Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1702: Inductive detection and trace (middle)

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"The requirements for materials are very high, and the problem in this area was resolved today. When we contacted the past, the factory had already started production. Including the transportation time, it will be as early as tomorrow afternoon and the next morning at the latest, totaling 500. Corrosion-resistant small bottles can be handed over to us." Without a thoughtful answer, Lyle originally wanted to wait until he confirmed the factory delivery time before reporting the matter to the hacker.

"I will urge the factory. With the power of money, time may be compressed into the time period from noon to afternoon tomorrow." Lyle added, and the horrified question let him know the importance of these small bottles. The probability is that Cassia Need things.

"Then trouble you, these bottles need to go to Mr. Cassia's hands with the reinforcements. Naturally, the sooner the better." After speaking, he lowered his head and looked at the information on the desktop in front of him. Looking at Lyle again, "Ato Ring, Selmer, and the black market trade network originally established by Miss Ye Jielin are currently operating as planned. When you have time, you need to go to Ato Ring and Selmer in person. People, see if they are all proceeding according to plan. Weber Arms and Wireless Communications Corporation seem to have provided some technical and machine support for Ato Ring. You need to bring back some relevant information."

"Prepare for the future? Young Master Hack?" Lyerdo asked.

He didn't get angry because of this. Lyle's role by his side, in addition to the resolution of many trivial matters and the execution of the plan, is also one of the important roles in the decision of various issues. It can help you think better, and constantly reflect on whether the various decisions made are really reasonable.

"If you need relevant information, I believe Lyle, you have many ways to help me get a more detailed version. Now I need it for Mr. Cassia's consideration. He is in the deep forest, no accident, and will continue to act alone for a while. Time. For him who has contacted all types of enemy teams, he can make a qualified evaluation of those weapons-in the hands of Selmer and others, whether they really work. I need a very objective evaluation, not Judge according to the introduced information. I promised Mr. Cassia to help him reduce the casualties of Atohuan and others." The last sentence is the reason why he did this.

"Understood, Master Hae. At about ten o'clock in the evening, I can report to you what you need."

He continued to look at the collected information, and after he had all recorded it in his head, he sat on a chair made of stones and soil, closed his eyes, and fell into his own thinking.

The collection of information is mostly not complete, but the hacker knows that his advantage lies in being able to directly connect with Cassia, and he has obtained a lot of information that is impossible to go to the black market. After the death of Mayvis, Oville was also completely on Cassia's side. Regarding the team of Zero and the experimental body, as well as the special experimental body used for search, Hae also has a lot of information in his hand. To a certain extent, he knew that he was very similar to Ye Jielin, both of whom went back to seek the initiative. Even if it cannot, it will create necessary opportunities for the initiative.

But compared to Ye Jielin, he was more able to analyze the trend and situation of the incident, and would not put more benefits in order to grasp the initiative. The control is more refined, and you will notice the influence of various things, and then judge the magnitude of the fluctuation under the influence.

I opened my eyes again, almost two or three hours later. As for how to proceed with the next step, Ji made a decision in his mind.

"Mr. Cassia, you are not using as bait, you are completely wasting your value in this incident." The horrified voice became sharp, and a smile gradually formed on his face.


"The outside world is very good. I was asked to come out earlier, so it wouldn't be the case now."

"The patriarch wants you to go back." McOnnis listened to the complaint of Number Zero, his expression on his face could not be afraid of richness. Thinking that this was the result of only two years, the happy component in the expression was obviously reduced afterwards. In terms of research, McOnnis participated very little, but he was the nominal head in charge of the training for the zero. He is very aware of Zero's talent in combat, and he is willing to admit that it has reached the point of horror.

"If you have such a talent in adapting to the outside world, learning, and gradually becoming a normal surgeon..." The change from happiness to worry is just an instant. On the one hand, McOnnis was pleased to be able to see Zero at the Joint Base-so that Tovelest asked him to do a lot of sampling work without so much trouble; on the other hand, he used to monitor and observe nearby. Today, he had the opportunity and time to really come into contact with No.Zero, sitting together and talking, so that he could feel the tremendous changes in No.Zero's inner and mentality. UU reading

It is natural to think of Experimental Body No. 1, the third generation of Knight King Irene of the Empire. Maconnis believes that the number zero is moving in the direction of number one. Too much free stocking leads to no control at all in the end. With self-thinking, whether it is No. 1 or No. 0, they will naturally understand who is their biggest source of threat in the empire.

"Many technologies have been updated in recent times. After you return, the patriarch will help you improve your strength." McOnnis continued his own words, "Here in the forest, although you are in the combined team to block Cassia, you must be clear about your positioning. The main members are the five dragon knights of the Flame Alliance. Most of the time, you just need to be nearby as a cover. Don’t fight directly with Cassia. I’ve already read the message he released in the black market for you, even if you can only use it once. From the standpoint of biosensing, that opportunity to use was a threat to life for any of you."

"Is it because of the sense of position when I went back to the experimental base?" No.Zero asked, the expression on his face not very rich.

"This is only part of the reason." McOnly replied immediately, with a solemn voice, "The induction position requires guidance and practice. The experimental base has corresponding equipment. After you return, if the test data is qualified, you have a great chance to be in a short time. Master the abilities that you will gain when you enter the advanced stage of this surgery."

"After this is over, I will consider it carefully." Zero looks very cautious, "However, as for Cassia, I think even if the sensory position is excluded, after the five so-called dragon knights meet him, there will be no good way. The pressure they put on me is almost the same as the pressure that the dragons put on me during the assessment of the knight attendant. I don’t think this will be good news. You had better tell them, otherwise there is no psychological preparation. I think they Will die soon."

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