Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1790: The Watcher in the Dark (6)

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"I am more inclined to the sense of mystery and freshness. I suddenly know some secret information. Don't feel too comfortable when my curiosity is satisfied. Old men like us have very few things to attract us." Military Academy The principal of the seminary stands on the opposite side of the principal of the seminary. Although the words are gentle and reasonable, it sounds like a provocation in this environment.

"Isn't it?" The principal of the military school did not forget to ask a rhetorical question at the end, showing that he was harmless.

The president of the seminary immediately knew that this was probably a method of the two commanders of the imperial council. The headmaster of the military school does have precious information in his hands. In addition, relying on him to counter himself is part of it. Because this time I was invited by myself and counted as a guest. Naturally, the two chief executives as the masters will not, nor can they do this kind of thing. Therefore, it is natural to find another person. Among the few candidates, the principal of a military school is naturally the best choice.

"I heard that a heavy rain will come to the southern forests just recently. Before coming here, the contact I received stated that the air was abnormally humid, and the temperature continued to drop for a few days. It has already reached a few degrees. "The president of the seminary was very enthusiastic and didn't continue his topic, but turned to another current focus. "From a small country to the interior of the empire, to the southern forest, an event that almost affected all forces within the empire, finally ushered in an event. It's the end."

While speaking, the president of the seminary did not forget to observe the changes of the other three.

"First, there was a heavy snow, and the thickness of the falling snow was accumulated to a sufficient thickness, which is a hail weather in a short period of time. The hail must be at least the size of an adult's fist, but this is the weather in a local area, not everywhere. The so-called so-called so-called. The heavy rainstorm will come into the field at the end, and it will fall down with an aura of drowning everything. There are also strong winds and thunderstorms, and the temperature will probably remain around zero." The principal of the military school showed a thoughtful look on his face, recalling his past. "Sometimes it’s rain falling down with ice particles. In short, even if it’s not ended with a blizzard, or the temperature plummets to tens of degrees below zero, it lasts for a day or two, and then gradually returns to normal. When the temperature rises and there are a few more normal heavy rains, the southern forest will completely return to normal, and nothing has happened."

"It has a typical endless sea freezing climate, and is accompanied by the arrival of the inductive force field. After the increase of thunderstorms and lightning, even if it is not comparable to the artificial interference of the inductive force field, it will definitely affect the perception." Chief Wei continued, "Of course, we all know very well that if we want to create a typical endless sea freezing climate, except for the time when the red star is coming, then the location of the occurrence is the island community and the vast sea. And in In normal times, it is only the giant whales that can cause or trigger this kind of climate."

"Only they have the power to influence the weather within such a range." But it was the principal of the seminary, "That's why I said that the end of this time is finally coming."

"Whether it’s the Holy Royal Hall or the Alliance of the Church and the Nature Association, people from the other two giant countries will not talk about it. Perhaps when the weather has just begun, everyone just treats it as an ordinary heavy rainstorm. But. Now, if you can’t read some information from the weather, then these people can really accompany Otto, who has just died. The world tree in the southern forest also needs high-quality nourishment. Survive in another form." Another commander spoke, but did not finish. Like a solitaire, he gave the rest to the principal of the military school.

The old man closed the book, glanced around at the other three people, and sighed: "Kassia is a student of the military school. That's right. McGerry found the person on my side and gave me some benefits. He walked through the back door and squeezed. It’s not wrong to lose a place and just squeeze it into the Samsung Academy at the time. But all the benefits, none of them came to my hands, it’s a fact. And the fact that Cassia was squeezed in was not undergoing surgery. I woke up from a dream, and before it was transferred to Avalon, I didn’t know that it was a certain fact. So, when I knew that Cassia was in the military school, I later heard that he had a relationship with Avalon, and finally I was sure that it was all. It’s because of crazy girls and so on. In the process of knowing everything, I am actually exactly the same as you. There is no such thing as knowing more details."

After the old man finished speaking, he glanced at the other three people: "You all know other things. I don’t know what Cassia’s identity is, and what is the relationship with the crazy girl. Except for themselves, I don’t know anything about everyone else. It is a mystery. But there are some things, I can confirm to you. Cassia is not a genius, more like an unknown monster. It is only four years now, and he is already a three-stage surgeon, and It is enough to use the power of the bio-inductive stress field in advance. As for your guess, whether Cassia is the second crazy girl,,, at least, I think so. Because its growth trajectory is not similar to that of a crazy girl. , But it is generally consistent.” The old man put down the book and shrugged naturally, expressing his helplessness, and also explained to the other three people, don’t think about knowing what information from him, because he really doesn’t know. .

"The typical endless sea tundra climate must be the result of a giant whale using power in the endless sea, relying on the sea breeze, and deliberately. UU reading" After a short silence, a chief executive continued the topic just now. "It seems that the giant whale is not far away from the Postphase Continent, and it is thought that the crazy girl goes to the endless sea to trade with the giant whale, so it is natural that the weather is coming from, without saying clearly."

"Time is running out, it's up to the Holy Emperor Hall itself to grasp it, and also test their own determination. Once the mad girl returns, everything that should be stopped will have to be silent."

"I don't know its specific purpose. It consumes so much energy, but it makes people can't see what they want to do."

"At least the Sovereign State and the Natural Association Alliance are involved, which is enough to show that they are planning something. It's just that we don't have extra information, and it's not clear for the time being. It's a normal thing. By the way, because of six. The red star is coming, I really want to know what your attitude towards crazy girls is like now?"

"What else is it like? The Postphase Continent is destined to become a battlefield, without the power of the Knight King class, and it is foreseeable to be submerged in the torrent of historical nodes. Furthermore, either everyone will not give up, and they will all be in the'great god'. Declared, "The power of the uranium bomb will turn into light." The principal of the military school is very free and easy, and sees it openly.

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