was curious about everything, everything was a problem. She looked at McGerry who didn’t say a word in front of her, and took a few steps in parallel with her, “It’s nothing, it’s not as magical as you told me in advance. I feel good, or I’m really strong. The artificial inductive force field can no longer affect me?"

   McGlyry didn't reply, and walked forward carefully, leaving Lisuman behind him a few steps.

"Is there still a statue here?" After only two or three breaths, Li Suman spoke softly behind McGlyn, "The first generation of knight king Grot Rom, and the second generation of knight king Kofferdai Nelson. How come there is no crazy girl in your head?"

   Gerrit stopped at this moment and turned to look at Li Suman. Li Suman immediately put away the satisfying smile that had always existed on her face and turned serious: "Captain McGerry, please give instructions!"

   McGree was speechless, Li Suman was just like she said, just wanting to come and see what the residence of the Knights of the Round Table looks like.

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